Website for the NJACK root domain.
- git clone git clone [email protected]:Njack-IITP/njack-web-home.git && cd njack-web-home
- npm install -g firebase-tools (assumong you have node preinstalled)
- firebase login
- firebase init
- firebase serve
Firebase is set to autodeploy from Travis builds restricted to the "firebase-deploy" branch.
"firebase-deploy" can not be pushed to. Commits must be made to "staging" or other branches and then open a PR/MR to "firebase-deploy" for shipping into production.
To prevent latency in fetching from firebase, caching of firebase DB objects is enabled using the script. A second layer of caching will be acting over this cache from cloudflare's reverse proxy caching set to rebuild every 4 hrs. If not manually triggered, local cache is refreshed by a cron job on the travis server every 24 hours at around 5:49pm IST. Remember to rebuild/refresh both caches after making changes to firebase data tree for immediate effect.
Updates are not cached on either of the three servers.