bbMonitor 中文
What if the performance monitor from your computer's task manager danced with vintage-style gauges? That's bbMonitor. Imagine, as your computer hustles and bustles, the pointer prances around the dashboard like a lively critter; when it's smooth sailing, it sways with finesse. This delightful interaction lets you intuitively grasp what your computer is up to.
🔗PCB Engineering Files (EasyEDA)
😄Detailed Tutorial
🐧QQ Group (for Communication Only): 647186542
🐦Twitter @RealCorebb
Designed By Corebb With Love From bbREALM!
bbMonitor.ino ESP32 Arduino Main Program
PCB PCB Schematics, Gerber Files
CAD Casing Drawings
This software is called bbHome, a platform I've created for myself, currently only supporting bbMonitor devices. You can find that on my website: