As described in The layout system, the StreamDeckLayout
does the heavy lifting for you by automatically recognizing view updates, and triggering an update of the rendered image on your Stream Deck device.
Here's an example of how to create a basic stateful StreamDeckLayout
which changes the appearance on events like key presses or dial rotations.
For Stream Deck +, this layout will be rendered and react to interactions as follows:
import StreamDeckKit
import SwiftUI
struct StatefulStreamDeckLayout {
@Environment(\.streamDeckViewContext.device) var streamDeck
var body: some View {
StreamDeckLayout {
StreamDeckKeyAreaLayout { _ in
// To react to state changes within each StreamDeckKeyView, extract the view, just as you normally would in SwiftUI
// Example:
} windowArea: {
// To react to state changes within each view, extract the view, just as you normally would in SwiftUI
// Example:
if == .plus {
StreamDeckDialAreaLayout { _ in
} else if == .neo {
struct MyKeyView: View {
@State private var isPressed: Bool = false
@Environment(\.streamDeckViewContext.index) var viewIndex
var body: some View {
StreamDeckKeyView { pressed in
self.isPressed = pressed
} content: {
VStack {
Text(isPressed ? "Key down" : "Key up")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
.background(isPressed ? .purple.opacity(0.5) : .purple) // Updating the background depending on the state
struct MyDialView: View {
@State private var offset: CGSize = .zero
@State private var scale: CGFloat = 1
@Environment(\.streamDeckViewContext.size) var viewSize
var body: some View {
StreamDeckDialView { rotations in
self.scale = min(max(scale + CGFloat(rotations) / 10, 0.5), 5)
} press: { pressed in
if pressed {
self.scale = 1
self.offset = .zero
} touch: { location in
self.offset = CGSize(
width: location.x - viewSize.width / 2,
height: location.y - viewSize.height / 2
} content: {
.scaleEffect(scale) // Updating the scale depending on the state
.offset(offset) // Updating the offset depending on the state
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
.background(Color(white: Double(viewIndex) / 5 + 0.5))
struct MyNeoPanelView: View {
@State private var offset: Double = 0
@State private var date: Date = .now
let timer = Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()
var body: some View {
// Use StreamDeckNeoPanelLayout for Stream Deck Neo
StreamDeckNeoPanelLayout { touched in
offset -= touched ? 5 : 0
} rightTouch: { touched in
offset += touched ? 5 : 0
} panel: {
VStack {
Text(date.formatted(date: .complete, time: .omitted))
Text(date.formatted(date: .omitted, time: .standard)).bold().monospaced()
.offset(x: offset)
.background(Color(white: Double(1) / 5 + 0.5))
.onReceive(timer, perform: { _ in
date = .now