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This is a most popular repository list for Scala sorted by number of stars

17228 15780 549 spark Mirror of Apache Spark
11255 1820 71 predictionio PredictionIO, a machine learning server for developers and ML engineers. Built on Apache Spark, HBase and Spray.
10413 3534 377 playframework Play Framework
10203 2423 124 scala The Scala programming language
8534 2714 732 akka Build highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM
7473 416 402 prisma ⚡️ Prisma turns your database into a realtime GraphQL API
7059 974 262 gitbucket A Git platform powered by Scala with easy installation, high extensibility & GitHub API compatibility
6440 1185 30 finagle A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
5299 282 67 ArnoldC Arnold Schwarzenegger based programming language
5212 1363 250 kafka-manager A tool for managing Apache Kafka.
4335 558 6 aerosolve A machine learning package built for humans.
4191 736 2 snowflake Snowflake is a network service for generating unique ID numbers at high scale with some simple guarantees.
4058 663 462 lila ♞ the forever free, adless and open source chess server ♞
4054 208 147 bfg-repo-cleaner Removes large or troublesome blobs like git-filter-branch does, but faster. And written in Scala
4045 402 162 linkerd Production-grade feature-rich service mesh for any platform
4027 883 645 snowplow Cloud-native web, mobile and event analytics, running on AWS and on-premise with Kafka
3959 540 221 chronos Fault tolerant job scheduler for Mesos which handles dependencies and ISO8601 based schedules
3738 2131 96 fpinscala Code, exercises, answers, and hints to go along with the book "Functional Programming in Scala"
3663 591 176 scalaz An extension to the core Scala library for functional programming.
3653 847 29 marathon Deploy and manage containers (including Docker) on top of Apache Mesos at scale.
3604 773 48 gatling Async Scala-Akka-Netty based Load Test Tool
3532 676 774 sbt sbt, the interactive build tool
3342 294 80 scala-js Scala.js, the Scala to JavaScript compiler
3270 222 206 scala-native Your favorite language gets closer to bare metal.
3154 598 392 incubator-openwhisk Apache OpenWhisk is a serverless event-based programming service and an Apache Incubator project.
3139 262 27 flockdb A distributed, fault-tolerant graph database
3082 287 29 diffy Find potential bugs in your services with Diffy
2997 646 304 scalding A Scala API for Cascading
2792 324 25 kestrel simple, distributed message queue system (inactive)
2694 364 381 dotty Research compiler that will become Scala 3
2554 604 86 spray A suite of scala libraries for building and consuming RESTful web services on top of Akka: lightweight, asynchronous, non-blocking, actor-based, testable
2553 611 85 breeze Breeze is a numerical processing library for Scala.
2509 603 224 cats Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming.
2457 402 97 shapeless Generic programming for Scala
2440 553 145 BigDL BigDL: Distributed Deep Learning Library for Apache Spark
2278 332 92 scalatra Tiny Scala high-performance, async web framework, inspired by Sinatra
2155 209 11 gizzard A flexible sharding framework for creating eventually-consistent distributed datastores
2097 171 18 scaloid Scaloid makes your Android code easy to understand and maintain.
2075 388 348 wire-android ☎️ Wire for Android
2073 460 7 util Wonderful reusable code from Twitter
2062 154 56 s3_website Manage an S3 website: sync, deliver via CloudFront, benefit from advanced S3 website features.
2035 835 201 spark-jobserver REST job server for Apache Spark
2020 478 393 slick Scala Language Integrated Connection Kit
1939 257 158 summingbird Streaming MapReduce with Scalding and Storm
1923 257 5 textteaser TextTeaser is an automatic summarization algorithm.
1857 403 270 lagom Reactive Microservices for the JVM
1801 166 28 atlas In-memory dimensional time series database.
1758 330 15 finatra Fast, testable, Scala services built on Twitter-Server and Finagle
1666 251 61 Ammonite Scala Scripting
1660 264 78 algebird Abstract Algebra for Scala
1620 743 28 CoolplaySpark 酷玩 Spark: Spark 源代码解析、Spark 类库等
1487 342 63 goose Html Content / Article Extractor in Scala - open sourced from Gravity Labs
1460 383 15 spark Lightning-fast cluster computing in Java, Scala and Python.
1442 363 38 scala-exercises The easy way to learn Scala.
1418 676 24 spark-cassandra-connector DataStax Spark Cassandra Connector
1348 287 56 scalacheck Property-based testing for Scala
1346 185 54 giter8 a command line tool to apply templates defined on GitHub
1333 550 63 KafkaOffsetMonitor A little app to monitor the progress of kafka consumers and their lag wrt the queue.
1315 216 102 lcamera A camera app using the new camera2 API in Android Lollipop
1311 183 148 spire Powerful new number types and numeric abstractions for Scala.
1302 271 98 circe Yet another JSON library for Scala
1291 298 5 ensime-server ENSIME JVM Process
1291 146 6 iago A load generator, built for engineers
1259 91 66 grid The Guardian’s new image management system
1241 177 64 postgresql-async Async, Netty based, database drivers for PostgreSQL and MySQL written in Scala
1236 89 25 Binding.scala Reactive data-binding for Scala
1230 176 149 quill Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
1228 123 138 coursier Pure Scala Artifact Fetching
1215 557 74 securesocial A module that provides OAuth, OAuth2 and OpenID authentication for Play Framework applications
1193 185 32 finch Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services
1169 125 38 monix Asynchronous, Reactive Programming for Scala and Scala.js.
1159 454 48 elastic4s Elasticsearch Scala Client - Non Blocking, Type Safe, HTTP, REST API, TCP
1154 89 27 sangria Scala GraphQL implementation
1150 267 141 framework Lift Framework
1134 166 77 doobie principled database access for scala
1122 28 10 rsc Experimental Scala compiler focused on compilation speed
1110 191 64 squbs Akka Streams & Akka HTTP for Large-Scale Production Deployments
1099 155 102 sbt-idea A simple-build-tool (sbt) plugin/processor for creating IntelliJ IDEA project files
1091 387 23 killrweather KillrWeather is a reference application (work in progress) showing how to easily integrate streaming and batch data processing with Apache Spark Streaming, Apache Cassandra, Apache Kafka and Akka for fast, streaming computations on time series data in asynchronous event-driven environments.
1078 282 122 http4s A minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP
1075 110 29 better-files Simple, safe and intuitive Scala I/O
1065 276 28 fs2 Compositional, streaming I/O library for Scala
1059 265 164 json4s A single AST to be used by other scala json libraries
1056 94 2 colossus I/O and Microservice library for Scala
1055 173 63 scio A Scala API for Apache Beam and Google Cloud Dataflow.
1051 163 11 scalajs-react Facebook's React on Scala.JS
1034 345 94 sbt-native-packager SBT Native Packager
1028 212 115 Kamon Distributed Tracing, Metrics and Context Propagation for application running on the JVM
1027 259 6 scalacaster Purely Functional Algorithms and Data Structures in Scala
1022 809 3 aas Code to accompany Advanced Analytics with Spark from O'Reilly Media
1001 279 74 reactive-kafka Reactive Streams API for Apache Kafka
977 174 26 FiloDB Distributed. Columnar. Versioned. Streaming. SQL.
973 326 20 shark Development in Shark has been ended.
961 61 16 objc2swift Open Source Obj-C to Swift Converter.
955 180 23 phantom Schema safe, type-safe, reactive Scala driver for Cassandra/Datastax Enterprise
945 82 50 sbt-dependency-graph sbt plugin to create a dependency graph for your project
931 134 29 Monocle Optics library for Scala
922 132 33 cassovary Cassovary is a simple big graph processing library for the JVM
913 82 0 Metascala A JVM written in Scala
911 357 84 spark-timeseries A library for time series analysis on Apache Spark
890 381 193 spark-csv CSV data source for Spark SQL and DataFrames
889 177 32 scalikejdbc A tidy SQL-based DB access library for Scala developers. This library naturally wraps JDBC APIs and provides you easy-to-use APIs.
885 81 23 mill Your shiny new Java/Scala build tool!
874 77 21 scala-async An asynchronous programming facility for Scala
872 68 13 scala.rx An experimental library for Functional Reactive Programming in Scala
860 234 0 C1000K-Servers ⚡ High performance websocket servers implemented by Spray-can, Netty, undertow, jetty, Vert.x, Grizzly, node.js and Go. It supports 1,200,000 active websocket connections
859 52 24 macwire Lightweight and Nonintrusive Scala Dependency Injection Library
852 101 26 elasticmq Message queueing system with an actor-based Scala and Amazon SQS-compatible interfaces. Runs stand-alone or embedded.
841 96 23 eventsourced A library for building reliable, scalable and distributed event-sourced applications in Scala
835 83 123 pickling Fast, customizable, boilerplate-free pickling support for Scala
821 157 1 twitter-server Twitter-Server defines a template from which services at Twitter are built
819 240 212 OBP-API An open source RESTful API platform for banks that supports accounts, transactions, counterparties, transfers (payments), entitlements (permissions), metadata (comments, tags, geo tags, urls etc.), multiple views on accounts (my data, shared data, open data), PSD2 compliance etc.
795 105 0 ostrich A stats collector & reporter for Scala servers (deprecated)
793 113 111 jupyter-scala Lightweight Scala kernel for Jupyter / IPython 3
791 161 42 mmlspark Microsoft Machine Learning for Apache Spark
782 85 95 wartremover Flexible Scala code linting tool
769 267 16 intellij-scala Scala plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
769 106 19 scalaj-http Simple scala wrapper for HttpURLConnection. OAuth included.
