Gradle plugin for setting up mock AWS endpoints during test and development using LocalStack.
This plugin provides a number of helpful tasks for simplifying the creation of AWS resources for use in testing and development, as well as tasks for easily integrating Spring Boot with LocalStack, using simple Gradle DSL.
The plugin can be applied with either the plugin or legacy buildscript DSL. For more information on applying the plugin and available plugin versions please refer to the Gradle Plugin Portal.
plugins {
id "" version "1.0.0"
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath ""
apply plugin: ""
For detailed documentation on this plugin and its features please refer to the LocalStack Gradle Plugin User Guide.
It is recommended when developing the plugin that you open the gradle-localstack-plugin-example project in Intellij as it will include the plugin as a composite build and makes testing of the plugin during development easier.
Run the following command to build the plugin:
./gradlew clean build
Run the following command to build the documentation for the plugin:
./gradlew buildDocSite
Run the following command to execute the functional tests:
./gradlew funcTest