eviction模块 是Kubelet受到了磁盘或者内存压力的时候,为了包含重要的服务不受影响而驱逐其他应用的模块。
// 代码位置 pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go
func NewMainKubelet(..) (*Kubelet, error) {
if experimentalNodeAllocatableIgnoreEvictionThreshold {
// Do not provide kubeCfg.EnforceNodeAllocatable to eviction threshold parsing if we are not enforcing Evictions
enforceNodeAllocatable = []string{}
thresholds, err := eviction.ParseThresholdConfig(enforceNodeAllocatable, kubeCfg.EvictionHard, kubeCfg.EvictionSoft, kubeCfg.EvictionSoftGracePeriod, kubeCfg.EvictionMinimumReclaim)
evictionConfig := eviction.Config{
PressureTransitionPeriod: kubeCfg.EvictionPressureTransitionPeriod.Duration,
MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds: int64(kubeCfg.EvictionMaxPodGracePeriod),
Thresholds: thresholds,
KernelMemcgNotification: experimentalKernelMemcgNotification,
PodCgroupRoot: kubeDeps.ContainerManager.GetPodCgroupRoot(),
// setup eviction manager
evictionManager, evictionAdmitHandler := eviction.NewManager(klet.resourceAnalyzer, evictionConfig, killPodNow(klet.podWorkers, kubeDeps.Recorder), klet.podManager.GetMirrorPodByPod, klet.imageManager, klet.containerGC, kubeDeps.Recorder, nodeRef, klet.clock)
klet.evictionManager = evictionManager
type managerImpl struct {
// 用来跟踪时间
clock clock.Clock
// manager的配置
config Config
// 杀掉pod的函数
killPodFunc KillPodFunc
// 通过一个静态pod获取mirror的函数
mirrorPodFunc MirrorPodFunc
// gc image的接口,通常是调用CRI那边的接口
imageGC ImageGC
// gc container的接口
containerGC ContainerGC
// 一系列条件去保护node
nodeConditions []v1.NodeConditionType
// 捕捉根据满足的阈值最后观察到节点条件的时间
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt nodeConditionsObservedAt
nodeRef *v1.ObjectReference
recorder record.EventRecorder
// 用于测量系统的使用统计
summaryProvider stats.SummaryProvider
// 记录第一次观察到阈值的时间
thresholdsFirstObservedAt thresholdsObservedAt
// 记录已经满足但尚未解析的阈值集(包括宽限期)
thresholdsMet []evictionapi.Threshold
// signalToRankFunc将资源映射到该资源的排序函数。
signalToRankFunc map[evictionapi.Signal]rankFunc
// signalToNodeReclaimFuncs maps a resource to an ordered list of functions that know how to reclaim that resource.
signalToNodeReclaimFuncs map[evictionapi.Signal]nodeReclaimFuncs
lastObservations signalObservations
// dedicatedImageFs 指示imagefs是否在rootfs之外的单独设备上
dedicatedImageFs *bool
// thresholdNotifiers是一个内存阈值通知器列表,每个通知一个内存回收阈值
thresholdNotifiers []ThresholdNotifier
// thresholdsLastUpdated是thresholdNotifiers最后一次更新的时间。
thresholdsLastUpdated time.Time
func NewManager(
summaryProvider stats.SummaryProvider,
config Config,
killPodFunc KillPodFunc,
mirrorPodFunc MirrorPodFunc,
imageGC ImageGC,
containerGC ContainerGC,
recorder record.EventRecorder,
nodeRef *v1.ObjectReference,
clock clock.Clock,
) (Manager, lifecycle.PodAdmitHandler) {
manager := &managerImpl{
clock: clock,
killPodFunc: killPodFunc,
mirrorPodFunc: mirrorPodFunc,
imageGC: imageGC,
containerGC: containerGC,
config: config,
recorder: recorder,
summaryProvider: summaryProvider,
nodeRef: nodeRef,
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt: nodeConditionsObservedAt{},
thresholdsFirstObservedAt: thresholdsObservedAt{},
dedicatedImageFs: nil,
thresholdNotifiers: []ThresholdNotifier{},
return manager, manager
# 代码位置 pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go
kl.evictionManager.Start(kl.StatsProvider, kl.GetActivePods, kl.podResourcesAreReclaimed, evictionMonitoringPeriod)
- 定义
的函数 - 使用一个新的go协程,去死循环eviction manager的监控,一旦监控到有需要驱逐的pods,就调用
func (m *managerImpl) Start(diskInfoProvider DiskInfoProvider, podFunc ActivePodsFunc, podCleanedUpFunc PodCleanedUpFunc, monitoringInterval time.Duration) {
thresholdHandler := func(message string) {
m.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, podFunc)
// 使用一个新的go协程,去死循环eviction manager的监控
go func() {
for {
if evictedPods := m.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, podFunc); evictedPods != nil m.waitForPodsCleanup(podCleanedUpFunc, evictedPods)
} else {
// 代码位置 pkg/kubelet/eviction_manager.go
