Changes status in MS Teams. Teams doesn't seem to be perfectly reliable, change teamsSleep value (see Edit Settings below).
The shortcuts below are editable in the Settings. See me for tips on changing these.
- Ctrl+F1 - Available
- Ctrl+F2 - Away (Prompts to lock computer)
- Ctrl+F3 - Do Not Disturb (NO notifications in MS Teams)
- Ctrl+F4 - Busy
- Ctrl+F5 - Custom 1 (DND in Teams)
- Ctrl+F6 - Custom 2 (Away in Teams)
Provides an option to lock the numlock on. This means that you cannot turn off numlock.
By default, this option is disabled. Follow instructions in Edit Settings to set the numLockOn value to 1.
Hides and shows different windows. Will always bring focus to the window.
- F7 - Your Phone
- F8 - Slack (I've had issues with hiding this, edit Settings file [see below] to set SlackHide to 0)
- F9 - Teams
- F10 - Outlook
- F11 - 8x8 Phone
Commands for Teams are configured in Settings, if Teams changes how it launches, these may need to be updated.
Sometimes killing Teams from the System Tray doesn't work (Teams starts itself again). This kills the process. If you get an warning message that it couldn't kill Teams, run it a second time, that seems to work.
- Left Ctrl+Left Alt+Numpad 5 - Kill Teams
Hotkeys can be modified using Edit Settings below
Click Settings in Start Menu>QI Tools and modify affected value.
Kills and restarts SOLIDWORKS. Version that gets started is controlled in INI file (see notes in Quick Status Change above). Change to appropriate shortcut or EXE.
I suggest pinning the icon (benign looking) onto your taskbar.
Automates running Stop Driver followed by Start Driver. Will make sure the driver is fully stopped before trying to start it.
Please submit issues/comments/suggests using Issues on GitHub
- Xenon