Wrapper for the twitterOauth php class - uses __get() and __call() to provide an intelegent object interface.
Load the object
using twitter oath this would be:
//$t->get("statuses/home_timeline", ["count" => 25, "exclude_replies" => true]);
$response = $t->get->statuses->home_timeline(["count" => 25, "exclude_replies" => true]);
Get the last 20 retweets of me, after home_timeline has set type to get and scope to statuses
$response = $t->retweets_of_me();
Change scope, keep the get request - direct_messages
$response = $t->direct_messages->show(["id" => 587424932]);
Keep scope, change the request
$t->post->new(['text' => 'Hello!', 'screen_name' => "source_control"]);
Keep scope and request
$t->destroy(["id" => 587424932]);
this resets the request and scope to post statuses
$t->tweet('My Tweet Text');
Simple - By default passes media as raw binary - tweet in a chain.
$t->media($filepath)->tweet('My Media');
Pass multiple media items - chaining!
$t->media($filepath)->media($filepath2)->media($filepath3)->tweet('My IMages');
Pass argument arrays, and tweet immidiatly.
$t->media(['media' => $filepath, 'status' => 'My Tweet']);
Pass different parms (i.e. base64 image) - and tweet
$params = ['media_data' => $encoded_image, 'status' => 'My base64 image'];