This folder demonstrates cuBLAS APIs usage.
The sample finds the (smallest) index of the element of the maximum magnitude.
The sample finds the (smallest) index of the element of the minimum magnitude.
The sample computes the sum of the absolute values of the elements of vector x.
The sample computes a vector-scalar product and adds the result to a vector.
The sample copies the vector x into the vector y.
The sample applies the dot product to vector x and y.
The sample computes the Euclidean norm of a vector.
The sample applies the Givens rotation matrix to vector x and y.
The sample applies the Givens rotation matrix to vector x and y.
The sample applies the modified Givens rotation matrix to vector x and y.
The sample applies the modified Givens rotation matrix to vector x and y.
The sample computes the product of a vector by a scalar.
The sample interchanges the elements of vector x and y.
The sample performs a banded matrix-vector multiplication.
The sample performs a matrix-vector multiplication.
The sample performs a rank-1 update .
The sample performs a symmetric banded matrix-vector multiplication.
The sample performs a performs the symmetric packed matrix-vector multiplication.
The sample performs a packed symmetric rank-1 update.
The sample performs a packed symmetric rank-2 update.
The sample performs a symmetric matrix-vector multiplication.
The sample performs a symmetric rank-1 update.
The sample performs a symmetric rank-2 update.
The sample performs a triangular banded matrix-vector multiplication.
The sample solves a triangular banded linear system with a single right-hand-side.
The sample performs a triangular packed matrix-vector multiplication.
The sample solves a packed triangular linear system with a single right-hand-side.
The sample performs a triangular matrix-vector multiplication.
The sample solves a triangular linear system with a single right-hand-side.
The sample performs a Hermitian matrix-vector multiplication.
The sample performs a Hermitian banded matrix-vector multiplication.
The sample performs a Hermitian packed matrix-vector multiplication.
The sample performs a Hermitian rank-1 update.
The sample performs a Hermitian rank-2 update.
The sample performs a packed Hermitian rank-1 update.
The sample performs a packed Hermitian rank-2 update.
The sample computes a matrix-matrix product with general matrices.
The sample computes matrix-matrix product with general matrices, using the Gauss complexity reduction algorithm.
The sample computes batches of matrix-matrix product with general matrices.
The sample computes strided batches of matrix-matrix product with general matrices.
The sample computes a Hermitian matrix-matrix product.
The sample computes a Hermitian rank-k update.
The sample computes a Hermitian rank-2k update.
The sample computes a variation of Hermitian rank-2k update.
The sample computes a symmetric matrix-matrix product.
The sample computes a symmetric rank-k update.
The sample computes a symmetric rank-2k update.
The sample computes a variation of symmetric rank-2k update.
The sample computes a triangular matrix-matrix product.
The sample computes a triangular linear system with multiple right-hand-sides.
The sample computes batched triangular linear systems with multiple right-hand-sides.
The sample computes a matrix-matrix addition/transposition.
The sample computes a matrix-matrix multiplication.
The sample computes a conversion from the triangular packed format to the triangular format.
The sample computes a conversion from the triangular format to the triangular packed format.
The sample computes a vector-scalar product and adds the result to a vector.
The sample computes a Hermitian rank-k update, using the Gauss complexity reduction algorithm.
The sample computes a Hermitian rank-k update.
The sample computes a symmetric rank-k update, using the Gauss complexity reduction algorithm.
The sample computes a symmetric rank-k update.
The sample applies the dot product to vector x and y.
The sample computes a matrix-matrix product with general matrices.
The sample computes batches of matrix-matrix product with general matrices.
The sample computes strided batches of matrix-matrix product with general matrices.
The sample computes the Euclidean norm of a vector.
The sample applies the Givens rotation matrix to vector x and y.
The sample computes the product of a vector by a scalar.