Common extensions to the Scalding MapReduce DSL.
Scalding-Commons includes Scalding Sources for use with the dfs-datastores project.
This library provides a VersionedKeyValSource
that allows Scalding to write out key-value pairs of any type into a binary sequencefile. Serialization is handled with the bijection-core
library's Bijection trait.
allows multiple writes to the same path,as write creates a new version. Optionally, given a Monoid on the value type, VersionedKeyValSource
allows for versioned incremental updates of a key-value database.
import com.twitter.scalding.source.VersionedKeyValSource
import VersionedKeyValSource._
// ## Sink Example
// The bijection library provides implicit Bijections
// from String -> Array[Byte] and Int -> Array[Byte].
val versionedSource = VersionedKeyValSource[String,Int]("path")
// creates a new version on each write
// because Scalding provides an implicit Monoid[Int],
// the writeIncremental method will add new integers into
// each value on every write:
// ## Source Examples
// This Source produces the most recent set of kv pairs from the VersionedStore
// located at "path":
// This source produces version 12345:
VersionedKeyValSource[String,Int]("path", Some(12345))
Current version is 0.1.0
. groupid="com.twitter"
, artifact=scalding-commons_2.9.2"
- Oscar Boykin
- Mike Jahr
- Sam Ritchie
Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: