title | date | eventdate | eoldate | category | posttype |
example |
0001-01-01 |
0001-01-01 |
0001-01-01 |
news |
news-and-events |
For easy naming convention name the news files should be saved yyyy-mm-dd-title.md
title: Title is the metadata tag that is used to give the title of the post on the website
date: Date is the metadata tag used by jekyll to know when a post should be posted to the website
eventdate: eventdate is the metadata tag that is used to give a date of the post on the website
eoldate: eoldate is the "end of life" date, which is when the news post is removed from the frontpage
category: declares whether it shows up on the events page or on the news page
posttype: declares the type of the post to where they will be seen on the website