766 113 21 RxScala RxScala – Reactive Extensions for Scala – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences
766 342 5 utils4s scala、spark使用过程中,各种测试用例以及相关资料整理
764 82 4 nscala-time A new Scala wrapper for Joda Time based on scala-time
755 221 50 ReactiveMongo Non-blocking, Reactive MongoDB Driver for Scala
753 263 13 livy Livy is an open source REST interface for interacting with Apache Spark from anywhere
743 187 36 Waves Waves node application
742 281 19 play-slick Slick Plugin for Play
739 162 92 spray-json A lightweight, clean and simple JSON implementation in Scala
731 201 62 spark-testing-base Base classes to use when writing tests with Spark
727 125 9 play-silhouette Silhouette is an authentication library for Play Framework applications that supports several authentication methods, including OAuth1, OAuth2, OpenID, CAS, Credentials, Basic Authentication or custom authentication schemes.
726 117 53 rediscala Non-blocking, Reactive Redis driver for Scala (with Sentinel support)
719 259 92 adam ADAM is a genomics analysis platform with specialized file formats built using Apache Avro, Apache Spark and Parquet. Apache 2 licensed.
710 48 13 blueeyes A lightweight Web 3.0 framework for Scala, featuring a purely asynchronous architecture, extremely high-performance, massive scalability, high usability, and a functional, composable design.
707 332 1 kafka-storm-starter Code examples that show to integrate Apache Kafka 0.8+ with Apache Storm 0.9+ and Apache Spark Streaming 1.1+, while using Apache Avro as the data serialization format.
693 122 36 unfiltered A toolkit for servicing HTTP requests in Scala
693 156 78 sbteclipse Plugin for sbt to create Eclipse project definitions
681 219 140 geotrellis GeoTrellis is a geographic data processing engine for high performance applications.
680 290 120 alpakka Reactive Enterprise Integration — Alpakka
678 64 46 refined Simple refinement types for Scala
672 227 328 scalatest A testing tool for Scala and Java developers
671 68 16 skinny-framework 🚝 "Scala on Rails" - A full-stack web app framework for rapid development in Scala
665 159 127 Antox Android client for Project Tox - Secure Peer to Peer Messaging
660 200 48 dbpedia-spotlight DBpedia Spotlight is a tool for automatically annotating mentions of DBpedia resources in text.
659 412 100 carbondata Mirror of Apache CarbonData
657 227 251 OpenComputers Home of the OpenComputers mod for Minecraft.
657 308 468 akka-http The Streaming-first HTTP server/module of Akka
656 130 13 twitter-korean-text Korean tokenizer
650 94 39 eventuate Global-scale event sourcing and event collaboration with causal consistency
647 140 1 gearpump Lightweight real-time big data streaming engine over Akka
646 38 8 sri Build truly native cross platform (web,ios,android) apps using scalajs and react, react-native ,This project moved to new organization :, new chat room :
644 137 6 progressbar microservice
640 50 5 berkeley-doc-summarizer The Berkeley Document Summarizer is a learning-based, single-document summarization system that extracts source document content, exploits syntactic information to compress it, and uses coreference constraints to ensure clarity.
637 138 48 tensorframes Tensorflow wrapper for DataFrames on Apache Spark
635 105 34 fastparse Writing Fast Parsers Fast in Scala
633 93 399 quasar Quasar Analytics is a general-purpose compiler for translating data processing and analytics over semi-structured data into efficient plans that run 100% in the target infrastructure.
629 317 25 node2vec None
628 272 18 sparkling-water Sparkling Water provides H2O functionality inside Spark cluster
626 138 68 slick-pg Slick extensions for PostgreSQL
625 43 33 simulacrum First class syntax support for type classes in Scala
625 143 21 play2-auth Play2.x Authentication and Authorization module
625 172 8 Fregata A light weight, super fast, large scale machine learning library on spark .
622 113 20 ScalaPB Protocol buffer compiler for Scala.
621 46 10 sbt-revolver An SBT plugin for dangerously fast development turnaround in Scala
621 131 182 scalameta Library to read, analyze, transform and generate Scala programs
619 205 34 HouseMD HouseMD is an awesome diagnosing tool better than BTrace
618 83 62 codebrag Your daily code review tool
618 208 24 scrooge A Thrift parser/generator
611 169 5 specs2 Software Specifications for Scala
609 128 114 figaro Figaro Programming Language and Core Libraries
609 70 26 pureconfig A boilerplate-free library for loading configuration files
605 138 168 scalafmt Code formatter for Scala
604 278 94 rocket-chip Rocket Chip Generator
591 59 16 enumeratum A type-safe, reflection-free, powerful enumeration implementation for Scala with exhaustive pattern match warnings and helpful integrations.
590 54 105 vamp Vamp - canary releasing and autoscaling for microservice systems
587 215 18 scalajs-spa-tutorial Tutorial for creating a simple Single Page Application in ScalaJS
587 42 53 intellij-haskell IntelliJ plugin for Haskell
584 62 13 DeepLearning.scala A simple library for creating complex neural networks
582 125 8 blinkdb BlinkDB: Sub-Second Approximate Queries on Very Large Data.
574 329 3 akka-in-action Accompanying source code for akka in action
572 108 28 eclair A scala implementation of the Lightning Network.
572 171 16 ecosystem Integration of TensorFlow with other open-source frameworks
570 68 33 parboiled2 A macro-based PEG parser generator for Scala 2.10+
569 173 50 AWScala Using AWS SDK on the Scala REPL
561 179 31 SparkNet Distributed Neural Networks for Spark
560 88 12 scala-logging Convenient and performant logging library for Scala wrapping SLF4J.
557 89 21 sbt-docker Create Docker images directly from sbt
554 178 47 scalastyle scalastyle
554 90 27 scalatags ScalaTags is a small XML/HTML construction library for Scala.
546 334 32 reference-apps Spark reference applications
545 67 16 matryoshka Generalized recursion schemes and traversals for Scala.
544 241 2 orderbook-dynamics Modeling high-frequency limit order book dynamics with support vector machines
540 74 10 scodec Scala combinator library for working with binary data
539 132 7 casbah Officially supported Scala Driver for MongoDB
535 40 25 macroid A modular functional UI language for Android
526 142 24 factorie FACTORIE is a toolkit for deployable probabilistic modeling, implemented as a software library in Scala. It provides its users with a succinct language for creating relational factor graphs, estimating parameters and performing inference.
524 185 20 Antox Scala android client for Project Tox - secure p2p messaging
521 90 30 bijection Reversible conversions between types
520 37 15 scala-offheap Experimental type-safe off-heap memory for Scala.
519 38 37 freestyle A cohesive & pragmatic framework of FP centric Scala libraries
512 58 19 scalacache Simple caching in Scala
512 67 5 diode Scala library for managing immutable application model
508 90 27 scalate Scalate is a Scala based template engine which supports HAML, Mustache and JSP, Erb and Velocity style syntaxes.
504 121 26 squeryl A Scala DSL for talking with databases with minimum verbosity and maximum type safety
504 112 36 salat Salat is a simple serialization library for case classes.
501 66 30 squants The Scala API for Quantities, Units of Measure and Dimensional Analysis
500 82 6 rogue MOVED - The project is still under development but this page is deprecated.
499 90 81 collins groovy kind of love
499 40 485 graphcool-framework None
491 41 5 curiodb Distributed NoSQL Database
490 59 27 sbt-jmh "Trust no one, bench everything." - sbt plugin for JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness)
487 33 8 kind-projector Compiler plugin for making type lambdas (type projections) easier to write
486 99 21 scoobi A Scala productivity framework for Hadoop.
485 150 54 scalariform Scala source code formatter
480 178 12 incubator-toree Mirror of Apache Toree (Incubating)
479 39 18 scala-arm This project aims to be the Scala Incubator project for Automatic-Resource-Management in the scala library
478 269 1 scala-ide Scala IDE for Eclipse
473 68 20 conscript Scala at your command
469 122 39 keystone Simplifying robust end-to-end machine learning on Apache Spark.
467 55 58 tut doc/tutorial generator for scala
466 75 3 scala-scraper A Scala library for scraping content from HTML pages
463 266 68 spark-avro Avro support for Spark, SQL, and DataFrames
462 94 1 scala-oauth2-provider OAuth 2.0 server-side implementation written in Scala
458 109 25 scala-csv CSV Reader/Writer for Scala
458 222 108 extraction-framework The software used to extract structured data from Wikipedia
457 75 226 cbt CBT - fun, fast, intuitive, compositional, statically checked builds written in Scala
455 123 65 sbt-release A release plugin for sbt
454 32 14 sbt-updates SBT plugin that can check Maven and Ivy repositories for dependency updates
454 116 7 edda Service to track changes in your cloud
452 63 18 simple-docker-ui Native Docker UI for Windows, macOS and Linux
451 75 32 play2-war-plugin WAR Plugin for Play framework 2.x
443 185 13 geomesa GeoMesa is a suite of tools for working with big geo-spatial data in a distributed fashion.
443 45 11 sttp The Scala HTTP client you always wanted!
443 104 39 chill Scala extensions for the Kryo serialization library
442 130 6 spring-scala None
441 63 22 stringmetric 🎯 String metrics and phonetic algorithms for Scala (e.g. Dice/Sorensen, Hamming, Jaccard, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, Levenshtein, Metaphone, N-Gram, NYSIIS, Overlap, Ratcliff/Obershelp, Refined NYSIIS, Refined Soundex, Soundex, Weighted Levenshtein).
438 98 22 repox Make sbt more responsive
435 97 19 argonaut Purely functional JSON parser and library in scala.
435 59 13 twofishes MOVED - The project is still under development but this page is deprecated.
434 75 78 storehaus Storehaus is a library that makes it easy to work with asynchronous key value stores
432 55 57 xitrum Async and clustered Scala web framework and HTTP(S) server
431 154 8 sparta Real Time Analytics and Data Pipelines based on Spark Streaming
425 35 20 accord Accord: A sane validation library for Scala
423 98 32 mleap MLeap: Deploy Spark Pipelines to Production
419 81 28 epic Epic is a high performance statistical parser written in Scala, along with a framework for building complex structured prediction models.
414 21 2 reftree Automatically generated diagrams and animations for Scala data structures
409 55 42 scalafx ScalaFX simplifies creation of JavaFX-based user interfaces in Scala.
