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Releases: arichornlover/YouTubeRebornPlus

v18.01.6-5.3.11 - CercubePlusExtra

14 Jan 22:54
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CercubePlusExtra Features

CercubePlus but adds Additional Features that should’ve been added to the native CercubePlus which were probably not added.

arichorn/LowContrastMode: This tweak helps remove the new contrasty looking UI that was first introducted way back in 2020 August/September.

arichorn/LowContrastModeColors: This tweak is an add-on of LowContrastMode, for users who doesn’t use gray will get a set of colors to switch which changes and improves the UI Customization.

level3tjg/YTNoHeatwaves: Turns off the Heatwaves Feature in the video player. (CercubePlus/VideoPlayerOverlayControls)

PoomSmart/YTNoUpgradeDialog: Disables the Upgrade Dialog so you won’t be prompt to update the app.

PoomSmart/YouMute: Mute/unmute videos in YouTube directly.

CercubePlusExtra Release Information

Current YouTube IPA: v18.01.6
Current Cercube Version: v5.3.11
Current App Compatibility: iOS/iPadOS 14.0 or later (for YTUHD Tweak: iOS/iPadOS 15.0 or later)


  • Updated YouTube from v18.01.4 to v18.01.6
  • Relocated Hide Shorts Option + Changed the way HideShorts option works to prevent persisting (#9)
  • Fixed “Customization Options” Localization in Settings (was not supposed to show “CUSTOMIZATION_OPTIONS”)
  • Updated and Added Proper Vietnamese Localization
  • Updated Submodules
    • Updated YTABConfig to v1.4.7(Added Optimizations - Opens Faster when tapping and loading the A/B Settings)
    • Updated YTUHD to v1.3.5 (Removes iOS 14 Compatibility) This Requires iOS/iPadOS 15.0 or later
    • Updated YouPiP to v1.7.17 (Fixed Issue where YouPiP Button wasn’t showing in Fake YouTube Version Option)

v18.01.4-5.3.11 - CercubePlusExtra

13 Jan 00:12
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CercubePlusExtra Features

CercubePlus but adds Additional Features that should’ve been added to the native CercubePlus which were probably not added.

arichorn/LowContrastMode: This tweak helps remove the new contrasty looking UI that was first introducted way back in 2020 August/September.

arichorn/LowContrastModeColors: This tweak is an add-on of LowContrastMode, for users who doesn’t use gray will get a set of colors to switch which changes and improves the UI Customization.

level3tjg/YTNoHeatwaves: Turns off the Heatwaves Feature in the video player. (CercubePlus/VideoPlayerOverlayControls)

PoomSmart/YTNoUpgradeDialog: Disables the Upgrade Dialog so you won’t be prompt to update the app.

PoomSmart/YouMute: Mute/unmute videos in YouTube directly.

CercubePlusExtra Release Information

Current YouTube IPA: v18.01.4
Current Cercube Version: v5.3.11
Current App Compatibility: iOS/iPadOS 14.0 or later


  • Updated YouTube from v18.01.2 to v18.01.4
  • Fixed Hide Cast Button Option not showing
  • Fixed Hide Shorts Option
  • Updated LowContrastMode
    • Changed some Methods for Current YT Release
    • Removed Unnecessary Code
  • Updated and Added Proper Arabic Localization

v18.01.2-5.3.11 - CercubePlusExtra

09 Jan 06:01
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CercubePlusExtra Features

CercubePlus but adds Additional Features that should’ve been added to the native CercubePlus which were probably not added.

arichorn/LowContrastMode: This tweak helps remove the new contrasty looking UI that was first introducted way back in 2020 August/September.

arichorn/LowContrastModeColors: This tweak is an add-on of LowContrastMode, for users who doesn’t use gray will get a set of colors to switch which changes and improves the UI Customization.

level3tjg/YTNoHeatwaves: Turns off the Heatwaves Feature in the video player. (CercubePlus/VideoPlayerOverlayControls)

PoomSmart/YTNoUpgradeDialog: Disables the Upgrade Dialog so you won’t be prompt to update the app.

PoomSmart/YouMute: Mute/unmute videos in YouTube directly.

