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File metadata and controls

107 lines (103 loc) · 4.38 KB

Terraform provider key generation/handling/signing protocol

Initial Key Generation

One time only. This should not be repeated unless the key is compromised or lost.

  • Insert a blank USB stick.
  • Launch the MacOS disk utility:
    open "/System/Applications/Utilities/Disk"
  • In the Disk Utility application:
    • click on the disk icon (not a partition) to select it.
    • select Erase
      • Name: terraform-provider-apstra signing key
      • Format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
      • Scheme: Master Boot Record
      • [Erase]
  • Generate a new keypair (enter a passphrase when prompted):
    cat << EOF | gpg --batch --gen-key
    Key-Type: 1
    Key-Length: 4096
    Subkey-Type: 1
    Subkey-Length: 4096
    Name-Real: Terraform Provider Apstra developers
    Name-Email: [email protected]
    Expire-Date: 0
  • Export the private key:
    gpg --output "/Volumes/terraform-provider-apstra signing key/terraform-provider-apstra.pgp" --armor --export-secret-key [email protected]
  • Delete the private key from the keychain and eject the USB stick:
    gpg --delete-secret-and-public-key [email protected]
    diskutil eject "/Volumes/terraform-provider-apstra signing key"

Github API Token creation

These tokens expire, will need to be refreshed before goreleaser can deliver a build to the Github releases area.

  • Click here while logged in to Github...
  • ...or go click-by-click:
    • Log in to the Github web UI.
    • Click on your avatar at the top right, and then settings.
    • Click on <> Developer settings.
    • Click on Personal access tokens and then Fine-grained tokens.
  • If an appropriate token has been previously created, but is expired, it can be refreshed:
    • Click on the token.
    • Click on [Regenerate token]
    • Select an expiration interval and then click [Regenerate token]
    • Copy the token string.
  • If an appropriate token does not exist, create one:
    • Click on [Generate new token]
    • Token name: Release terraform-provider-apstra
    • Resource owner: Juniper
    • Repository access
      • Only select repositories
      • Select terraform-provider-apstra
    • Repository permissions
      • Contents: Read and Write
      • Metadata: Read-only
    • [Generate token]
    • Note the token string. If you're planning to hang onto the token think about how you'll store it securely. It's a nuclear bomb, definitely better NOT written to disk.

Build. Package. Sign. Upload.

  • Confirm that you have a Github API token.
  • Confirm that you know the signing key passphrase.
  • Confirm that you're on the main branch, and there are no un-committed changes.
    git status
  • Insert the USB stick with the signing key, import the key, and note the key fingerprint. The fingerprint should be 4EACB71B2FC20EC8499576BDCB9C922903A66F3F
    gpg --import "/Volumes/terraform-provider-apstra signing key/terraform-provider-apstra.pgp"
    gpg --list-keys [email protected]
  • Put the Github token into the environment.
    # Use `read -s` to get the Github API token into the environment without leaking it into the shell history.
    read -s GITHUB_TOKEN
    # paste the token string and then hit <ctrl>+d
    # Use `export` to convert the shell variable into an environment variable.
    export GITHUB_TOKEN
  • Tag the release with a new version number:
    git tag vX.X.X # don't use 'X's, but do use a leading `v`
  • Run goreleaser using the recipe in the Makefile to publish a draft release to github:
    make release
  • Delete the private key from the keychain:
    gpg --delete-secret-and-public-key [email protected]
  • Navigate to the Github Releases page for this project. The new release will be in draft form, not yet visible to the public.
    • Hit the pencil (edit) button for the new release.
    • Press the Generate release notes button.
    • Review the release notes, clean up as appropriate.
    • Press the Publish Release button.
  • Navigate to the provider page on the Terraform Registry
    • Within a minute or so of publishing the release, the registry should update with the latest version.