408 227 4 spray-template SBT template project for quickly getting started with spray-server
408 140 21 stream-reactor Streaming reference architecture for ETL with Kafka and Kafka-Connect. You can find more on on how we provide a unified solution to manage your connectors, most advanced SQL engine for Kafka and Kafka Streams, cluster monitoring and alerting, and more.
407 71 40 frameless Expressive types for Spark.
407 40 1 scallop a simple Scala CLI parsing library
407 104 5 reboot Scala wrapper for the Java AsyncHttpClient.
407 78 4 akka-quartz-scheduler Quartz Extension and utilities for cron-style scheduling in Akka
406 112 128 chisel2-deprecated None
403 33 8 subcut Scala Uniquely Bound Classes Under Traits
403 72 4 akka-http-json Integrate some of the best JSON libs in Scala with Akka HTTP
402 60 18 platform Advanced Analytics Engine for NoSQL Data
401 53 40 Vegas The missing MatPlotLib for Scala + Spark
400 80 35 twirl Twirl is Play's default template engine
399 134 2 Play-ReactiveMongo ReactiveMongo plugin for Playframework
397 168 86 spark-redshift Redshift data source for Spark
396 19 12 quicklens Modify deeply nested case class fields
395 95 39 Scorex Scorex 2.0 Core
394 143 59 kafka Apache Kafka on Apache Mesos
393 92 1 sse-chat Chat example app using Server Sent Events plus REST calls. Scala, Play Framework 2.3, AngularJS or React (alternatively).
392 58 37 scalameter Microbenchmarking and performance regression testing framework for the JVM platform.
391 108 68 sbt-scoverage sbt plugin for scoverage
390 136 8 norbert Norbert is a cluster manager and networking layer built on top of Zookeeper.
389 24 4 papa-carlo Constructor of incremental parsers in Scala
387 179 36 spark-redis A connector for Spark that allows reading and writing to/from Redis cluster
387 47 1 scala-graph Graph for Scala is intended to provide basic graph functionality seamlessly fitting into the Scala Collection Library. Like the well known members of scala.collection, Graph for Scala is an in-memory graph library aiming at editing and traversing graphs, finding cycles etc. in a user-friendly way.
386 65 4 shard A command line tool to detect shared passwords
380 59 0 legacy-svn-scala OBSOLETE, we're over there:
380 113 59 magellan Geo Spatial Data Analytics on Spark
371 147 1 mongo-spark The MongoDB Spark Connector
370 104 4 bootzooka Simple project to quickly start developing a web application using AngularJS and Akka HTTP, without the need to write login, user registration etc.
370 54 20 gremlin-scala Scala wrapper for Apache TinkerPop 3 Graph DSL
369 44 35 brushfire Distributed decision tree ensemble learning in Scala
368 111 84 graphframes None
365 63 15 sbt-buildinfo I know this because build.sbt knows this.
364 110 4 play-scalajs.g8 Giter8 template to get started with Play and Scala.js.
362 98 1 xsbt-web-plugin Build J2EE Web applications with sbt
362 19 8 Shot Gradle plugin developed to facilitate screenshot testing for Android
360 80 7 freedom Source files for SiFive's Freedom platforms
360 137 13 universal-recommender Highly configurable recommender based on PredictionIO and Mahout's Correlated Cross-Occurrence algorithm
359 30 4 REPLesent A neat little tool to build presentations using the Scala REPL
358 96 0 scala Scala reference (as seen by Java developer)
358 40 10 tensorflow_scala TensorFlow API for the Scala Programming Language
356 102 82 chisel3 Chisel 3
355 184 10 AppCrawler 基于appium的app自动遍历工具
352 52 1 metrics-scala The scala API for Dropwizard's Metrics.
351 72 20 ScalaMock Native Scala mocking framework
351 97 8 openie Quality information extraction at web scale.
350 102 92 jackson-module-scala Add-on module for Jackson ( to support Scala-specific datatypes
349 26 10 akka.js Akka, for Scala.js
349 74 2 akka-streams-example None
346 30 11 ordasity Ordasity is Boundary's library for building stateful clustered services on the JVM.
346 101 14 spark-corenlp CoreNLP wrapper for Spark
345 43 0 learn-fp learn-by-doing course/tutorial for functional programming on scala
343 53 6 eff Eff monad for cats -
343 91 1 upickle uPickle: a simple, fast, dependency-free JSON serialization library for Scala
342 134 50 spark-jobserver REST job server for Spark. Note that this is not the mainline open source version. For that, go to This fork now serves as a semi-private repo for Ooyala.
340 71 14 flint A Time Series Library for Apache Spark
339 66 21 sbt-pack A sbt plugin for creating distributable Scala packages.
333 60 21 sbt-web Library for building sbt plugins for the web
333 35 22 wisp Wisp Is Scala Plotting
332 190 71 tranquility Tranquility helps you send real-time event streams to Druid and handles partitioning, replication, service discovery, and schema rollover, seamlessly and without downtime.
331 55 5 jwt-scala JWT support for Scala. Bonus extensions for Play, Play JSON, Json4s, Circe and uPickle
331 9 8 idea-composer-plugin PhpStorm plugin that adds code completion in composer.json file
328 171 16 akka-samples Akka Sample Projects
323 84 18 scala-parser-combinators simple combinator-based parsing for Scala. formerly part of the Scala standard library, now a separate community-maintained module
321 248 3 prog-scala-2nd-ed-code-examples The code examples used in Programming Scala, 2nd Edition (O'Reilly)
320 58 0 classic [UNSUPPORTED] Dispatch Classic. See dispatch/reboot for the modern Dispatch for Scala 2.11/2.12
318 98 142 hail Scalable genomic data analysis.
317 56 25 cats-effect The IO monad for Scala
317 61 18 mypipe MySQL binary log consumer with the ability to act on changed rows and publish changes to different systems with emphasis on Apache Kafka.
317 48 41 activate Pluggable persistence in Scala
317 77 10 nak The Nak Machine Learning Library
316 76 1 ScalNet A Scala wrapper for Deeplearning4j, inspired by Keras. Scala + DL + Spark + GPUs
315 61 50 scala_school2 Scala School 2
314 134 12 scala-kafka Quick up and running using Scala for Apache Kafka
314 31 19 scala-activerecord ActiveRecord-like ORM library for Scala
313 114 2 streamDM Stream Data Mining Library for Spark Streaming
312 50 7 chana Avro Data Store based on Akka
311 30 15 fetch Simple & Efficient data access for Scala and Scala.js
311 31 35 autowire Macros for simple/safe RPCs between Scala applications, including ScalaJS/ScalaJVM
310 67 10 ping-play BigPipe streaming for the Play Framework
310 64 10 scalgos algorithms in scala
309 35 17 Scalala Scalala has been superseded by dlwh/breeze. Scalala is a high performance numeric linear algebra library for Scala, with rich Matlab-like operators on vectors and matrices; a library of numerical routines; support for plotting.
307 37 14 remotely An elegant RPC system for reasonable people
306 92 34 avro4s Avro schema generation and serialization / deserialization
306 43 20 jawn Jawn is for parsing jay-sawn (JSON)
306 52 13 zinc ⛔️ [DEPRECATED] sbt's scala incremental compiler
304 53 1 ddd-leaven-akka-v2 Sample e-commerce system #Microservices #Akka #Reactive-DDD #CQRS
303 45 0 links Just a bunch of useful links
303 130 34 ProjectRed Extending redstone functionality to FMP
303 81 44 scalac-scoverage-plugin Scoverage Scala Code Coverage Core Libs
302 51 24 IScala Scala backend for IPython
300 95 23 graphx Former GraphX development repository. GraphX has been merged into Apache Spark; please submit pull requests there.
299 57 2 akka-http-scala-js-websocket-chat An example app that integrates akka-http and scala-js to implement a websocket chat
298 81 10 rchain None
298 32 19 akka-tracing A distributed tracing extension for Akka. Provides integration with Play framework, Spray and Akka HTTP.
298 87 10 frdomain Code repo for Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling
298 59 8 nd4s ND4S: N-Dimensional Arrays for Scala. Scientific Computing a la Numpy. Based on ND4J.
297 31 19 sourcecode Scala library providing "source" metadata to your program, similar to Python's name, C++'s LINE or Ruby's FILE.
297 75 116 scalafix Refactoring and linting tool for Scala
297 173 18 spark-solr Tools for reading data from Solr as a Spark RDD and indexing objects from Spark into Solr using SolrJ.
296 66 17 docker-it-scala Docker integration testing kit with Scala
296 96 45 Spark-MongoDB Spark library for easy MongoDB access
295 47 8 scala_text Scala研修用テキスト
295 42 3 akka-patterns Implementations of common enterprise integration patterns and more using Akka
295 40 8 fun-cqrs Fun.CQRS is a Scala CQRS/ES framework. It provides the basic blocks to build event driven aggregates with Event Sourcing.
293 91 0 akka-http-rest Example of reactive REST service written on akka-http with slick
292 22 25 supler Rapid Form Development library. Use your favourite JS frontend & Scala backend frameworks.
291 38 10 scala-java8-compat A Java 8 compatibility kit for Scala.
290 18 6 udash-core Scala framework for building beautiful and maintainable web applications.
290 54 38 algebra Experimental project to lay out basic algebra type classes
289 52 18 utest A simple testing framework for Scala
283 11 5 sqltyped Embedding SQL as an external DSL into Scala
282 22 17 lmvtfy LMVTFY: Let Me Validate That For You
282 131 37 jerkson [ABANDONED] The Scala applewood bacon to Jackson's chicken breast: JSON cordon bleu.
