All the people who collaborate in this project commit themselves to respect the following code of conduct. Whether publicly or privately in the spaces of this community
- Demonstrating empathy and kindness to other people
- Respect for different opinions, points of view and experiences
- Giving and accepting constructive feedback appropriately
- Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those who are affected by our mistakes, learning from the experience
- Focusing on what is best not only for us as individuals, but for the community at large
- The use of foul-sounding or inappropriate language
- Harassment of any kind
- derogatory (trolling), insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
- Unauthorized publication of other people's personal information (e-mail, phone number, etc.).
- Any other type of conduct that may be inappropriate for the community.
Consequently, any inappropriate behavior within this community will result in action being taken by the administrators using the following enforcement measures:
Minor Fault Some minor offenses may include:
- Use of inappropriate or bad-sounding language
- Derogatory comments (trolling), insulting or derogatory, and personal or political attacks.
- Publication of other people's personal information without authorization (e-mail, phone number...). Consequences: Written warning by the Administrators of the community and request to apologize to the affected persons. - Every two minor faults there will be a serious fault.
Serious Fault Serious misconduct may include:
- Harassment of any kind
Consequences: Temporary expulsion from the community for 30 days - More than one serious misconduct will result in a very serious misconduct.
Very Serious Fault
If the person has a pattern of non-compliance with the code of conduct or has more than one serious misconduct.
Consequences: Permanent expulsion from the community.
The code of conduct will be enforced by the Community Administrators, so if you detect unacceptable or inappropriate behavior within the community please notify the administrators through the following contact methods: