7.1 What is sentiment analysis? Movie:is this review positive or negative? Mood:diffuse non-caused low-intensity long-duration .... Attitudes: 7.2 Sentiment Analysis_A baseline algorithm sentiment情感 7.3 Sentiment Lexicons http://sentiwordnet.isti.cnr.it/ 7.4 Semi-supervised learning of lexicons 1. 词性分析 identifying word polarity (好像要手动标记,是半监督的) 2. Turney Algorithm 3. 极性的度量: 互概率及一些算法,互信息 synonyms and antonyms 度量的结果貌似是单维的? 7.4 Sentiment Lexicons Other sentiment of a sentence. 7.5 Other Sentiment Tasks sentiment penalize SVM,classifier, regression tasks to do phrases sentiment detection 方法