281 55 20 moe An -OFun prototype of an Ultra Modern Perl 5
281 255 4 scala-dist SBT project that packages the Scala distribution
280 47 18 dogs data structures for pure functional programming in scala. see the completely incomplete documentation website:
278 74 10 scala-kafka-client Scala helper modules for operating the Apache Kafka client library (0.9.x - 1.1.x)
277 174 39 spark-perf Performance tests for Spark
277 28 12 larray Large off-heap arrays and mmap files for Scala and Java
274 38 10 scala-uri Simple scala library for building and parsing URIs
271 37 6 translate-bubble-android Translations without interruptions
271 36 0 akka-analytics Large-scale event processing with Akka Persistence and Apache Spark
269 96 10 incubator-gearpump Mirror of Apache Gearpump (Incubating)
267 17 18 scaldi Lightweight Scala Dependency Injection Library
266 55 15 scala-pet-store An implementation of the java pet store using FP techniques in scala
266 60 20 scala-time A Scala wrapper for Joda Time
266 175 1 SparkLearning Learning Apache spark,including code and data .Most part can run local.
266 43 27 sirius A distributed system library for managing application reference data
264 52 73 webjars Client-side web libraries packaged into JARs
264 28 18 degraph Test and Visualize and Manage Dependencies of classes and packages in JVM Byte Code (think Scala and Java)
263 51 15 socko A Scala web server powered by Netty networking and AKKA processing.
263 19 1 net-monitor Toolkit for auditing "phone home" behavior on Mac OS X Yosemite.
262 29 24 Scalatex Programmable, Typesafe Document Generation
261 21 1 psp-std psp's non-standard standard library (for scala)
260 177 1 Spark-The-Definitive-Guide Spark: The Definitive Guide's Code Repository
260 147 11 high-performance-spark-examples Examples for High Performance Spark
258 54 4 akka-ddd Akka CQRS/ES framework
258 59 5 ScalaStorm Harness the power and elegance of Scala with nathanmarz's Storm real-time system
256 126 72 swagger-play None
256 14 10 scala-clippy Good advice for Scala compiler errors
256 115 153 rpgboss point and click rpg game editor and engine
255 130 7 sample-applications Sample applications that go with the book Play for Scala
255 171 0 LearningSpark Scala examples for learning to use Spark
255 62 8 spray-socketio for spray
254 153 0 scala-labs A collection of hands-on programming exercises aimed at teaching you to program in Scala
253 39 28 scalacss Super type-safe CSS for Scala and Scala.JS.
252 42 44 scapegoat Scala compiler plugin for static code analysis
252 112 120 scalaxb scalaxb is an XML data binding tool for Scala.
252 76 15 sbt-git A git plugin for SBT
252 19 20 korolev Single Page Applications running on the server side
251 138 5 Spark-SQL-on-HBase Native, optimized access to HBase Data through Spark SQL/Dataframe Interfaces
251 45 7 chalk Chalk is a natural language processing library.
251 27 7 kittens Automatic type class derivation for Cats
251 29 20 linter Static Analysis Compiler Plugin for Scala
250 30 5 boopickle Binary serialization library for efficient network communication
250 74 19 BIDMat A CPU and GPU-accelerated matrix library for data mining
249 70 472 cromwell Scientific workflow engine designed for simplicity & scalability. Trivially transition between one off use cases to massive scale production environments
249 74 59 play-swagger Swagger spec generator for play framework
248 44 19 scalajs-angular AngularJS Binding for Scala.js
248 27 13 osstracker Github organization OSS metrics collector and metrics dashboard
247 43 10 cassie A Scala client for Cassandra
246 32 5 scalikejdbc-async ScalikeJDBC Extension: Non-blocking APIs in the JDBC way
245 23 7 hamsters A mini Scala utility library
245 38 3 open-korean-text Open Korean Text Processor - An Open-source Korean Text Processor
245 30 0 scala-abide obsolete; visit instead
242 49 43 newman A REST Client Made For Humans
242 46 8 openie-standalone Quality information extraction at web scale. Edit
241 34 9 Neutrino Neutrino is a software load balancer(SLB)
241 219 2 spark-training Spark training material
241 78 20 spark-indexedrdd An efficient updatable key-value store for Apache Spark
241 28 3 reactors A foundational framework for distributed programming.
239 34 33 s2graph This code base is retained for historical interest only, please visit Apache Incubator Repo for latest one
239 61 8 sbt-scalariform sbt plugin adding support for source code formatting using Scalariform
238 41 19 sbt-onejar Packages your project using One-JAR™
238 123 99 shc The Apache Spark - Apache HBase Connector is a library to support Spark accessing HBase table as external data source or sink.
238 21 19 khronus A reactive time series database
237 21 17 ScalaCL ScalaCL - run Scala on your GPU!
237 36 31 sorm A functional boilerplate-free Scala ORM
236 48 12 slick-joda-mapper Slick with JodaTime
236 73 15 scalatest-embedded-kafka A library that provides an in-memory Kafka instance to run your ScalaTest specs against.
234 58 92 banana-rdf Banana RDF
234 76 0 TechDoc 自己编写的技术文档汇总
232 80 2 ensime-sbt Generates .ensime config files for SBT projects
231 31 13 sjson Scala Json with capabilities for Scala Object Serialization
230 80 27 virtualization-lms-core A Framework for Runtime Code Generation and Compiled DSLs
229 31 51 overview-server Open source large document set visualization platform
229 11 2 clump A library for expressive and efficient service composition
228 36 14 chaos A lightweight framework for writing REST services in Scala.
227 9 1 scalaz-and-cats Usage examples and benchmarks between Scalaz and Cats (w/ Haskell ground-truth).
226 80 43 ScalaBuff the scala protocol buffers (protobuf) compiler
226 15 16 debox Fast, deboxed, specialized data structures for Scala
226 139 10 akka-persistence-cassandra A replicated Akka Persistence journal backed by Apache Cassandra
225 19 11 json-lenses A library to query and update JSON data in Scala.
224 18 3 akka-data-replication Replication of CRDTs in Akka Cluster
224 82 39 spark-hbase-connector Connect Spark to HBase for reading and writing data with ease
223 64 17 querulous An agreeable way to talk to your database.
223 56 19 spray-websocket WebSocket for spray-can
222 48 5 dockerworker The new IronWorker workflow examples. Test locally, then upload and start queuing jobs!
221 40 57 akka-raft A toy project implementing RAFT on top of Akka Cluster (not prod ready)
221 91 7 scalachess Chess API written in scala. Immutable and free of side effects.
221 67 3 reactive-microservices Project showcasing different microservice communication styles using Scala, Akka, Play and other tools from Scala ecosystem
221 18 17 riff-raff The Guardian's deployment platform
220 30 7 active-slick Slick extensions for record lifecycle management
220 114 0 CourseraCodeSamplesReactiveProgramming None
220 77 3 kcptun-android kcptun for Android.
220 22 2 grafter Grafter is a library to configure and wire Scala applications
219 118 5 bugatti 运维自动化部署监控平台
219 6 12 Scalaxy Compiler plugin goodies for Scala (continuation of non-OpenCL part of ScalaCL)
217 36 14 constructr Coordinated (etcd, ...) cluster construction for dynamic (cloud, containers) environments
217 73 10 spark-druid-olap Sparkline BI Accelerator provides fast ad-hoc query capability over Logical Cubes. This has been folded into our SNAP Platform( an Integrated BI platform on Apache Spark.
215 80 3 kafka-exactly-once None
215 70 6 neo4j-scala Scala wrapper for Neo4j Graph Database
214 37 0 boilerplay Using the latest technology in the Scala ecosystem, Boilerplay is a reactive web application built on Play 2.6, ScalaJS, Silhouette 5, Sangria/GraphQL, and PostgreSQL. It provides a good starting point for whatever you want to build.
214 21 4 twirl The Play framework Scala template engine, stand-alone and packaged as an SBT plugin
214 50 38 tispark TiSpark is built for running Apache Spark on top of TiDB/TiKV
214 60 6 play-salat MongoDB / Salat plugin for Play 2 [MOVED]
214 24 1 puck Puck is a lightning-fast parser for natural languages using GPUs
213 29 11 bloom-filter-scala Bloom filter for Scala, the fastest for JVM
212 15 22 kantan.csv CSV handling library for Scala
212 15 1 scads Scala Algorithms and Data Structures
212 66 19 play-mailer Play mailer plugin
212 101 6 hbase-rdd Spark RDD to read and write from HBase
212 30 11 scala-stm A library-based Software Transactional Memory (STM) for Scala, coupled with transactional sets and maps
212 52 3 apparat A framework to optmize ABC, SWC and SWF files.
211 25 4 scala-machines A stream processing library for Scala
211 21 8 play-auto-refresh None
211 147 23 astro Native, optimized access to HBase Data through Spark SQL/Dataframe Interfaces
211 100 7 scalania Learn Scala by examples
211 58 68 aprsdroid APRSdroid - Android APRS reporting tool
210 20 32 outwatch A purely functional and reactive UI framework based on Monix and VirtualDom
208 21 8 retry because you should never give up, at least not on the first try
206 89 0 mongo-scala-driver None
206 33 5 streamz A combinator library for integrating Functional Streams for Scala (FS2), Akka Streams and Apache Camel
205 139 13 SparkOnHBase SparkOnHBase
205 10 5 crjdt A conflict-free replicated JSON datatype (CRDT) in Scala
205 41 11 atto friendly little parsers
204 32 0 ddd-leaven-akka Reactive DDD with Akka
204 37 2 probability-monad None
204 36 5 baysick An embedded Insane-specific Language for Scala implementing the BASIC programming language
203 42 6 workbench Tooling around scala-js
203 25 4 SpinalHDL SpinalHDL core
202 23 8 scalang Scalang is a scala wrapper that makes it easy to write services that interface with erlang.
202 53 13 riscv-boom Berkeley Out-of-Order Machine
201 38 1 scala LascoDan(Korea Scala Group) scala study
201 40 30 reactive A simple FRP library and a web UI framework built on it
201 14 0 sbt-fresh sbt-plugin to create an opinionated fresh sbt project
201 51 12 sparklint A tool for monitoring and tuning Spark jobs for efficiency.
200 15 4 scalaprops property based testing library for Scala
200 27 9 nelson Automated, multi-region container deployment
200 45 70 apibuilder Simple, Comprehensive Tooling for Modern APIs
199 59 16 op-rabbit The Opinionated RabbitMQ Library for Scala and Akka
199 27 4 each A macro library that converts native imperative syntax to scalaz's monadic expressions
197 5 5 splain better implicit errors for scala
197 15 6 gll-combinators A parser combinator library based on the GLL algorithm
197 58 9 akka-persistence-kafka A replicated Akka Persistence journal backed by Apache Kafka
197 64 17 akka-kafka None
196 65 2 Scala-Algorithms Scala translations of Robert Sedgewick's Java Algorthms
196 42 12 scala-ssh Remote shell access via SSH for your Scala applications
196 64 1 progfun-stats Visualize statistics from the MOOC "Functional Programming Principles in Scala" using Scala!
195 43 12 Delite The Delite Git Repo
195 48 5 scala-json Scala JSON toolkit. Originally from the Odersky "Stairway" Book, tightened up and tests added by Twitter, Inc.
195 170 31 spark-sql-perf None
194 46 2 telegrambot4s Telegram Bot API Wrapper for Scala
194 102 11 workbench-example-app An example application written in ScalaJS using scala-js-dom and scala-js-workbench
194 26 5 Full-Stack-Scala-Starter Play 2.5, ScalaJS, Binding.scala starter project.
194 65 77 collection-strawman Implementation of the new Scala 2.13 Collections
194 29 20 scalagen Java to Scala transformation
193 19 1 AndroidDemoIn4Languages Comparison among Java, Groovy, Scala, Kotlin in Android Development.
193 18 35 bloop A hot bloop for your productivity
193 16 17 freek Freek, a freaky simple Free to combine your DSL seamlessly
192 62 3 akka-rabbitmq RabbitMq client in Scala and Akka actors
191 78 0 midonet MidoNet is an Open Source network virtualization system for Openstack clouds
191 43 17 gu-who answering: who are all these users in my GitHub org?
190 68 0 link-prediction Solution to Facebook's link prediction contest on Kaggle.
190 30 17 Cortex Powerful Observable Analysis Engine
190 42 64 rapture Rapture
190 23 6 jscala Scala macro that produces JavaScript from Scala code.
189 36 34 scala-redis-nb Implementation of a non blocking Redis client in Scala using Akka IO
188 174 7 txbits DISCLAIMER: TxBits is not affiliated with any active exchanges. Use them at your own risk and beware of any that violate the AGPL license terms by not releasing their source code as required.
188 17 8 acyclic Acyclic is a Scala compiler plugin to let you prohibit circular dependencies between files
188 24 0 akka-crdt Server-managed CRDTs based on Akka
187 59 37 lojinha a small store application, developed using Play 2 and Akka 2
187 39 1 s4 Spray Slick Starter Stack
187 32 1 akka-sse Akka HTTP now includes Akka SSE, this project is at EOL
187 12 10 emm A general monad for managing stacking effects
187 44 4 sbt-native-packager-examples A set of sbt-native-pakager examples
187 48 9 reactive-rabbit Reactive Streams driver for AMQP protocol. Powered by RabbitMQ library.
187 7 4 chimney Scala library for boilerplate-free data transformations
186 41 8 bayes-scala Bayesian Networks in Scala
186 42 13 trifecta Trifecta is a web-based and CLI tool that simplifies inspecting Kafka messages and Zookeeper data. Additionally, the CLI tool provides the capability to import/export data to/from ElasticSearch and MongoDB.
186 21 10 smoke Simple, asynchronous HTTP using Scala.
186 31 0 eventsourced-example A Scala web application demonstrating event-sourcing best practices
186 72 5 play-scala-websocket-example Example Play Scala application showing WebSocket use with Akka actors
185 72 1 spark-elastic This project combines Apache Spark and Elasticsearch to enable mining & prediction for Elasticsearch.
184 26 9 validation validation api extracted from play
184 59 37 akka-kryo-serialization Kryo-based serialization for Akka
184 26 0 DeepLearningForFun Implementation of some interesting ideas of deeplearning with MXNet
182 23 15 scalalogging Convenient and performant logging in Scala
182 53 1 akka-dddd-template Akka DDDD template using CQRS/ES with a Distributed Domain
182 32 20 dragos-vscode-scala None
181 11 2 metarest Scala macros to generate RESTful Models
181 88 5 reactivemongo-demo-app Full web application built upon Play 2.0 and ReactiveMongo
181 60 3 ReactiveMessagingPatterns_ActorModel The examples for the book "Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model--Applications and Integration in Scala and Akka"
181 83 14 akka-persistence-jdbc Asynchronously writes journal and snapshot entries to configured JDBC databases so that Akka Actors can recover state
181 28 59 metals 🚧 WIP Language Server for Scala 🚧
180 31 10 browse A Scala source code browser
180 37 27 migration-manager Scala Binary Compatibility validation tool – "MiMa" for short
179 84 1 A-community-detect-System-based-on-GraphX 最近太忙了,请不要联系我了,也不用点赞了。有小人对我完整言论中的部分进行截图向“单位“举报我。抱歉,技术博客怕以生活中的内容举例子的内容被小人只截取完整内容中的部分内容举报利用,已一键全部删帖。
179 36 2 hacg 琉璃神社 hacg android app by scala
179 19 42 nine-cards-v2 An Open Source Android Launcher built with Scala on Android
178 22 0 store The DB that's replicated, sharded and transactional.
178 48 8 ficus Scala-friendly companion to Typesafe config - moved to
178 11 10 adept Adept - the predictable dependency management system
178 24 8 sbt-sonatype A sbt plugin for publishing Scala/Java projects to the Maven central.
177 10 2 Scurses Scurses, terminal drawing API for Scala, and Onions, a Scurses framework for easy terminal UI
177 59 5 riscv-sodor educational microarchitectures for risc-v isa
177 42 4 knobs A reasonable configuration library for Scala
177 24 2 stateless-future Asynchronous programming in fully featured Scala syntax.
176 39 9 sPDF Create PDFs from Scala using plain old HTML and CSS. Uses wkhtmltopdf on the back-end which renders HTML using Webkit.
176 12 0 sentinel Boilerplate for creating reactive TCP clients / servers on Akka Streams
175 32 28 EventStore.JVM Event Store JVM Client
175 97 94 spark-xml XML data source for Spark SQL and DataFrames
175 60 5 spark-hash Locality Sensitive Hashing for Apache Spark
175 46 27 mist Serverless proxy for Spark cluster
175 30 2 quiver A reasonable library for modeling multi-graphs in Scala
174 23 8 swave A lightweight Reactive Streams Infrastructure Toolkit for Scala.
174 68 0 PlayBasics Example code for my tutorial series about Play Framework 2.x
174 39 6 rudder Continuous configuration for effective compliance
173 62 16 cloudformation-template-generator A type-safe Scala DSL for generating CloudFormation templates
172 42 4 eventsim Event data simulator. Generates a stream of pseudo-random events from a set of users, designed to simulate web traffic.
172 33 1 play2-hands-on Play2 + Slick / ScalikeJDBCを使ってWebアプリケーションを作成するハンズオンです。
172 25 9 scala-blitz Scala framework for efficient sequential and data-parallel collections -
172 13 1 scala-workflow Boilerplate-free syntax for effectful computations
172 86 24 scala-js-dom statically typed dom wrappers for scala-js
171 11 0 Structures Functional type classes for Scala
170 57 37 scanamo Simpler DynamoDB access for Scala
170 57 3 effective_akka Source code from my Effective Akka work
170 54 2 scala-koans The Scala Koans
170 44 2 MachineLearning Literature Study
170 28 18 Laika Text Markup Transformer for sbt and Scala applications, transforming Markdown and reStructuredText to HTML and PDF
170 9 3 expecty Power assertions (as known from Groovy and Spock) for the Scala language.
170 18 4 scuruto An internal knowledge sharing app
169 44 14 doodle Compositional vector graphics in Scala / Scala.JS
169 52 75 scastie An interactive playground for Scala
169 66 2 reactive-web-applications Sources of the sample applications of the Reactive Web Application book
168 24 3 akka-http-cors Akka Http directives implementing the CORS specifications defined by W3C
168 26 3 Hasher A small Scala library for easily generating hashes (md5, sha1, sha256, sha512, crc32, bcrypt, hmacs, pbkdf2)
168 39 14 anti-xml The scala.xml library has some very annoying issues. Time for a clean-room replacement!
167 7 9 thyme Thyme is a microbenchmark utility for Scala. It includes Parsley, a (simple) local profiling tool.
166 107 1 javacv-examples Examples of using JavaCV / OpenCV library on Java Virtual Machine
166 107 0 scala-js-example-app Example application built with Scala.js
166 36 7 scala-js-ts-importer TypeScript Importer for Scala.js
166 18 7 sbt-web-scalajs SBT plugin to use Scala.js along with any sbt-web server.
166 21 0 SprayLearning Learning
166 47 0 sangria-akka-http-example An example GraphQL server written with akka-http, circe and sangria
165 5 24 goggles Pleasant, yet principled Scala optics DSL
165 14 3 treelog Allows logging in a tree structure so that comprehensive logging does not become incomprehensible
165 77 4 learning-examples Code examples for the book Learning Concurrent Programming in Scala
164 8 6 sbt-errors-summary sbt plugin to show a summary of compilation messages.
164 29 8 configgy simple config and logging setup for scala
163 4 2 better-monadic-for Desugaring scala for without implicit withFilters
163 81 2 LIBBLE-Spark None
162 73 28 zen Zen aims to provide the largest scale and the most efficient machine learning platform on top of Spark, including but not limited to logistic regression, latent dirichilet allocation, factorization machines and DNN.
162 10 1 sauron Yet another Scala lens macro
162 32 14 circumflex [UNMAINTAINED] Circumflex — lightweight Scala-based Web application framework and ORM
161 25 27 magnolia A better generic macro for Scala
161 39 9 play-autosource Play Autosource : 1mn REST/Crud/Async/Typesafe Datasource for Play Framework
161 77 17 slick-examples A sample project for getting started with Slick
161 79 4 play-scala-rest-api-example Example Play Scala application showing REST API
161 71 11 spark-streamingsql Manipulate Spark-streaming by SQL
161 111 5 bahir Mirror of Apache Bahir
160 20 84 flix The Flix Programming Language
160 18 6 machinist Spire's macros for zero-cost operator enrichment
160 20 2 scage game engine written in Scala
159 9 2 bond Type-level validation for Scala
159 7 3 effectful A syntax for type-safe effectful computations in Scala
159 49 6 crossdata Easy access to big things. Library for Apache Spark extending and improving its capabilities
159 60 20 play2-memcached A memcached plugin for Play 2.x
158 22 15 hammersmith Pure asynchronous MongoDB Driver for Scala.
158 21 0 sql-differential-privacy Dataflow analysis & differential privacy for SQL queries
158 24 14 featran A Scala feature transformation library for data science and machine learning
158 32 2 play-api-rest-seed This Play 2.5 template tries to be a skeleton for a simple Json API REST. Please, check the readme file for more details.
158 41 9 incubator-s2graph Mirror of Apache S2Graph (Incubating)
157 6 2 monadless Syntactic sugar for monad composition in Scala
156 38 10 berkeley-entity The Berkeley Entity Resolution System jointly solves the problems of named entity recognition, coreference resolution, and entity linking with a feature-rich discriminative model.
156 118 3 first-edition The book's repo
155 39 3 shelldroid Create Virtual Environment for your Android Apps
155 18 11 libra A dimensional analysis library based on dependent types
155 51 17 sbt-bintray fresh packages delivered from your sbt console
155 18 7 spray-can A low-overhead, high-performance, fully async HTTP 1.1 server and client library implemented entirely in Scala on top of Akka
155 24 6 kafka-rx reactive kafka client
155 71 22 twitter4s An asynchronous non-blocking Scala client for both the Twitter Rest and Streaming API
154 16 12 ionroller AWS Immutable Deployment framework for web services
153 90 1 example-spark Spark, Spark Streaming and Spark SQL unit testing strategies
153 7 4 scala-gopher Implementation of CSP constructions (Communication Sequence Process, i.e. go-like channels) in scala
153 84 17 amqp-client Simple fault-tolerant AMQP client written in Scala and based on Akka and the RabbitMQ java client
153 21 16 scalacheck-shapeless Generation of arbitrary case classes / ADTs instances with scalacheck and shapeless
153 20 16 blaze Blazing fast NIO microframework and Http Parser
153 6 3 arrows High-performance Arrow and Task in Scala
152 59 4 metrics-play Metrics module for Play2
152 16 4 np new sbt project generation made simple(r)
152 64 18 spark-rabbitmq RabbitMQ Spark Streaming receiver
152 2 4 curryhoward Automatic code generation for Scala functions and expressions via the Curry-Howard isomorphism
152 12 8 relate Performant database access in Scala
152 19 1 scredis Non-blocking, ultra-fast Scala Redis client built on top of Akka IO, used in production at Livestream
152 7 3 henkan A small library for converting between case classes.
152 27 2 diffson A scala diff/patch library for Json
151 122 72 training Training materials for Strata, AMP Camp, etc
151 60 3 MLI An API for Distributed Machine Learning
151 21 5 CT_from_Programmers.scala Scala sample code for Bartosz Milewski's CT for Programmers
151 23 2 discipline Flexible law checking for Scala
150 19 16 coroutines Scala coroutines implementation.
150 14 6 configs Scala wrapper for Typesafe config
150 59 3 anorm The Anorm database library
150 13 3 status An open source, self hosted status page application for communicating service incidents to customers.
149 101 24 spray-swagger None
149 65 74 zinc Scala incremental compiler library, originally part of sbt
149 20 10 Swarm None
149 10 13 aeromock Lightweight mock web application server
149 61 34 play-json The Play JSON library
149 31 8 metricsd A metrics aggregator for Graphite
149 60 10 scalajs-react-components Reusable scalajs-react components
149 11 0 android-scala-intellij-no-sbt-plugin Directions on how to create a Scala based project in Intellij IDEA without having to resort to additional plugins or external building that cripples the nice features of the IDE.
148 5 5 typed-actors compile-time typechecked akka actors
148 68 22 ollie Ollie is a open information extractor that uses bootstrapped dependency paths.
147 13 30 troy Type-safe and Schema-safe Scala wrapper for Cassandra driver
147 44 3 CodeSamples Code snippets appearing in the book are excerpts from these complete and tested samples.
147 33 1 play-scala-isolated-slick-example Example Play Slick Project
147 20 17 tsec Type-safe general-cryptography library -
147 21 23 endpoints Scala library to define HTTP-based communication protocols
147 6 4 scaled My own private IDE-aho.
146 17 17 contextual Contextual
146 7 4 scribe Practical logging framework that doesn't depend on any other logging framework and can be completely configured programmatically.
146 36 10 courier send electronic mail with scala
146 19 16 octoparts Octoparts, the backend services aggregator
146 23 1 coral Coral is a real-time analytics and data science platform. It transforms streaming events and extract patterns from data via RESTful APIs. Built on Scala, Akka, Cassandra and Spray.
146 19 2 scala-android Scala on Android Examples
146 45 2 CookIM Distributed web chat application base websocket built on akka.
146 26 5 ckite CKite - A JVM implementation of the Raft distributed consensus algorithm written in Scala
145 23 10 hookup A reliable netty websocket server built on top of akka
145 26 4 funnel DEPRECATED: Reasonable monitoring for distributed systems
145 37 12 sbt-start-script SBT Plugin to create a "start" script to run the program
145 8 3 Scalite An experimental whitespace-delimited syntax for the Scala programming language
145 25 5 kafka-streams-scala Thin Scala wrapper around Kafka Streams Java API
145 22 8 scala-chart Scala Chart Library
145 19 17 cornichon Scala DSL for testing HTTP JSON API
145 46 19 DynaML Scala Library/REPL for Machine Learning Research
144 12 0 Ctries Scala implementation of the Ctrie datastructure.
144 19 13 sbt-doctest Doctest for scala
144 35 10 poi.scala Excel meets scalaz
144 113 2 SparkMLlibDeepLearn SparkMLlibDeepLearn深度学习
144 15 14 case-app Type-level & seamless command-line argument parsing for Scala
143 28 14 fsqio A monorepo that holds all of Foursquare's opensource projects
143 87 13 online-auction-scala None
143 8 4 sbt-sublime An sbt plugin for generating Sublime Text projects with library dependencies sources
142 17 6 no-carrier Tool to auto-close old GitHub issues that were abandoned by their reporter
142 50 20 paradise Let our powers combine!
142 28 5 sbt-protobuf sbt plugin for compiling protobuf files
142 94 43 spark-bench Benchmark Suite for Apache Spark
141 51 32 s3mock Embedded S3 server for easy mocking
141 19 51 wolfe Wolfe Language and Engine
140 80 12 ScalaMl Project, source code and data files for 1st edition "Scala for Machine Learning"
140 20 7 PureCSV A type-safe and boilerplate-free CSV library for Scala
140 20 4 macrocosm Exploration of Scala macros
139 23 31 play-json-extensions +22 field case class formatter and more for play-json
139 22 13 iteratee Iteratees for cats
139 14 18 monadic-html Tiny DOM binding library for Scala.js
139 12 10 diff Visually compare Scala data structures with out of the box support for arbitrary case classes.
139 17 12 scala-forklift Type-safe data migration tool for Slick, Git and beyond.
139 85 15 spark-libFM An implement of Factorization Machines (LibFM)
139 34 2 spark-ext Spark Extension : ML transformers, SQL aggregations, etc that are missing in Apache Spark
139 52 10 sbt-site Site generation for sbt
139 17 6 ScalaCollider A Scala sound synthesis library based on SuperCollider
139 17 15 ensichat Project discontinued
139 55 3 sbt-in-action-examples Source code examples for the book "sbt in Action"
138 13 1 scalaj-collection None
138 65 42 scala-xml The standard Scala XML library
138 13 4 ciris Lightweight, extensible, and validated configuration loading in Scala
137 223 8 scala-redis A scala library for connecting to a redis server, or a cluster of redis nodes using consistent hashing on the client side.
137 39 7 scala-io Repository for work on Scala Standard Library I/O components
137 16 9 simmer Reduce your data. A unix filter for algebird-powered aggregation.
137 53 44 scalajs-bundler None
137 30 1 spray-actor-per-request Example spray application that uses the actor per request model
137 20 9 Configrity Simple, immutable and flexible configuration library for scala.
136 47 31 leon The Leon system for verification, synthesis, and more.
136 25 24 monitor Library for monitoring the Typesafe stack-based applications.
136 28 12 featherbed Asynchronous Scala HTTP client using Finagle, Shapeless and Cats
136 34 54 paradox Markdown documentation
135 41 42 scct Scala Code Coverage Tool
135 72 14 chisel-tutorial chisel tutorial exercises and answers
135 20 0 standard-project A slightly more standard sbt project plugin library
135 65 9 slack-scala-client A scala library for interacting with the slack api and real time messaging interface
135 20 9 product-collections A very simple, strongly typed, scala framework for tabular data. A collection of tuples. A strongly typed scala csv reader and writer. A lightweight idiomatic dataframe / datatable alternative.
135 24 0 scala-ssh-shell Your Scala SSH backdoor into the jvm
134 20 7 play-navigator Better router for Play Framework 2.x
134 30 6 tormenta Scala extensions for Storm
133 22 9 cascade Common Libraries & Patterns for Scala Apps @ PayPal
133 17 7 scala-js-react ScalaJS interface for Facebook React
133 9 1 threeflow.js None
132 33 0 HsunTzu HDFS compress tar zip snappy gzip uncompress untar codec hadoop spark
132 30 26 scaladin Scala API for Vaadin Framework
132 9 5 kentuckymule Limits of Scala typechecking speed
132 12 19 scala-records Labeled records for Scala based on structural refinement types and macros.
132 39 2 crawler Scala DSL for web crawling
131 26 4 scala-react Scala.react is a reactive programming library for Scala.
131 40 3 spark-kafka Low level integration of Spark and Kafka
131 27 38 signal-collect A framework for scalable graph computing.
131 36 12 sbt-header sbt-header is an sbt plugin for creating file headers, e.g. copyright headers
131 18 11 play-json-derived-codecs None
130 15 4 big-data-rosetta-code Code snippets for solving common big data problems in various platforms. Inspired by Rosetta Code
130 14 18 macros Archived - Scala Macros
130 14 2 mario Functional, Typesafe, Declarative Data Pipelines
130 30 29 rho A self documenting DSL built on http4s
129 21 10 ratatool A tool for data sampling, data generation, and data diffing
129 26 9 datomisca Datomisca: a Scala API for Datomic
129 31 15 HPaste HBase DSL for Scala with MapReduce support
129 19 15 neo-sbt-scalafmt Scalafmt SBT plugin
129 46 35 GPUEnabler Provides GPU awareness to Spark, Contact: @kmadhugit and @kiszk
129 25 13 with play framework 2.0
128 14 0 haplocheirus A Redis-backed storage engine for timelines
128 65 1 scala The Scala version of MyBatis SQL Mapper
128 5 3 futiles The missing utils for working with Scala Futures
128 46 7 AnormCypher Neo4j Scala library based on Anorm in the Play Framework
128 26 33 abandon 😌 Simple and Robust Accounting
128 9 5 fansi Scala/Scala.js library for manipulating Fancy Ansi colored strings
128 20 1 youi Next generation user interface and application development in Scala and Scala.js for web, mobile, and desktop.
128 43 3 koober None
127 26 4 akka-stream-extensions Extensions for Akka Stream
127 29 3 eventual The Eventual PlayFramework-AngularJS-Bootstrap-MongoDB Seed Project
127 13 30 jsoniter-scala Scala macros for compile-time generation of ultra-fast JSON codecs
126 53 0 Source-Notes-Chinese-translations-of-Spark-GraphX Spark图计算引擎GraphX源码中文注释。 联系QQ:最近太忙了,莫联系
126 12 30 widok Reactive web framework for the JVM and Scala.js
126 16 4 slickless Support for shapeless HLists/Generics in Slick.
126 27 0 akka-docker-cluster-example An example akka-cluster project with docker support
125 62 11 spark-knn k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm on Spark
125 29 0 scala-days-android Official Android app for Scala Days
125 31 5 scrypto Cryptographic primitives for Scala
125 17 5 scala-zeromq Thread-safe ZeroMQ for Scala
125 32 5 mupd8 Muppet
125 86 134 arduleader An android ground controller (and other things) for Mavlink/Arduplane
125 114 2 play-silhouette-seed The Silhouette Seed project is an Activator template which shows how Silhouette can be implemented in a Play Framework application.
125 35 1 scala-spring-hibernate-maven-webapp Code for kickstarting a webapp using Scala + Spring + Hibernate + Maven + Selenium WebDriver PageObject Web Tests
125 17 17 sbt-dynver An sbt plugin to dynamically set your version from git
125 42 6 play-scalajs-showcase Play+Scala.js Showcase
124 48 13 scalastyle-sbt-plugin scalastyle-sbt-plugin
124 11 24 kanaloa Make your service more resilient by providing protection against traffic oversaturation
124 48 115 ForgeMultipart An API for dynamically handling different functional parts in the one block space.
124 38 2 scalastic scala driver for elasticsearch
124 13 10 freeslick Open source Slick drivers for commercial databases. Includes MS SQLServer, Oracle 11g and DB2.
124 28 18 stamina Schema evolution for akka-persistence
123 17 11 sbt-docker-compose Integrates Docker Compose functionality into sbt
123 108 0 SparkLearning Learning to write Spark examples
122 7 0 scasm A a dynamic x86_64 assembler in Scala — Code for the live coding session @ Devoxx france 2016
122 10 13 Compute.scala Scientific computing with N-dimensional arrays
122 14 31 Bowler RESTful Web Framework based on Scala, built on top of Scalatra & Scalate
122 36 12 authentikat-jwt JWT Scala Implementation - Claims based auth for Scala.
122 44 12 play-s3 S3 module for Play
121 43 1 scala-samples There are pieces of scala code that explain Scala syntax and related things - like what you can do with all this
121 20 17 api-first-hand API-First bootstrapping tool for building RESTful web services from a Swagger/OpenAPI spec
121 13 13 nyaya Random Data Generation and/or Property Testing in Scala & Scala.JS.
121 30 19 spookystuff Scalable query engine for web scrapping/data mashup/acceptance QA, powered by Apache Spark
121 57 0 applied-nlp Course repository for Applied Natural Language Processing
121 14 4 tapl-scala Code from the book "Types and Programming Languages" in Scala
120 6 1 SynapseGrid SynapseGrid is a framework for constructing dynamic low latency data flow systems.
120 58 20 aws-wrap Asynchronous Scala Clients for Amazon Web Services
120 31 1 play-jsmessages Library to compute localized messages of your Play application on client side
120 22 7 flyway-play Play modules for Flyway
119 36 3 akka-zk-cluster-seed None
119 7 5 slinky Write Scala.js React apps just like you would in ES6
119 10 9 parseback A Scala implementation of parsing with derivatives
119 6 1 sbt-groll sbt plugin to roll the Git history
119 18 7 scalaplot Library to plot graphs using a scala frontend, and various backends such as gnuplot, jfreegraph, matplotlib, etc.
119 39 24 neo4j-spark-connector These are the beginnings / experiments of a Connector from Neo4j to Apache Spark using the new binary protocol for Neo4j, Bolt.
119 79 10 incubator-livy Mirror of Apache livy (Incubating)
119 6 18 ScalaKata Moved
119 10 2 JustinDB ⚛️ JustinDB is a highly available globally distributed key-value data store.
118 33 16 scalavro A reflection-based Avro library in Scala.
118 48 65 scaladex The Scala Package Index
118 10 0 reactive-turtle Scala and Akka for kids. A Functional Programming approach for the well known LOGO.
118 36 20 creative-scala Quick, graphical, fun introduction to programming in Scala.
117 12 0 scala-bcrypt Scala wrapper for jBcrypt + pom.xml inside
117 13 16 bokeh-scala Scala bindings for Bokeh plotting library
117 11 2 decline A composable command-line parser for Scala.
117 46 6 SpatialSpark Big Spatial Data Processing using Spark
117 148 1 sparktraining Examples for Spark Training in
117 21 2 sangria-subscriptions-example An example of GraphQL akka-http server with stream-based subscriptions
116 20 1 nodejs This project provides Scala.js type-safe bindings for Node.js (current) v8.7.0 and LTS v6.11.4 APIs. The platform supports MEAN (MongoDB, Express, AngularJs, NodeJS), Cassandra, MySQL and many other npm projects.
116 47 7 aiotrade A Trading Platform
116 52 1 activator-akka-distributed-workers Typesafe Activator template for distributed workers with Akka cluster.
116 33 12 lookup Outputs a list of ranked DBpedia resources for a search string.
116 24 0 scaldingale Movie recommendations and more in MapReduce and Scalding
115 14 7 cjmx Command line JMX library
115 5 6 cccp Common Colaborative Coding Protocol
115 7 0 akka-visualmailbox A visualizer for your Akka message flows
114 61 3 flink-streaming-demo None
114 52 29 akka-stream-contrib Add-ons to Akka Stream
114 75 7 gbf-raidfinder Granblue Raid Finder
114 37 63 OAP Optimized Analytics Package for Spark Platform
114 34 5 Rowz A sample gizzard application
113 67 1 scalainaction Code examples from scala in action book
113 34 50 scala-ide-play2 Play 2 support for Scala IDE
113 40 7 memsql-spark-connector A connector for MemSQL and Spark
113 22 15 spores Scala Spores, safe mobile closures.
113 16 2 random-data-generator Random generator of test data in Scala based on Scalacheck and Shapeless
113 26 6 actuarius A markdown processor for the JVM written in Scala.
113 12 8 mockedstreams Scala Library for Unit-Testing Processing Topologies in Apache Kafka / Kafka Streams
112 16 6 rng Pure-functional random value generation
112 82 2 douban-recommender 基于Spark ML实现的豆瓣电影推荐系统
112 27 18 sbt-spark-package Sbt plugin for Spark packages
112 8 0 shims Seamless interop layer between cats and scalaz
112 17 16 RosHTTP Unified Scala.js + Scala HTTP client API
112 31 17 framian Framian
112 16 7 sbt-robovm An sbt plugin for iOS development in Scala
112 15 5 innkeeper Simple route management API for Skipper
112 47 23 glint Glint: High performance scala parameter server
111 35 11 sbt-aws-lambda sbt plugin to deploy code to AWS Lambda
111 20 2 akka-serial Reactive serial communication library for Akka and Scala.
111 23 46 stainless Verification framework for higher-order functional programs
111 12 0 ganitha scalding powered machine learning
111 20 0 mouse A small companion to cats
111 49 18 hands-on-scala-js Better documentation for Scala.js
111 24 0 cqrs-akka An implementation of CQRS using scalaz for functional domain models and Akka for event sourcing
111 12 1 neurocat From neural networks to the Category of composable supervised learning algorithms in Scala with compile-time matrix checking based on singleton-types
110 6 6 log4s High-performance SLF4J wrapper for Scala.
110 35 18 mantis A Scala based client for Ethereum Classic.
110 73 0 SparkDemo spark example code, has some production practice.
110 88 1 Learning-Akka samples application for akka topics
110 23 6 archery 2D R-Tree implementation in Scala
109 64 2 quiz-management-service A collection of tutorials on how to build REST services using Spray, ReactiveMongo, AkkaHttp, etc
109 18 4 SprayWebSockets An implementation of a websocket server on top of
109 35 10 ISpark An Apache Spark-shell backend for IPython
109 31 1 play-mockws Mock WS client for Play Framework
109 16 5 actors Evaluation of API and performance of different actor libraries
109 6 2 Raiku A non-blocking - Akka IO driven - Riak client for Scala with a cute DSL
109 14 20 iota Fast [co]product types with a clean syntax. For Cats & Scalaz.
