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Blindstore event monitor

Event monitor for real-time tracking the execution of Blindstore clients and server.

Install the event monitor

Check out this repository to your machine:


Node.js and the Node package manager npm

  • First, check if nodejs and npm is in your package repositories. The following distributions include it as of the writing of this document:
    • Ubuntu both since 14.04
    • Debian: nodejs but not npm in wheezy-backports, both in jessie and sid. So for Wheezy, install from source or the provided binaries.
      • apt-get -t wheezy-backports install "nodejs"
    • Arch: in the official repository, nmp comes with nodejs
    • Mac OS: via Homebrew, MacPorts or the installer from the Node.js website
  • Otherwise, try the provided binaries or the source . Instruction for installation without package manager can be found on the Github repository of Node.js . Instruction for using third party package repositories can be found on .
    • Tested on Debian with cd /usr/local && tar --strip-components 1 -xzf /path/to/node-version-linux-architecture.tar.gz as root.

Meteor (local installation as normal user)

curl | sh


npm install meteorite
cd bsmon
node_modules/.bin/mrt add collection-api

In some cases, node_modules/.bin/mrt in in your home directory, so change the commend to ~/node_modules/.bin/mrt add collection-api.


cd bsmon


Open localhost:3000 with a browser.

Use the rest API to update the interface live:

curl -d '{"date": "2019-12-12", "title": "thushh", "description": "dsajdjsadsada"}' http://localhost:3000/rest/client-events

See also:

Set up a test environment using Blindstore based on libScarab

Make sure you have Python 3.4 installed

… as blindstore server and client require it. Check the output of python3 --version. If it's < 3.4, you have to install it.

  • on Debian based systems, do apt-get install build-essential beforehand
  • download the latest source from , unpack it and change to the new directory
  • ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/opt/python3.4.2 . Adapt this to the version of Python you downloaded.
  • make
  • sudo make install

Create a virtual Python environment

  • Decide to which directory you will download all the Blindstore sources later, then for example do mkdir ~/projects/blindstore
  • If you just installed Python manually: /usr/local/opt/python3.4.2/bin/pyvenv ~/projects/blindstore/virtualenv3.4.2
  • If Python was already on your system: pyvenv-3.4 ~/projects/blindstore/virtualenv3.4.2 . You might need to adapt the version number at the end of pyvenv.
  • source ~/projects/blindstore/virtualenv3.4.2/bin/activate . Please remember this: You need to repeat this step in each new terminal you open!

Install the libaries

  • Install libScarab, the underlying crypto library, see .
  • Install pyscarab, a python wrapper to this library, see .
  • Install the event monitor, see above in this readme.
  • Install Blindstore, see .
  • The code that sends messages to the event monitor is only included in the demo branch of the blindstore repository. Thus after installing Blindstore, now switch your local copy to the demo branch: git checkout demo.
  • In the Blindstore directory, do cp ../blindstore-demo/ .

Start the demo

  1. Start the event monitor
  • In blindstore-demo/bsmon, run meteor.
  1. Start the Blindstore server
  • In blindstore, run python
  1. Start the Blindstore client, which will run some example commands
  • In blindstore, run python

To repeat, stop the Blindstore server and the event monitor using Ctrl+C and start again from step 1. You might want to insert some input('Enter to continue') at interesting places.