Author: Pradyumna Krishna
UPDATED: 07/01/2021
Travis-CI is known for Continuous Integration which check code's integrity using our testing script made. After checking integrity, we can configure it to deploy to many PaaS services.
So, I configured travis-ci by installing travis-ci application into my account, repository and using .travis.yml
contains my testing and deploying configuration. It's been hard for me to do so but I did it.
When I deploy code/push commit to repository it triggers Travis-CI, which clone our repository and test it using my
testing script.
I have set the language and runtime version in .travis.yml
for testing. In that file there is before_install
option which run the command before installing all requirements.
config option contains command for binaries or requirement installation while we need to define testing
command or file in script
config option.
config options contains deploy configuration where I set two configuration, one for Google App Engine and
second for Azure App Service. It deploys tagged commits to their respective PaaS services. Read more about these
configurations at
Create your own .travis.yml
(or use my as template), edit config options as per your requirements.
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