1.1.0 - Optiboot Bootloader Support
The moment we have all been waiting for it here - Optiboot support on megaTinyCore. Optiboot is supported on all parts, as a normal serial bootloader. It can be uploaded with the UPDI pin still set to reset (in this case, you unplug and replug to start bootloader), or with the UPDI pin set to work as reset so the standard autoreset circuit can be used. Warning: In the latter case, you can no longer program the chip via UPDI, including to return it to it's original state - an HV programmer is needed. Be sure you know what you're getting into when you load the UPDI-pin-as-reset version of the bootloader. Note also the version you get with UPDI as reset does NOT run after power on reset, only external and software reset, and only for 1 second. Ie, like a normal pro mini or similar.
This release also introduces some other new features:
- U(S)ART pin selection from the tools menu for parts other than the 8-pin ones
- The Logic library for interfacing with the built-in configurable custom logic (CCL) units
- Enhanced pinout diagrams and documentation
- Fix mEDBG on ATtiny416 Xplained Nano
- Fix EESAVE option, which was backwards
This is the version for board manager installation