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2.0.2 - Major bugs and omissions from 2.0.0 corrected

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@SpenceKonde SpenceKonde released this 03 May 05:04

This is a surprisingly large release for what is nominally a bugfix release - we are still picking up the pieces from 2.0.0, both in terms of bugs introduced and features that were accidentally omitted.
tinyNeoPixel and tinyNeoPixel_Static are back to being a single library, instead of one per port. There is no menu needed - the parts supported by this core can do ST indirect in a single clock, and hence there is no need for the separate implementations for different ports as is required on classic AVR devices. This also corrects longstanding (but unreported) bug with real WS2812 (but not SK6812) LEDs at 16 and 20MHz, where the LEDs would not behave correctly.
analogReadResolution() is added (I was surprised to find that it wasn't already in). Currently supported options are 8 and 10, see #181 for future plans.
Correct micros() with 1MHz system clock
Correct Wire buffer size - it had been made far too large for these parts in 2.0.0.
Correct issue with Wire compile errors for 20-pin 0-series parts.
Large number of defines relating to identifying part families were incorrect. This has been fixed.

There will be a 2.0.3 later this week to pick up a new toolchain package with the latest atpacks and fixed linker scripts, this will fix the bogus messages when out of space on small-flash parts, and probably some other problems we haven't run into. I'll also try to get eeprom.h fixed as well.

This is the version for board manager installation.