Below are the upcoming features and improvements.
- Better typing in decorated form data
- Cleanup, replace all
types - Allow users to handle 404s
- multiple links in one PR
- Fix unwrapDynamic, formContext types
- Have a seperate docs folder, generate docs?
- use "nocode" somewhere
- Add a note about enabled delete branches
- update need to "Request user authorization (OAuth) during installation" (we dont)
- don't need to opt-out of refresh user access token
- Check TODOs, Convert TODOs into issues in repo
- Poll Tweets
- Thread Tweets
- Disable Quote, Meida, tweet.
- (Pending vercel blob) Addition of generic uploads; media, animation, GIFs, video via LFS?
- merge trigger actions (delete the merged branch)
- Option to disable customTitle/message
- Contribution-specific labels
- Code, Radios, Checkbox, Number (range)
- Required ALT image field option
- Checkbox to Star Repo
- Option to add merge schedule date
- field specific image paths
- Modularize field types
- Refactor tests to have individual sub-tests
- OG Image
- Dynamic loading of configs from github via yaml
- Themes picker, daisy-ui compatible, and rounded etc.
- handle repo owner/repo/name conflicts, "slug" attribute?
- Option to only allow maintainers or certain github accounts to make contribution based on repo
- Contribution-specific authorization
- Allow multiple repos, set up a public contribunator instance, with config updates
- Single repo layout
- Nicer dropdown for long lists Collapse dropdown if sub-item not selected
- Form builder
- button for github repos to generate a form screenshot
- Add contributor name to prs (etc)
- Separate serer and client side code? (commit,
, etc.)
- Custom JS for PR transforms
- Appprovals UI
- support private repos
- 😎