The Helm chart is available at the DataInfra chart repository.
The operator can be deployed in one of the following modes:
- namespace scope (default)
- cluster scope
helm repo add datainfra
helm repo update
the default installation restrics the reconciliation on the default and kube-system namespaces
# Install Druid operator using Helm
helm -n druid-operator-system upgrade -i --create-namespace cluster-druid-operator datainfra/druid-operator
# ... or generate manifest.yaml to install using other means:
helm -n druid-operator-system template --create-namespace cluster-druid-operator datainfra/druid-operator > manifest.yaml
# Install Druid operator using Helm
kubectl create ns mynamespace
helm -n druid-operator-system upgrade -i --create-namespace --set env.WATCH_NAMESPACE="mynamespace" namespaced-druid-operator datainfra/druid-operator
# Override the default namespace DENY_LIST
helm -n druid-operator-system upgrade -i --create-namespace --set env.DENY_LIST="kube-system" namespaced-druid-operator datainfra/druid-operator
# ... or generate manifest.yaml to install using other means:
helm -n druid-operator-system template --set env.WATCH_NAMESPACE="" namespaced-druid-operator datainfra/druid-operator --create-namespace > manifest.yaml
# To avoid destroying existing clusters, helm will not uninstall its CRD. For
# complete cleanup annotation needs to be removed first:
kubectl annotate crd
# This will uninstall operator
helm -n druid-operator-system uninstall cluster-druid-operator
Bellow is an example spec to deploy a tiny Druid cluster.
For full details on spec please see Druid CRD API reference
or the Druid API code.
# Deploy single node zookeeper
kubectl apply -f examples/tiny-cluster-zk.yaml
# Deploy druid cluster spec
# NOTE: add a namespace when applying the cluster if you installed the operator with the default DENY_LIST
kubectl apply -f examples/tiny-cluster.yaml
the above tiny-cluster only works on a single node kubernetes cluster (e.g. typical k8s cluster setup for dev
using kind or minikube) as it uses local disk as "deep storage". Other example specs in the examples/
directory use distributed "deep storage" and therefore expect to be deployed into a k8s cluster with s3-compatible storage. To bootstrap your k8s cluster with s3-compatible storage, you can run make helm-minio-install
. See the Makefile for more details.
# get druid-operator pod name
kubectl get po | grep druid-operator
# check druid-operator pod logs
kubectl logs <druid-operator pod name>
# check the druid spec
kubectl describe druids tiny-cluster
# check if druid cluster is deployed
kubectl get svc | grep tiny
kubectl get cm | grep tiny
kubectl get sts | grep tiny