KiwiEFI Dual LM1815 Toyota VR Conditioner for 24+1 tooth distributor type sensors, works with both shared ground and separate isolated sensors.
Also suitable for:
- 12 tooth crank + 1 tooth cam sensors as used in the non-vvt 1UZFE
- Mazda RX7 S4,5,6 13B and 20B sensors
- Should also work with Honda 24 + 1 dissy sensors but not tested
Note1: This LM1815 design is not a universal VR conditioner, the components are optimised for the pulse rate of the 24 / 1 tooth rates. Other pulse rates will require changes to the input filtering, one shot, and peak detector components.
Note2: V0.1 Gerbers are the original version V1.0 Gerbers have silkscreen update only.