func (m *managerImpl) synchronize(diskInfoProvider DiskInfoProvider, podFunc ActivePodsFunc) []*v1.Pod {
// activePods 其实就是 GetActivePods() 从podManager里面获取没有被terminate的pod列表
activePods := podFunc()
updateStats := true
summary, err := m.summaryProvider.Get(updateStats)
// 距离上次更新的时间超过10分钟,那么调用UpdateThreshold 去更新
if m.clock.Since(m.thresholdsLastUpdated) > notifierRefreshInterval {
m.thresholdsLastUpdated = m.clock.Now()
for _, notifier := range m.thresholdNotifiers {
if err := notifier.UpdateThreshold(summary); err != nil {
// 进行观察并获得一个函数来导出与这些观察相关的pod使用统计数据。
observations, statsFunc := makeSignalObservations(summary)
debugLogObservations("observations", observations)
// determine the set of thresholds met independent of grace period
thresholds = thresholdsMet(thresholds, observations, false)
debugLogThresholdsWithObservation("thresholds - ignoring grace period", thresholds, observations)
// determine the set of thresholds previously met that have not yet satisfied the associated min-reclaim
if len(m.thresholdsMet) > 0 {
thresholdsNotYetResolved := thresholdsMet(m.thresholdsMet, observations, true)
thresholds = mergeThresholds(thresholds, thresholdsNotYetResolved)
debugLogThresholdsWithObservation("thresholds - reclaim not satisfied", thresholds, observations)
// track when a threshold was first observed
now := m.clock.Now()
thresholdsFirstObservedAt := thresholdsFirstObservedAt(thresholds, m.thresholdsFirstObservedAt, now)
// the set of node conditions that are triggered by currently observed thresholds
nodeConditions := nodeConditions(thresholds)
if len(nodeConditions) > 0 {
klog.V(3).Infof("eviction manager: node conditions - observed: %v", nodeConditions)
// track when a node condition was last observed
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt := nodeConditionsLastObservedAt(nodeConditions, m.nodeConditionsLastObservedAt, now)
// node conditions report true if it has been observed within the transition period window
nodeConditions = nodeConditionsObservedSince(nodeConditionsLastObservedAt, m.config.PressureTransitionPeriod, now)
if len(nodeConditions) > 0 {
klog.V(3).Infof("eviction manager: node conditions - transition period not met: %v", nodeConditions)
// determine the set of thresholds we need to drive eviction behavior (i.e. all grace periods are met)
thresholds = thresholdsMetGracePeriod(thresholdsFirstObservedAt, now)
debugLogThresholdsWithObservation("thresholds - grace periods satisfied", thresholds, observations)
// update internal state
m.nodeConditions = nodeConditions
m.thresholdsFirstObservedAt = thresholdsFirstObservedAt
m.nodeConditionsLastObservedAt = nodeConditionsLastObservedAt
m.thresholdsMet = thresholds
// determine the set of thresholds whose stats have been updated since the last sync
thresholds = thresholdsUpdatedStats(thresholds, observations, m.lastObservations)
debugLogThresholdsWithObservation("thresholds - updated stats", thresholds, observations)
m.lastObservations = observations
// evict pods if there is a resource usage violation from local volume temporary storage
// If eviction happens in localStorageEviction function, skip the rest of eviction action
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.LocalStorageCapacityIsolation) {
if evictedPods := m.localStorageEviction(summary, activePods); len(evictedPods) > 0 {
return evictedPods
if len(thresholds) == 0 {
klog.V(3).Infof("eviction manager: no resources are starved")
return nil
// rank the thresholds by eviction priority
thresholdToReclaim, resourceToReclaim, foundAny := getReclaimableThreshold(thresholds)
if !foundAny {
return nil
klog.Warningf("eviction manager: attempting to reclaim %v", resourceToReclaim)
// record an event about the resources we are now attempting to reclaim via eviction
m.recorder.Eventf(m.nodeRef, v1.EventTypeWarning, "EvictionThresholdMet", "Attempting to reclaim %s", resourceToReclaim)
// check if there are node-level resources we can reclaim to reduce pressure before evicting end-user pods.