CercubePlusExtra Release Information

Current YouTube IPA: v18.01.2
Current Cercube Version: v5.3.11
Current App Compatibility: iOS/iPadOS 14.0 or later


  • Updated YouTube from v17.49.6 to v18.01.2
  • Redesign CercubePlus Section Settings
  • Added New Options
    • Added Red Progress Bar Option
    • Added iPad Layout Option
    • Added YTNoHeatwaves Option
    • Added YTNoModernUI Option
    • Added Hide YouTube Logo Option
    • Added Hide Upper/Chip Bar Option
  • Added Shorts-Related Options
    • Added Hide Shorts Channel Banner Option
    • Added Hide Shorts Like Button Option
    • Added Hide Shorts Dislike Button Option
    • Added Hide Shorts Comment Option
    • Added Hide Shorts Remix Option
    • Added Hide Shorts Share Option
    • Added Hide Buy Super Thanks Banner Option
    • Added Resume to Shorts Option
  • Updated DontEatMyContent from v1.0.5 to v1.0.6
  • Updated Return YouTube Dislike to v1.10.2
  • Updated and Improved Localization

v17.49.6-5.3.11 - CercubePlusExtra

22 Dec 00:25
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CercubePlusExtra Features

CercubePlus but adds Additional Features that should’ve been added to the native CercubePlus which were probably not added.

arichorn/LowContrastMode: This tweak helps remove the new contrasty looking UI that was first introducted way back in 2020 August/September.

arichorn/LowContrastModeColors: This tweak is an add-on of LowContrastMode, for users who doesn’t use gray will get a set of colors to switch which changes and improves the UI Customization.

level3tjg/YTNoHeatwaves: Turns off the Heatwaves Feature in the video player.

PoomSmart/YTNoUpgradeDialog: Disables the Upgrade Dialog so you won’t be prompt to update the app.

PoomSmart/YouMute: Mute/unmute videos in YouTube directly.

CercubePlusExtra Release Information

Current Cercube Version: v5.3.11
Current YouTube IPA: v17.49.6
Current App Compatibility: iOS/iPadOS 14.0 or later


  • Updated YouTube from v17.49.4 to v17.49.6
  • Downgraded Cercube from v5.3.12 to v5.3.11 (fix crashes?)
  • Re-Added MiRO92’s YTNoShorts Tweak
  • Removed PoomSmart’s YTUnShorts Tweak (also fix crashes?)
  • Enabled hideCercubeDownload by Default (cannot be disabled because of Cercube Download Servers being taken down)

v17.49.4-5.3.12 - CercubePlusExtra

14 Dec 00:42
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CercubePlusExtra Features

CercubePlus but adds Additional Features that should’ve been added to the native CercubePlus which were probably not added.

arichorn/LowContrastMode: This tweak helps remove the new contrasty looking UI that was first introducted way back in 2020 August/September.

arichorn/LowContrastModeColors: This tweak is an add-on of LowContrastMode, for users who doesn’t use gray will get a set of colors to switch which changes and improves the UI Customization.

level3tjg/YTNoHeatwaves: Turns off the Heatwaves Feature in the video player. Incompatible with Cercube

PoomSmart/YTNoUpgradeDialog: Disables the Upgrade Dialog so you won’t be prompt to update the app.

PoomSmart/YouMute: Mute/unmute videos in YouTube directly.

PoomSmart/YTUnShorts: Remove Shorts from YouTube app's feed.

CercubePlusExtra Release Information

Current Cercube Version: v5.3.12
Current YouTube IPA: v17.49.4
Current App Compatibility: iOS/iPadOS 14.0 or later


  • Updated YouTube from v17.48.2 to v17.49.4
  • Added PoomSmart’s YTUnShorts Tweak
  • Removed MiRO92’s YTNoShorts Tweak
  • Gave YouMute Tweak Localizations Support
  • Updated Return YouTube Dislikes to v1.9.0 (exact like numbers option)

v17.48.2-5.3.12 - CercubePlusExtra

09 Dec 04:08
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CercubePlusExtra Features

CercubePlus but adds Additional Features that should’ve been added to the native CercubePlus which were probably not added.

LowContrastMode: This tweak helps remove the new contrasty looking UI that was first introducted way back in 2020 August/September.

LowContrastModeColors: This tweak is an add-on of LowContrastMode, for users who doesn’t use gray will get a set of colors to switch which changes and improves the UI Customization.

YTNoHeatwaves: Turns off the Heatwaves Feature in the video player. Incompatible with Cercube

YTNoUpgradeDialog: Completely disables the Upgrade Dialog so you won’t be forced to update the app by google.

YouMute: Mute/unmute videos in YouTube directly.

CercubePlusExtra Release Information

Default Cercube Version: v5.3.12
Default YouTube IPA: v17.48.2
Default App Compatibility: iOS/iPadOS 14.0 or later


  • Updated YouTube from v17.46.4 to v17.48.2
  • Updated YTABConfig to v1.4.6
  • Updated Return YouTube Dislikes to v1.8.0-1

v17.46.4-5.3.12 - CercubePlusExtra

27 Nov 23:01
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CercubePlusExtra Features

CercubePlus but adds Additional Features that should’ve been added to the native CercubePlus which were probably not added.

LowContrastMode: This tweak helps remove the new contrasty looking UI that was first introducted way back in 2020 August/September.

LowContrastModeColors: This tweak is an add-on for users not liking Normal Low Contrast Mode. grants all users the ability to switch to additional colors instead of just having the color Gray aka old YouTube Interface Color.

