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212 lines (151 loc) · 14.7 KB

AO/IO Contract


IO Process Status

The implementation of the network contract is written in lua and deployed as an AO process on Arweave. The contract is responsible for managing the network state, handling transactions, and enforcing the network rules. Refer to the contract whitepaper for more details on the network rules and the contract design.

Contract Spec

General Structure

Each handler is identified by an action name and it has required and optional tags for its input. The handlers can be categorized into "read" and "write" operations.



Action Required Tags Optional Tags Result (the -Notice)
Transfer Recipient: Valid Arweave address
Quantity: Integer greater than 0
X-*: Tags beginning with "X-" Debit-Notice, Credit-Notice
Create-Vault' Lock-Length: Integer greater than 0
Quantity: Integer greater than 0
Vaulted-Transfer Recipient: Valid Arweave address
Lock-Length: Integer greater than 0
Quantity: Integer greater than 0
Debit-Notice, Vaulted-Credit-Notice
Extend-Vault Vault-Id: Valid Arweave address
Extend-Length: Integer greater than 0
Increase-Vault Vault-Id: Valid Arweave address
Quantity: Integer greater than 0
Balances Balances-Notice
Balance Balance-Notice

ArNS Registry

Action Required Tags Optional Tags Result
Buy-Record Name: String
Purchase-Type: String
Process-Id: Valid Arweave address
Years: Integer between 1 and 5
Extend-Lease Name: String
Years: Integer between 1 and 5
Increase-Undername-Limit Name: String
Quantity: Integer between 1 and 9990
Token-Cost Intent: Must be valid registry interaction (e.g., BuyRecord, ExtendLease, IncreaseUndernameLimit) Years: Integer between 1 and 5
Quantity: Integer greater than 0
Demand-Factor-Settings Demand-Factor-Settings-Notice
Demand-Factor Demand-Factor-Notice
Record Record-Notice
Records Records-Notice
Reserved-Names Reserved-Names-Notice
Reserved-Name Reserved-Name-Notice

Gateway Registry

Action Required Tags Optional Tags Result (the -Notice)
Join-Network Operator-Stake: Quantity Label, Note, FQDN, Port, Protocol, Allow-Delegated-Staking, Min-Delegated-Stake, Delegate-Reward-Share-Ratio, Properties, Auto-Stake, Observer-Address Join-Network-Notice
Leave-Network Leave-Network-Notice
Increase-Operator-Stake Quantity: Integer greater than 0 Increase-Operator-Stake-Notice
Decrease-Operator-Stake Quantity: Integer greater than 0 Decrease-Operator-Stake-Notice
Delegate-Stake Target: Valid Arweave address
Quantity: Integer greater than 0
Decrease-Delegate-Stake Target: Valid Arweave address
Quantity: Integer greater than 0
Update-Gateway-Settings Label, Note, FQDN, Port, Protocol, Allow-Delegated-Staking, Min-Delegated-Stake, Delegate-Reward-Share-Ratio, Properties, Auto-Stake, Observer-Address Update-Gateway-Settings-Notice
Save-Observations Report-Tx-Id: Valid Arweave address
Failed-Gateways: Comma-separated string of valid Arweave addresses
Gateway-Registry-Settings Gateway-Registry-Settings-Notice
Gateways Gateways-Notice
Gateway Address: Valid Arweave address, Target: Valid Arweave address Gateway-Notice


Action Required Tags Optional Tags Result (the -Notice)
Epoch-Settings Epoch-Settings-Notice
Epoch Epoch-Index or Timestamp Epoch-Notice
Epochs Epochs-Notice
Epoch-Prescribe-dObservers Epoch-Index or Timestamp Prescribed-Observers-Notice
Epoch-Observations Epoch-Index or Timestamp Observations-Notice
Epoch-Prescribed-Names Epoch-Index or Timestamp Prescribed-Names-Notice
Epoch-Distributions Epoch-Index or Timestamp Distributions-Notice


Action Required Tags Optional Tags Result (the -Notice)
Info Info-Notice
State State-Notice
Tick Hash-Chain, Timestamp, Block-Height Tick-Notice, Invalid-Tick_Notice



Lua Setup (MacOS)

  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.
  2. Install lua
  1. Add the following to your .zshrc or .bashrc file:
echo 'export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/lib"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/include/lua5.3"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/lib/pkgconfig"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
  1. Run source ~/.zshrc or source ~/.bashrc to apply the changes.
  2. Run lua -v to verify the installation.

LuaRocks Setup

  1. Install luarocks
curl -R -O
tar zxpf luarocks-3.9.1.tar.gz
cd luarocks-3.9.1
./configure --with-lua=/usr/local/opt/[email protected] --with-lua-include=/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/include/lua5.3
make build
sudo make install
  1. Ensure that the luarocks binary is in your path by running echo $PATH. Otherwise, add it to your path and reload your shell:
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.luarocks/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc
  1. Check the installation by running luarocks --version.
  2. Check the LuaRocks configuration by running luarocks config | grep LUA

If you ever need to refresh .luarocks, run the following command:

luarocks purge && luarocks install ar-io-ao-0.1-1.rockspec


Get aos:

yarn global add

To load the module into the aos REPL, run the following command:

aos --load src/main.lua

Code Formatting

To get the code formatter, we'll need to install rust to access cargo. To install rust on MacOS, run the following command:

brew install rust

If not already added, include cargo binary in your path so that packages installed using cargo can be accessed globally:

echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc

The code is formatted using stylua. To install stylua, run the following command:

cargo install stylua
stylua contract


To run the tests, execute the following command:

busted .

To see the test coverage, get luacov:

luarocks install luacov

With luacov installed, run the following command:

luacov --reporter html && open luacov-html/index.html


To add new dependencies, install using luarocks to the local directory

luarocks install <package>

And add the package to the dependencies table in the ar-io-ao-0.1-1.rockspec file.

-- rest of the file
dependencies = {
    "lua >= 5.3",
    "luaunit >= 3.3.0",