if m.reclaimNodeLevelResources(thresholdToReclaim.Signal, resourceToReclaim) {
klog.Infof("eviction manager: able to reduce %v pressure without evicting pods.", resourceToReclaim)
return nil
klog.Infof("eviction manager: must evict pod(s) to reclaim %v", resourceToReclaim)
// rank the pods for eviction
rank, ok := m.signalToRankFunc[thresholdToReclaim.Signal]
if !ok {
klog.Errorf("eviction manager: no ranking function for signal %s", thresholdToReclaim.Signal)
return nil
// the only candidates viable for eviction are those pods that had anything running.
if len(activePods) == 0 {
klog.Errorf("eviction manager: eviction thresholds have been met, but no pods are active to evict")
return nil
// rank the running pods for eviction for the specified resource
rank(activePods, statsFunc)
klog.Infof("eviction manager: pods ranked for eviction: %s", format.Pods(activePods))
//record age of metrics for met thresholds that we are using for evictions.
for _, t := range thresholds {
timeObserved := observations[t.Signal].time
if !timeObserved.IsZero() {
// we kill at most a single pod during each eviction interval
for i := range activePods {
pod := activePods[i]
gracePeriodOverride := int64(0)
if !isHardEvictionThreshold(thresholdToReclaim) {
gracePeriodOverride = m.config.MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds
message, annotations := evictionMessage(resourceToReclaim, pod, statsFunc)
if m.evictPod(pod, gracePeriodOverride, message, annotations) {
return []*v1.Pod{pod}
klog.Infof("eviction manager: unable to evict any pods from the node")
return nil
- 每分钟对传入的要驱逐的pod列表执行
- 如果30分钟内都无法对所有要驱逐的pod执行完
// 代码位置 pkg/kubelet/eviction_manager.go
func (m *managerImpl) waitForPodsCleanup(podCleanedUpFunc PodCleanedUpFunc, pods []*v1.Pod) {
// 设置timeout的时间,默认是30分钟,超过timeout之后则退出
timeout := m.clock.NewTimer(podCleanupTimeout)
defer timeout.Stop()
// 设置定时器1分钟
ticker := m.clock.NewTicker(podCleanupPollFreq)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
// 当超时,则直接退出
case <-timeout.C():
klog.Warningf("eviction manager: timed out waiting for pods %s to be cleaned up", format.Pods(pods))
// 每分钟执行一次
case <-ticker.C():
// 轮询所有pod执行podCleanedUpFunc,直到所有pod都被清理完成才返回
for i, pod := range pods {
if !podCleanedUpFunc(pod) {
if i == len(pods)-1 {
klog.Infof("eviction manager: pods %s successfully cleaned up", format.Pods(pods))
是一个调用 return kl.PodResourcesAreReclaimed(pod, status)
尝试去回收一个pod的所有资源, PodResourcesAreReclaimed
主要是在删除一个pod之前去回收pod的资源。 如果一个pod正在消耗的所有所需的节点级资源都已被kubelet回收则返回true,否则返回false。
- 查询pod的container状态是否是running,如果是running则返回false
- 获取pod的ContainerStatuses,如果还能获取到container的状态,说明container没有被删除,那么返回false
- 如果pod的卷仍然存在那么也是一样返回false
- 尝试新建一个pod cgroup sanbox,如果存在,说明之前的pod cgroup sandbox没有被清理,一样返回false
- 以上都不是,则返回true,也就是说没有running的container, 也获取不到任何container, volume被回收,cgroup sandbox也被清理完成,就是pod的资源都被回收完成,就返回true
// 代码位置 pkg/kubelet/kubelet_pods.go
func (kl *Kubelet) podResourcesAreReclaimed(pod *v1.Pod) bool {
status, ok := kl.statusManager.GetPodStatus(pod.UID)
if !ok {
status = pod.Status
return kl.PodResourcesAreReclaimed(pod, status)
// PodResourcesAreReclaimed 主要是在删除一个pod之前去回收pod的资源
// 如果一个pod正在消耗的所有所需的节点级资源都已被kubelet回收则返回true,否则返回false
func (kl *Kubelet) PodResourcesAreReclaimed(pod *v1.Pod, status v1.PodStatus) bool {
if !notRunning(status.ContainerStatuses) {
// 如果container还在运行的话,就不能删除pod
klog.V(3).Infof("Pod %q is terminated, but some containers are still running", format.Pod(pod))
