Basic Web-Development PHP tool to search for a string in your MySQL/MariaDB database.
Project is intended for large database users who desires a fast way to find their specific search in a database.
This is only meant to be running on localhost, as it is not safe from SQLi if accessed & configured on a public http.
A site got hacked, and I needed to see if there's backdoors inside the database!
I started a new job, it has a huge database archistructure and I use this tool to find where specific data is stored
I needed to see if, and where, my webapplication inserted correct data
I'm using a database schema that i'm unfamiliar with, this tool helped me find what I was looking for easily!
--Your scenario can be written here, make a pull request!--
Clone/Download the repository and extract the files in your webserver www directory. Upon first visit you'll be prompted to fill in database credentials, and that's it!
It's highly recommended to never use this project in a release as it is not safe from SQL Injections.
SQL Injections can destroy your whole server/website!
"What am i living for, if not for you?" - Johnny Preston