- Count-min-sketch (with Monoid)
- Added Bloom Filter (with Monoid)
- HyperLogLog now uses Murmur128 (should be faster)
- Max/Min/First/Last Monoids
- VectorSpace trait (implementations for Maps/Vector)
- DecayedVector for efficient exponential moving average on vectors
- Metric trait
- Approximate[Numeric]/Boolean to track error in approximations
- Adds Semigroup and implicits for usual primitives and collections
- Fixes EitherMonoid to have a zero
- Add MinPlus algebra for shortest path calculations
- Lots of code cleanups
- Improves speed of HyperLogLog.
- Refactoring of RightFolded Monoid
- Added Moments monoid for first 5 moments
- Improved HyperLogLogMonoid (less memory usage, added intersections)
- Moved code over from Scalding.