return false
runtimeStatus, err := kl.podCache.Get(pod.UID)
// 获取pod的ContainerStatuses,如果还能获取到container的状态,说明container没有被删除,那么返回false
if len(runtimeStatus.ContainerStatuses) > 0 {
var statusStr string
for _, status := range runtimeStatus.ContainerStatuses {
statusStr += fmt.Sprintf("%+v ", *status)
klog.V(3).Infof("Pod %q is terminated, but some containers have not been cleaned up: %s", format.Pod(pod), statusStr)
return false
// 如果pod的卷仍然存在那么也是一样返回false
if kl.podVolumesExist(pod.UID) && !kl.keepTerminatedPodVolumes {
klog.V(3).Infof("Pod %q is terminated, but some volumes have not been cleaned up", format.Pod(pod))
return false
// 尝试新建一个pod cgroup sanbox,如果存在,说明之前的pod cgroup sandbox没有被清理,一样返回false
if kl.kubeletConfiguration.CgroupsPerQOS {
pcm := kl.containerManager.NewPodContainerManager()
if pcm.Exists(pod) {
klog.V(3).Infof("Pod %q is terminated, but pod cgroup sandbox has not been cleaned up", format.Pod(pod))
return false
return true
我一开始想了很久,为什么kubelet 的eviction
模块有一个Admit的方法,一开始有100个pod被调度到节点a上,(调度是一次性的,调度完成之后这个pod会一直在这个节点运行,因此需要kubelet自身的监控,为了保护node节点本身)后来节点a出现内存压力或者磁盘压力的时候,为了保护node节点的稳定性需要驱逐低优先级的pod,而驱逐什么pod,会使用Admit去查询pod的优先级,pod是属于best effort还是guarantee,以及通过pod的污点容忍情况来决定
- 查询
是否为0,如果是,也就是说不管是收到内存还是磁盘或者其他压力,都对所有的pod进行admit放行 - 如果是静态pod获取mirror pod或者pod Priority是大于
(也就是设置的priority的值大于scheduling.SystemCriticalPriority),则对pod进行admit放行 - 如果是只有内存压力的情况下,best effort以外的所有pod都admit放行,或者有带上污点是key =
, value =TaintEffectNoSchedule
都admit放行。其他则都不放行,也就是说,如果是best effort,而且没有打上容忍内存污点的就不放行
当我创建了一个replicaset ,是属于guaranteed的,一开始集群的节点正常,我的replicaset 的pod被调度到节点a上,后节点出现磁盘压力,驱逐pod之后,在节点a就出现很多个状态是evicted的pod,然后replicaset get到filterpod的数量跟声明的数量不一致,就去创建pod,调度器就再调度该pod, 而由于驱逐清理pod的节点后又有了磁盘空间,又被调度到该节点,调度之后不久,又由于磁盘空间被驱逐,导致节点a上越来越多的evicted的pod
// 代码位置 pkg/kubelet/eviction_manager.go
func (m *managerImpl) Admit(attrs *lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes) lifecycle.PodAdmitResult {
if len(m.nodeConditions) == 0 {
return lifecycle.PodAdmitResult{Admit: true}
if kubelettypes.IsCriticalPod(attrs.Pod) {
return lifecycle.PodAdmitResult{Admit: true}
// 如果是只有内存压力的情况下
nodeOnlyHasMemoryPressureCondition := hasNodeCondition(m.nodeConditions, v1.NodeMemoryPressure) && len(m.nodeConditions) == 1
if nodeOnlyHasMemoryPressureCondition {
notBestEffort := v1.PodQOSBestEffort != v1qos.GetPodQOS(attrs.Pod)
if notBestEffort {
return lifecycle.PodAdmitResult{Admit: true}
// 通过检查pod的污点确定是否放行
if v1helper.TolerationsTolerateTaint(attrs.Pod.Spec.Tolerations, &v1.Taint{
Key: v1.TaintNodeMemoryPressure,
Effect: v1.TaintEffectNoSchedule,
}) {
return lifecycle.PodAdmitResult{Admit: true}
// 如果是best effort,而且没有打上容忍内存污点的就不放行
return lifecycle.PodAdmitResult{
Admit: false,
Reason: Reason,
Message: fmt.Sprintf(nodeConditionMessageFmt, m.nodeConditions),
- 定义一组测试数据,5个pod 不同priority,不同资源限制和使用率
- 创建这5个pod
- 定义要驱逐的第五个pod, podToEvict
- 实例化
,包括压力过度时间是5分钟等 - 首先创建两个best effort的pod, 这个时候应该没有任何的内存压力
- 然后更改时间,mock内存压力的情况下,而还没到5分钟,不应该有任何pod被kill
- 然后过了GracePeriod之后,应该因为内存压力开始驱逐pod, 第一个被驱逐的pod应该是第五个pod
- 减少内存压力,(但仍然有一定的内存压力),现在应该没有pod被kill, 也就是
应该等于nil - 现在best-effort的pod应该还是不应该被创建,而burstable和guaranteed的还是可以被创建
- 移除所有内存压力,现在在应该没有任何内存压力,也应该没有pod被kill
- 现在所有pod都可以被admit
func TestMemoryPressure(t *testing.T) {
podMaker := makePodWithMemoryStats
summaryStatsMaker := makeMemoryStats
podsToMake := []podToMake{
{name: "guaranteed-low-priority-high-usage", priority: lowPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), limits: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "900Mi"},
