A conversational companion app that delivers prompts during conversations to prevent awkward silences!
View a demo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YUPV-6FH-v05Pb0v7Sry_BrtIl6moq_1/view?usp=sharing
Client App: Flutter
Backend Server: Python, SQLite3
API Connections: WebSockets, Azure STT, OpenAI API
1. Sign in or register with a username and password.
2. Click the 'record' button.
3. If at any time you run out of things to say, say the keyword (by default it's 'hello').
4. The app will play a response for you to use!
User Authentication:
1. The Flutter app connects to the WebSocket server upon being opened.
2. Once the user enters their credentials and clicks the 'Authenticate' button, their info is sent to
the server.
3. The server verifies this info with the database and returns a message to the app.
4. If the app receives a 'success' message, the user is granted access.
Prompt Generation:
1. The user clicks the 'record button.'
2. Live audio from the microphone is streamed to the WebSocket server.
3. The WebSocket server feeds this raw data to the Azure STT API.
4. When the Azure API transcribes a message, it saves it to a temporary db and calls the OpenAI API
to generate a new prompt.
5. If at any point Azure API detects the 'keyword', it sends it to the app, which plays it out loud.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/MinIcecream/ChatSpark
Create two .env files and add your API keys and local IP address to them (examples are provided)
Run the WebSocket server
python websocket_server.py
Run the Flutter app and voila!
This project was created as an educational tool for me to learn more about APIs, mobile app development, and databases.
I had a lot of fun making it, and I hope others will enjoy it!