diff --git a/css/references-dialog-admin.css b/css/references-dialog-admin.css
index caeb109..6f1c4c5 100644
--- a/css/references-dialog-admin.css
+++ b/css/references-dialog-admin.css
@@ -31,5 +31,4 @@ ul.references-dialog-links li a.search-dialog {
html.admin-bar .ui-dialog.ui-widget.ui-widget-content {
position: fixed;
- top: 42px;
diff --git a/js/references-dialog.js b/js/references-dialog.js
index e36a3a4..a14b220 100644
--- a/js/references-dialog.js
+++ b/js/references-dialog.js
@@ -77,38 +77,39 @@
Backdrop.ReferencesDialog.open = function (href, title) {
if (!this.dialog_open) {
- // Add render references dialog, so that we know that we should be in a
- // dialog.
- href += (href.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?') + 'render=references-dialog';
- // Get the current window size and do 75% of the width and 90% of the height.
- // @todo Add settings for this so that users can configure this by themselves.
- var window_width = $window.width() / 100*75;
- var window_height = $window.height() / 100*90;
- this.open_dialog = $('').dialog({
- width: window_width,
- height: window_height,
- modal: true,
- resizable: false,
- position: ['center', 50],
- title: title,
- close: function (event, ui) {
- if (Backdrop.ReferencesDialog.dialog_open) {
- Backdrop.ReferencesDialog.dialog_open = false;
- Backdrop.ReferencesDialog.close();
- }
- }
- }).width(window_width-10).height(window_height);
- $window.bind('resize scroll', function () {
- // Move the dialog the main window moves.
- if (typeof Backdrop.ReferencesDialog == 'object' && Backdrop.ReferencesDialog.open_dialog != null) {
- Backdrop.ReferencesDialog.open_dialog.
- dialog('option', 'position', ['center', 10]);
- Backdrop.ReferencesDialog.setDimensions();
- }
- });
- this.dialog_open = true;
+ // Add render references dialog, so that we know that we should be in a dialog.
+ href += (href.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?') + 'render=references-dialog';
+ // Get the current window size and do 75% of the width and 90% of the height.
+ var window_width = $window.width() * 0.75;
+ var window_height = $window.height() * 0.90;
+ // Create the dialog and center it explicitly
+ this.open_dialog = $('').dialog({
+ width: window_width,
+ height: window_height,
+ modal: true,
+ resizable: false,
+ title: title,
+ position: { my: "center center", at: "center center", of: window }, // Center the dialog
+ close: function (event, ui) {
+ if (Backdrop.ReferencesDialog.dialog_open) {
+ Backdrop.ReferencesDialog.dialog_open = false;
+ Backdrop.ReferencesDialog.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }).width(window_width - 30).height(window_height - 42);
+ $window.bind('resize scroll', function () {
+ // Re-center the dialog when the window is resized or scrolled
+ if (Backdrop.ReferencesDialog.open_dialog != null) {
+ Backdrop.ReferencesDialog.open_dialog.dialog('option', 'position', { my: "center center", at: "center center", of: window });
+ Backdrop.ReferencesDialog.setDimensions();
+ }
+ });
+ this.dialog_open = true;
- }
* Set dimensions of the dialog dependning on the current winow size
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@
dialog('option', 'width', window_width).
dialog('option', 'height', window_height).
- width(window_width-10).height(window_height);
+ width(window_width-30).height(window_height - 42);