At time of writing, the following features are available using the Mimic UI:
|-- Mimic
|-- Animate
|-- IK/FK Switching
|-- IK Controls
|-- Configuration Bool 1
|-- Configuration Bool 2
|-- Configuration Bool 3
|-- Key tool controller
|-- Set IK Keyframe
|-- FK Controls
|-- Configure A1
|-- Configure A2
|-- Configure A3
|-- Configure A4
|-- Configure A5
|-- Configure A6
|-- Get Pose
|-- Set Pose
|-- Clear
|-- Set FK Keyframe
|-- Keyframing Tools
|-- Delete IK/FK Keyframe
|-- Select Keyframe Hierarchy
|-- General
|-- Save Pose
|-- Zero Tool (TCS)
|-- Zero Base (LCS)
|-- Zero Base (WCS)
|-- Zero All
|-- Toggle HUD
|-- Program
|-- Program Settings
|-- General
|-- Directory
|-- Filename
|-- Sample rate (s/f)
|-- Sample keyframes only
|-- Animation frame range
|-- Processor
|-- KUKA EntertainTech
|-- Advanced
|-- Motion options
|-- Linear
|-- Nonlinear
|-- Ignore motion
|-- Use as variables
|-- IO options
|-- Ignore IOs
|-- Set IOs first
|-- Include in output
|-- Axes
|-- Pose
|-- External Axes
|-- Configuration
|-- Digital Output
|-- Checksum
|-- Overwrite existing file
|-- Ignore warnings
|-- Analyze Program
|-- Save Program
|-- Setup
|-- Add Robot
|-- ABB IRB-6700
|-- KUKA KR5-R1400
|-- KUKA KR5-arc
|-- KUKA KR60-3
|-- Add
|-- Tool setup
|-- Tool controller
|-- Attach
|-- Detach
|-- Tool model
|-- Attach
|-- Detach
|-- Axis Limits
|-- Position
|-- Configure A1
|-- Configure A2
|-- Configure A3
|-- Configure A4
|-- Configure A5
|-- Configure A6
|-- Velocity
|-- Configure A1
|-- Configure A2
|-- Configure A3
|-- Configure A4
|-- Configure A5
|-- Configure A6
|-- Accel
|-- Configure A1
|-- Configure A2
|-- Configure A3
|-- Configure A4
|-- Configure A5
|-- Configure A6
|-- Jerk
|-- Configure A1
|-- Configure A2
|-- Configure A3
|-- Configure A4
|-- Configure A5
|-- Configure A6
|-- Get Axis Limits
|-- Set Axis Limits
|-- Clear
|-- Prefs
|-- Hotkeys
|-- Toggle IK/FK
|-- Key IK/FK
|-- UI
|-- Shader Range
|-- Output Window