{name: "burstable-below-requests", priority: defaultPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), limits: newResourceList("200m", "1Gi", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "50Mi"},
{name: "burstable-above-requests", priority: defaultPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), limits: newResourceList("200m", "1Gi", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "400Mi"},
{name: "best-effort-high-priority-high-usage", priority: highPriority, requests: newResourceList("", "", ""), limits: newResourceList("", "", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "400Mi"},
{name: "best-effort-low-priority-low-usage", priority: lowPriority, requests: newResourceList("", "", ""), limits: newResourceList("", "", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "100Mi"},
pods := []*v1.Pod{}
podStats := map[*v1.Pod]statsapi.PodStats{}
for _, podToMake := range podsToMake {
pod, podStat := podMaker(podToMake.name, podToMake.priority, podToMake.requests, podToMake.limits, podToMake.memoryWorkingSet)
pods = append(pods, pod)
podStats[pod] = podStat
podToEvict := pods[4]
activePodsFunc := func() []*v1.Pod {
return pods
fakeClock := clock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
podKiller := &mockPodKiller{}
diskInfoProvider := &mockDiskInfoProvider{dedicatedImageFs: false}
diskGC := &mockDiskGC{err: nil}
nodeRef := &v1.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "test", UID: types.UID("test"), Namespace: ""}
config := Config{
MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds: 5,
PressureTransitionPeriod: time.Minute * 5,
Thresholds: []evictionapi.Threshold{
Signal: evictionapi.SignalMemoryAvailable,
Operator: evictionapi.OpLessThan,
Value: evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("1Gi"),
Signal: evictionapi.SignalMemoryAvailable,
Operator: evictionapi.OpLessThan,
Value: evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("2Gi"),
GracePeriod: time.Minute * 2,
summaryProvider := &fakeSummaryProvider{result: summaryStatsMaker("2Gi", podStats)}
manager := &managerImpl{
clock: fakeClock,
killPodFunc: podKiller.killPodNow,
imageGC: diskGC,
containerGC: diskGC,
config: config,
recorder: &record.FakeRecorder{},
summaryProvider: summaryProvider,
nodeRef: nodeRef,
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt: nodeConditionsObservedAt{},
thresholdsFirstObservedAt: thresholdsObservedAt{},
// create a best effort pod to test admission
bestEffortPodToAdmit, _ := podMaker("best-admit", defaultPriority, newResourceList("", "", ""), newResourceList("", "", ""), "0Gi")
burstablePodToAdmit, _ := podMaker("burst-admit", defaultPriority, newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), newResourceList("200m", "200Mi", ""), "0Gi")
// synchronize
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have memory pressure
if manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report memory pressure")
// try to admit our pods (they should succeed)
expected := []bool{true, true}
for i, pod := range []*v1.Pod{bestEffortPodToAdmit, burstablePodToAdmit} {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)
// induce soft threshold
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("1500Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure since soft threshold was met")
// verify no pod was yet killed because there has not yet been enough time passed.
