- (baerengraben) Dummy-Deploy - because npm did not get 2.0.4-alpha.1 (2nd try...)
- (baerengraben) Fixing #102
- (baerengraben) Using ioBroker "formatDate" to format date_time attribut to "TT.MM.JJJJ SS:mm:ss"
- (baerengraben) Fixing #105
- (baerengraben) Fixing #104
- (baerengraben) Fixing #103
- (baerengraben) Adding four new hour-based Views
- (baerengraben) JSON-Chart is now starting with 00:00 instead of 01:00
- (baerengraben) SRF sometimes delivers more and sometimes less daily data. This can lead to old data in certain objects. To prevent this, I delete the entire object tree with each new call to rebuild it.
- (baerengraben) Fixing #94
- (baerengraben) Just another freaking release-script test
- (baerengraben) Update SRF API version 1 to version 2 #94. With this Update new attributes are available: symbol24_code, DEWPOINT_C, RELHUM_PERCENT, FRESHSNOW_CM, PRESSURE_HPA, SUN_MIN, IRRADIANCE_WM2 and TTTFEEL_C
- (baerengraben) Fixing #57 This change makes it necessary to regenerate IDs. So, to install version 1.0.1, the currently running adapter instance must be completely removed and replaced with a new instance.
- (baerengraben) Bugfix #64