To support a new API, simply ask the Nango team to add it with fast turnaround (2-5 days) on the community.
For contributions, please submit an issue describing your intent to contribute with details about your problem & solution. We will get back to you within 24h. Once we aligned & your change is approved by a team member, you can start implementing the change and submit a PR.
You can run Nango locally with Docker (step-by-step guide) and contribute an API (step-by-step guide).
To develop on the platform locally follow those steps:
git clone
Install the project
npm i
Set your envs
cp .env.example .env
Launch the databases and queue
npm run dev:docker
Launch Nango
# In two different shell
npm run dev:watch
npm run dev:watch:apps
Go to http://localhost:3000
Start by creating a folder that will contains your integrations
mkdir nango-integrations
cd nango-integrations
Install the CLI
npm i -g nango
nango init
Change the .env file NANGO_SECRET_KEY_DEV
And deploy your changes
nango deploy dev
To know more about the CLI, check the documentation.
Pull Request title should follow Conventional Commits