YTNoHeatwaves: another small feature to disable or enable the Heatwaves feature when watching videos in non-fullscreen videos and fullscreen videos. Incompatible with Cercube

YTNoUpdateMenu: will disable the update menu no matter what. and should give you a few years to make YouTube/Google from forcing you into updating their app with a non-removable menu that wasn’t removable until now. This tweak is mainly for users that use TrollStore if you really want to stay on that specific version of the Tweaked YouTube app.

CercubePlusExtra Release Information

Default Cercube Version: v5.3.12
Default YouTube IPA: v17.46.4
Default App Compatibility: iOS/iPadOS 14.0 or later


  • Updated Cercube to v5.3.12
  • Updated YouTube from v17.41.2 to v17.46.4
  • Updated YTABConfig to v1.4.5-4

v17.41.2-5.3.11 - CercubePlusExtra

19 Oct 23:46
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CercubePlusExtra Features

CercubePlus but adds Additional Features that should’ve been added to the native CercubePlus which were probably not added.

YTDisableHighContrastUI: This tweak helps remove the new contrasty looking UI that was first introducted way back in 2020 August/September.

YTDisableHighContrastUIColors: This tweak is an add-on for YTDisableHighContrastUI. grants users additional colors instead of just Gray Icons. - FINALLY WORKS WITH CercubePlusExtra! In v17.41.2!
Note: long story short, YTDHCUICOLORS didn’t look right with Cercube because Cercube used different ui elements on the yt app which made this tweak very unnecessary, but since @ginsudev helped me out, this tweak finally works.

YTDisableLandscapePanel a small feature to disable or enable the Landscape Panel whenever watching full screen videos in landscape mode. (Deprecated) you now need to use YTABConfig to toggle it on/off if needed.

YTNoHeatwaves: another small feature to disable or enable the Heatwaves feature when watching videos in non-fullscreen videos and fullscreen videos. (Deprecated) you have to use YTABConfig to toggle it on/off if needed.

YTNoUpdateMenu: will disable the update menu no matter what. and should give you a few years to make YouTube/Google from forcing you into updating their app with a non-removable menu that wasn’t removable until now. This tweak is mainly for users that use TrollStore if you really want to stay on that specific version of the Tweaked YouTube app.

CercubePlusExtra Release Information

Default YouTube IPA: v17.41.2
Default App Compatibility: iOS/iPadOS 14.0 or later

RELEASE F1: finally updated CercubePlusExtra Updated YouTube to v17.41.2, added YTABConfig which was previously implemented in uYouPlus.

v17.39.5-5.3.11 - CercubePlusExtra

08 Oct 02:00
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CercubePlusExtra Features

CercubePlus but adds Additional Features that should’ve been added to the original CercubePlus which were probably denied.

YTDisableHighContrastUI: This tweak helps remove the new contrasty looking UI that was first introducted way back in 2020 August/September.

YTDisableHighContrastUIColors: This tweak is an add-on for YTDisableHighContrastUI. grants users addition colors instead of just Gray Icons. <— this tweak doesn’t seem to work correctly with Cercube which is why I’m figuring out on why it’s causing issues.

YTNoHeatWaves: Disables the HeatWaves feature and ain’t toggleable.

YTNoUpdateMenu: Disables the update menu. Prevents YouTube to force you to update their app when sideloaded.

DontEatMyContent: this tweak was by therealFoxster. gives iPhone Users that has a Notch/Dynamic Island an Option to stop prevent them from munching the content.

YTShortsProgress: a tweak by PoomSmart but should be able to Enable YouTube shorts progress/scrubber.

CercubePlusExtra Release Information

Default YouTube IPA: v17.39.5
Default Cercube IPA: v5.3.11

  • Release Notes: another release of CercubePlus!
  • Updated YouTube to v17.38.10

v17.38.10-5.3.11 - CercubePlusExtra

30 Sep 23:22
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CercubePlusExtra Features

CercubePlus but adds Additional Features that should’ve been added to the original CercubePlus which were probably denied.

YTDisableHighContrastUI: This tweak helps remove the new contrasty looking UI that was first introducted way back in 2020 August/September.

YTNoHeatWaves: Disables the HeatWaves feature and ain’t toggleable.

YTNoUpdateMenu: Disables the update menu. Prevents YouTube to force you to update their app when sideloaded.

DontEatMyContent: this tweak was by therealFoxster. gives iPhone Users that has a Notch/Dynamic Island an Option to stop prevent them from munching the content.

YTShortsProgress: a tweak by PoomSmart but should be able to Enable YouTube shorts progress/scrubber.

CercubePlusExtra Release Information

Default YouTube IPA: v17.38.10
Default Cercube IPA: v5.3.11

  • Release Notes: another release of CercubePlus!
  • Updated YouTube to v17.38.10