The Netflix Clone is a full-stack web application designed to replicate the core functionalities of a video streaming platform. This project demonstrates my expertise in building feature-rich applications that integrate third-party APIs for dynamic content.
- Frontend Development: The frontend is built using React, offering a dynamic and responsive user interface. Vite is used as the build tool to ensure fast development and optimized performance.
- Authentication: User authentication and account management are implemented using Firebase for secure and seamless access.
- Backend Development: Node.js and Express.js are utilized to handle server-side logic, including API requests and data processing.
- Content Integration: The application integrates with The Movie Database (TMDb) API to fetch and display real-time movie and TV show data, including titles, genres, ratings, and poster images.
- Deployment: The application is deployed on Netlify for fast and reliable hosting.
- GitHub Repository: Netflix Clone
- Live Application: View the demo
Below is a screenshot of the application’s homepage, showcasing the clean and user-friendly design.