109 53 3 dl4j-examples-scala a simple scala porting of
109 24 11 pamflet a publishing application for short texts
109 12 9 guardrail Principled code generation for Scala services
108 17 2 akka-http-test A study project how akka-http works
108 39 59 play-ws Standalone Play WS, an async HTTP client with fluent API
108 26 23 velox-modelserver None
108 28 30 spark-bigquery Google BigQuery support for Spark, SQL, and DataFrames
108 19 5 slashem A rogue-like DSL for querying SOLR
108 74 5 spark-distributed-louvain-modularity Spark / graphX implementation of the distributed louvain modularity algorithm
108 68 1 parprog-snippets Snippets and programs from the Parallel Programming lectures.
107 38 5 wabisabi Scala Asynchronous ElasticSearch HTTP Client
107 7 2 Freasy-Monad Easy way to create Free Monad using Scala macros with first-class Intellij support.
107 12 3 pureimage puts the "fun" in "functional raster image processing"
107 24 4 scaladiagrams Generate class diagrams from scala source code
107 9 4 scalawarrior Game written in Scala for learning Scala.
107 34 16 neuron Scala library for neural networks
106 24 2 lift-in-action Source code for the book "Lift in Action", publishing on Manning Q4 2011
106 22 5 pdffigures2 Given a scholarly PDF, extract figures, tables, captions, and section titles.
106 20 2 essential-macros Examples of simple Scala Macros
106 8 7 prout Looks after your pull requests, tells you when they're live
106 10 1 ddsl DDSL - Dynamic Distributed Service Locator
106 25 0 couchbase-spark-connector The Official Couchbase Spark Connector
106 2 0 scala-modules Experimental implementations of ML-style modules in Scala
106 26 7 akka-persistence-redis Akka Persistence that uses Redis as backend
106 29 0 autocomplete Tries for efficient automatic word completion in Python, C++, Ruby & Java.
106 20 0 reactmq Reactive Message Queue
105 12 5 quaich Scala Serverless Microframework for AWS Lambda, inspired by Amazon's Chalice (
105 37 6 plush Push notifications for mobile apps - built on the Typesafe stack to ensure scalability
105 10 5 scaladotnet Scala SDK (compiler and standard library) for .NET
104 16 2 schwatcher File-watching library for Scala. Built on Java 7's WatchService, RxScala and Akka actors.
104 43 8 elasticsearchspark Elastic Search on Spark
104 30 28 RMongo R client to interface with MongoDB
104 24 8 stackable-controller Composable Action composition framework for Play2.x
104 101 0 spark2.0-examples Examples of Spark 2.0
103 4 3 scala-trace-debug Macro based print debugging. Locates log statements in your IDE.
103 42 19 handlebars.scala A Scala implementation of the Handlebars templating language (a superset of Mustache).
103 7 0 fastring Extremely fast string formatting
103 14 1 minitest The super light testing library for Scala and Scala.js
103 43 5 skuber A Scala Kubernetes client library
103 8 30 otoroshi Lightweight api management on top of a modern http reverse proxy
103 23 0 play-html-compressor Google's HTML Compressor for Play Framework 2
103 50 0 Principles-of-Reactive-Programming Principles of Reactive Programming, Scala: assignments and other code from Coursera
103 4 2 scala-newtype NewTypes for Scala with no runtime overhead
102 58 2 Scala All Algorithms implemented in Scala
102 16 0 scala-js-actors Actor system for Scala.js
102 42 10 slick-codegen-example None
102 33 3 metrics_storm Easy metrics collection for Storm topologies using Coda Hale Metrics
102 34 13 kaitai_struct_compiler Kaitai Struct: compiler to translate .ksy => .cpp / .cs / .dot / .java / .js / .php / .pm / .py / .rb
102 59 14 pillar Pillar manages migrations for your Cassandra data stores.
102 26 6 brando A Redis client written with Akka's IO package
101 20 6 factory_pal A Scala framework for creating objects as test data. Say no to Mocks
101 43 36 csv-validator CSV Validation Tool and API (CSV Schema RI)
101 7 5 chymyst-core Declarative concurrency in Scala - The implementation of the chemical machine
101 7 0 dijon A Dynamically Typed Scala Json Library
101 21 12 knockoff A Markdown parser + object model in scala
101 20 14 lift-ng lift-ng is the most powerful, most secure AngularJS backend available today
101 9 4 sbt-atmos sbt plugin for running Typesafe Console in development
100 3 2 inliner scala macros to inline idiomatic scala for maximum performance
100 21 0 chanamq Open source AMQP messaging broker based on Akka
100 26 18 scalismo Scalable Image Analysis and Shape Modelling
100 56 5 spark_multiboost An implementation of the multi-class/multi-label classifier, of which the training is carried out using AdaBoost.MH on Apache Spark.
99 25 16 scala-jsonapi Scala support library for integrating the JSON API spec with Spray, Play! or Circe
99 21 0 phantom-examples None
99 39 8 spark-kafka-writer Write your Spark data to Kafka seamlessly
99 10 6 lancet surgical precision JIT compilers
99 51 4 spark-example-project A Spark WordCountJob example as a standalone SBT project with Specs2 tests, runnable on Amazon EMR
99 59 2 aws-training-demo AWS Technical Trainers Demos
99 22 13 rethink-scala Scala Driver for RethinkDB
99 23 7 akka-persistence-inmemory Akka-persistence-inmemory is a plugin for akka-persistence that stores journal and snapshot messages memory, which is very useful when testing persistent actors, persistent FSM and akka cluster
98 27 6 spark-tsne Distributed t-SNE via Apache Spark
98 4 0 silencer Scala compiler plugin for annotation-based warning suppression
98 35 2 spark-fm Reactive Factorization Engine
98 36 5 nlptools A toolkit that wraps various natural language processing implementations behind a common interface.
98 2 3 dagon Tools for rewriting and optimizing DAGs (directed-acyclic graphs) in Scala
98 22 20 naptime Making REST APIs so easy, you can build them in your sleep!
98 13 23 play-swagger Provides Swagger support for the Play-Framework
98 3 0 morpheus Reactive type-safe Scala driver for SQL databases
98 23 21 pilon Pilon is an automated genome assembly improvement and variant detection tool
98 22 2 play-monadic-actions A simple scala DSL to allow clean and monadic style for Play! Actions
98 7 2 schale A subprocess interface for Scala
98 27 8 spoiwo Scala POI Wrapper for the spreadsheet generation in Excel:
98 11 0 config-annotation A refactor-friendly way to use typesafe's config by scala macro annotation
98 24 11 fm-sbt-s3-resolver SBT Plugin that adds support for resolving and publishing using Amazon S3
97 4 0 chain Simple, efficient wrapper for fast concatenation/iteration.
97 12 2 singleton-ops Operations for primitive and String singleton types
97 36 10 play-sass Sass asset handling for Play Framework 2.0
97 21 7 ascii-graphs Parse ASCII art diagrams of graphs (nodes and edges)
97 23 14 unicorn Small Slick library for type-safe id handling
97 10 13 gigahorse Gigahorse is an HTTP client for Scala with multiple backend support.
97 17 5 sbt-crossproject Cross-platform compilation support for sbt.
97 5 1 internet-simulation A full-scale simulation of the Internet based on the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), built on SpatialOS
96 96 11 hello-scaloid-sbt A "Hello, world" of Scaloid for sbt.
96 19 3 scala-js-games Some simple games ported to Scala-Js
96 23 0 bioscala Bioinformatics for the Scala programming language
96 23 15 github4s A GitHub API wrapper written in Scala
96 22 2 scalafx-ensemble scalafx ensemble
95 9 6 hammock Purely functional HTTP client
95 25 9 jaws-spark-sql-rest None
95 10 9 rorschach Bootstrap pull request sanity checker bot
95 27 3 generalized-kmeans-clustering This project generalizes the Spark MLLIB Batch and Streaming K-Means clusterers in every practical way.
95 10 3 remora Kafka consumer lag-checking application for monitoring, written in Scala and Akka HTTP; a wrap around the Kafka consumer group command. Integrations with Cloudwatch and Datadog. Authentication recently added
95 29 0 scala-dddbase Scala Library for Domain Driven-Design
95 22 72 scala-worksheet A Scala IDE plugin for a multi-line REPL (called worksheet)
94 26 1 spectrallda-tensorspark Quick summary: This code implements a spectral (third order tensor decomposition) learning method for learning LDA topic model on Spark.
94 18 0 play-redis Play framework 2 cache plugin as an adapter to redis-server
94 5 1 slick-eventsourcing Example for "Entry level event-sourcing" blog
94 17 0 lambdaconf-2014-introgame Online material for the Introduction to Functional Game Programming with Scala workshop.
94 14 5 scalamodules ScalaModules is an elegant and intuitive domain specific language for OSGi development written in the Scala programming language.
94 15 1 suzaku Suzaku web UI framework for Scala
94 31 13 jamr JAMR Parser and Generator
94 26 164 CM-Well CM-Well - a data warehouse for your knowledge graph
94 10 10 treehugger treehugger.scala is a library to code Scala programmatically.
94 70 11 scala-impatient My solutions for "Scala for the Impatient" exercises
94 22 3 realtime-search Demonstration using Play!, Akka, AngularJS and Elasticsearch to perform real-time log entry search
93 31 2 akka-ec2 Example setup of an Akka cluster in an Amazon EC2 AutoScaling group
93 20 10 shade Memcached client for Scala
93 3 3 databaseflow An opinionated modern database interface.
93 5 36 longevity A Persistence Framework for Scala and NoSQL
93 21 5 akka-persistence-sql-async A journal and snapshot store plugin for akka-persistence using RDBMS.
93 74 2 LayIM 基于HTML5 WebSocket的一款IM即时通讯软件,使用Gradle集成了Scala、SpringBoot、Spring MVC、Mybatis、Redis等,前端使用了LayIm框架