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager should not have killed a pod yet, but killed: %v", podKiller.pod.Name)
// step forward in time pass the grace period
fakeClock.Step(3 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("1500Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure since soft threshold was met")
// verify the right pod was killed with the right grace period.
if podKiller.pod != podToEvict {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v, but should have chosen %v", podKiller.pod.Name, podToEvict.Name)
if podKiller.gracePeriodOverride == nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod but should have had a grace period override.")
observedGracePeriod := *podKiller.gracePeriodOverride
if observedGracePeriod != manager.config.MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod with incorrect grace period. Expected: %d, actual: %d", manager.config.MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds, observedGracePeriod)
// reset state
podKiller.pod = nil
podKiller.gracePeriodOverride = nil
// remove memory pressure
fakeClock.Step(20 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("3Gi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have memory pressure
if manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report memory pressure")
// induce memory pressure!
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("500Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure")
// check the right pod was killed
if podKiller.pod != podToEvict {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v, but should have chosen %v", podKiller.pod.Name, podToEvict.Name)
observedGracePeriod = *podKiller.gracePeriodOverride
if observedGracePeriod != int64(0) {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod with incorrect grace period. Expected: %d, actual: %d", 0, observedGracePeriod)
// the best-effort pod should not admit, burstable should
expected = []bool{false, true}
for i, pod := range []*v1.Pod{bestEffortPodToAdmit, burstablePodToAdmit} {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)
// reduce memory pressure
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("2Gi", podStats)
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure (because transition period not yet met)
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure")
// no pod should have been killed
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v when no pod should have been killed", podKiller.pod.Name)
// the best-effort pod should not admit, burstable should
expected = []bool{false, true}
for i, pod := range []*v1.Pod{bestEffortPodToAdmit, burstablePodToAdmit} {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)
// move the clock past transition period to ensure that we stop reporting pressure
fakeClock.Step(5 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("2Gi", podStats)
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have memory pressure (because transition period met)
if manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report memory pressure")
// no pod should have been killed
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v when no pod should have been killed", podKiller.pod.Name)
// all pods should admit now
expected = []bool{true, true}
for i, pod := range []*v1.Pod{bestEffortPodToAdmit, burstablePodToAdmit} {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)