Gohan will geneate table based on schema.
- string -> varchar(255)
- integer/number -> numeric
- boolean -> boolean
the other column will be "text". We will encode data for json when we store complex data for db.
This can be used to manipulate schema using gohan-ui. output can be used schema for gohan-server. However, YAML backend don't support constraints or concurrent request, so this backend is only for development and testing purpose.
convert - Convert DB
command convert [command options] [arguments...]
Gohan convert can be used to migrate Gohan resources between different types of databases
--in-type, --it Input db type (yaml, json, sqlite3)
--in, -i Input db connection spec (or filename)
--out-type, --ot Output db type (yaml, json, sqlite3)
--out, -o Output db connection spec (or filename)
--schema, -s Schema file
Gohan supports generating goose (https://bitbucket.org/liamstask/goose) migration script. Currently, we don't support calcurating diff on schema, so that app developmer should manage this migration script.
migrate - Generate goose migration script
command migrate [command options] [arguments...]
Generates goose migraion script
--name, -n 'init_schema' name of migrate
--schema, -s Schema definition
--path, -p 'etc/db/migrations' Migrate path
--cascade If true, FOREIGN KEYS in database will be created with ON DELETE CASCADE