Objective: Use hard sampling to improve the model.
Interaction Matrix: Created a matrix of users and items (movies).
- Positive interaction: labeled as 1.
- Hard Positive: Rating ≥ 4.
- Soft Positive: Rating ≥ 3.
- Negative interaction: labeled as 0.
- Hard Negative: Rating ≤ 1.
- Soft Negative: 2 ≤ Rating < 3.
- Positive interaction: labeled as 1.
Sampling: For each positive interaction, 4 negative interactions were sampled for the same user.
Final Dataset Format:
index | userid | movieid | interaction | rating
Outcome: Trained the NCF model on this data.
User Embedding:
- Movies with positive interactions were selected (interaction = 1).
- Used the movie description metadata and computed embeddings using the Lamini model on Hugging Face.
- User embedding: Calculated as the mean of all positive movie embeddings for that user.
- Reasoning: This dense vector represents the user's preferences, which can then be compared with movie embeddings to predict future likes.
Genre Embedding:
- Movies were grouped by genres (a movie can belong to multiple genres).
- Genre embedding: Calculated as the mean of all movies belonging to that genre.
- Example: Embedding of "Comedy" = Mean of all comedy movie embeddings.
- User-Genre Similarity: Compared the user embedding with genre embeddings to find genres the user is likely to enjoy.
- Genre-Genre Similarity Matrix: A 17x17 matrix was computed to determine similarities between different genres. This helps in recommending genres related to ones the user already likes.
- Repeated the embedding process for all users.
- Calculated user-genre similarity for every user and stored results in a nested dictionary (dict of DataFrames).
- Median Similarity Score: Computed for each user.
- Genres with similarity scores higher than the median were classified as positive genres for the user.
- Genres with similarity scores lower than the median were classified as negative genres for the user.
Actual Positive Genres:
- Intersection of genres where the similarity score is higher than the median and the user has interacted positively with the genre.
- Example: If a user has high similarity with "Action" but low similarity with "Animation," the model would only mark "Action" as a positive genre.
Actual Negative Genres:
- Genres where the similarity score is lower than the median and the user hasn't interacted with them.
Final Dataset:
- Maintained a 1:3 ratio of positive to negative genres.
userid | movieid | interaction | genre | movie title
- Fine-tuned the previously trained NCF model on this new dataset.
- Final Metrics:
- Precision@k: 0.4
- Recall@k: 0.2-0.3
- NDCG@10: 0.302 (varies by user).
- Genre NDCG@10: 0.84, indicating that most suggested movies belonged to similar or related genres.
- Created a frontend for the model using Flask, Spline.js, HTML, and CSS.
- Deployed the app as a web service using Azure App Service.
- User Interface: Users can hover over movie posters, select them, and view 10 recommended movie posters based on the model's predictions.