- prepare release notes that should include list of all the tickets or PRs that are going to be delivered with this release.
- prepare all the release specific chekpoints: what should be checked in addition to the postman collection tests for this specifica release
- prepare all the DB scripts that should be executed and that were not included in the migrations (configurations, scopes, etc.)
- create PR with the new version of API specs in the repo https://github.com/ehealth-ua/api-spec
- prepare the chart env. values for prod
- verify all the new chart env. values for prod
- prepare strategy for all the mass migrations that should be performed with the release
- define required versions of repo to the destination env.
- NHS.admin
- auth.web
- mithril.web
- BE services
- apply the required versions of repo to the destination env.
- ehealth.api
- prm.api
- mpi.api
- annon
- ael_api
- digital_signature_api
- man_api
- mithril_api
- ops
- uaddresses
- otp_verification_api
- nhs.auth.web
- nhs.portal.web - TBD
- nhs.admin.web -TBD
- man.web
- uaddresses.web - TBD
- IL.dictionaries - add/update if any. IDs should be the same.
- PRM.global_parameters - add/update if any. IDs should be the same
- uaddresses - add/update records if any. IDs should be the same
- GW.apis - migrate config
- GW.apis - Exclude temp dev routes
- GW.plugins
- Mithril config
- client_types - add/update if any changes.
- roles - add/update if any changes.
- user_roles - for admin fronts
- clients for mithril.admin, nhs.admin, uaddresses.admin
- tokens - generate new tokens with new scopes in case if new endpoints are released
- approvals - generate or copy MIS approvals
- man templates - add/update if any. IDs should be the same
- DS - migrate certificates if any
- NHS admin config
- set/change configuration values in case if new configuration is added or system is deployed to new environment firtst time
- cluster metrics
- service metrics
- API health-checks
- merge PR with the new version of API specs in the repo https://github.com/ehealth-ua/api-spec
- login/sanity check of NHS admin
- login/sanity check of UAddresses admin
- manual sanity check of new deployed features (should be taken from the Release Notes)
- check backups
- check logs in kibana
- check graphana monitoring metrics
- check reports and fraud DB replication status
- overall replication status
- every table status
- check dictionaries
- check scopes
- check that mpi.persons triggers is enabled