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DB Migrations

What is DB Migrations

During the life time of a project, you start with a certain db schema which evolves over time. Nothing wrong with evolution, yet the problem is how will you migrate production database into the new schema and how will you update affected records, delet ones that are no longer needed or change column names or constraints or types in a way that keeps application running and doesn't affect existing data Read more on this

How migrations work

  • We use Flask migrate

  • Use these commands if you don't have previously created migration scripts:

    • flask createdb Create database
    • flask db init Create migrations directory.
    • flask db migrate Create initial migration script (revision 1) under migrations/versions dir
    • flask db upgrade Create tables physically in DB
  • Do the following if you have changes in DB that you want to migrate to

    • flask db migrate will compare models in your app with the migration scripts in the migrations/versions dir then create a new version that can be used to migrate DB from current state to the new state as models
    • flask db upgrade Update DB up to latest revision
  • Flask migrations uses a library called Alembic Consider reading the documentation there especially if you want to alter data in database during migrations


  • Flask migration framework not being able to detect changes in SQLALCHEMY Enum types so it's automatically created for you you have to make sure whenever you change an Enum type that you make the migration manually. An example below on how to deal with this situation

  • In case of sqlite, you can use flask db init flask db migrate flask db upgrade and database will be created for you. but in case of other RDBMS like postgres or mysql, you need to create DB first using flask createdb

Full Migrations Scenario**

Now we're in production and we've live data out there! Our producction branch contains a directory called migrations contining all old migrations files used through the life time of our application. Now we have changs in master branch in models what to do to create mogrations files to migrate production db

Our master branch doesn't contain migrations DIR persistent in git i.e it's added to .gitignore so it's not committed there

  • Switch your app to use ```postgres`` DB

  • commit all your changes into master branch

  • delete migrations DIR if there

  • switch to production branch

  • drop the used Database

    • in postgresql console use DROP DATABASE my-db;
  • Run flask db upgrade to initiate the DB wit old/production state

  • If you have data from production in DATA DIR RUN flask loaddata

  • Copy production branch migrations DIR to any temporary location

  • Swittch to master branch

  • copy migrations DIR, from your temporary location into crm/migrations

  • Now you need to run flask db migrate this will create a new revision/migration file that can move DB from old state to new state. We have used migrations dir, so we now sure that we used all previous migrations and we created a new one that depends on them

  • Edit your newly migration file under migrations/revisions if needed

  • commit in production after merging master into priduction

  • Check code in migrations files to see how you can query and alter data during migrations

Deal with Enum changes**

Issue (1)
  • Old ENum

    class DealCurrency(Enum):
        USD, EUR, AED, GBP = range(4)
  • New Enum

    class DealCurrency(Enum):
        USD, EUR, AED, GBP, BTC = range(5)
  • Now after creating new migration file, these changes were not detected

  • How to do the migrarion?

    • since old and new enum names are same, and you can't just create enum with same name as old one We create temporary type with different enum name but holding new data

    • we alter table field to use the temp one, then we drop old one

    • we create new one and alter table field with to use the new then we drop temp one

      ## Deal Currency
      old_dealcurrency = postgresql.ENUM('USD', 'EUR', 'AED', 'GBP' , name='dealcurrency')
      new_dealcurrency = postgresql.ENUM('USD', 'EUR', 'AED', 'GBP', 'BTC' , name='dealcurrency')
      temp_dealcurrency = postgresql.ENUM('USD', 'EUR', 'AED', 'GBP', 'BTC' , name='_dealcurrency')
      def update_deal_enums():
          temp_dealcurrency.create(op.get_bind(), checkfirst=False)
          op.execute('ALTER TABLE deals ALTER COLUMN currency TYPE _dealcurrency'
                     ' USING currency::text::_dealcurrency')
          old_dealcurrency.drop(op.get_bind(), checkfirst=False)
          # Create and convert to the "new" status type
          new_dealcurrency.create(op.get_bind(), checkfirst=False)
          op.execute('ALTER TABLE deals ALTER COLUMN currency TYPE dealcurrency'
                     ' USING currency::text::dealcurrency')
          temp_dealcurrency.drop(op.get_bind(), checkfirst=False)
      def upgrade():
Issue (2)
  • You have an existing enum

    class ContactEventStatus(enum.Enum):
  • You tried to use it by another newly created DB table, but when generating migrations, you get something like

        sa.Column('contact_event_status', sa.Enum('INVITED', 'WONTSHOW', 'ATTENDED', 'DENIED', 'COULDNTMAKEIT', name='contacteventstatus'), nullable=True)
  • Now running migrations, you find it fails since it tries to create existing enum again

  • Solution

    Change the previous line from

        sa.Column('contact_event_status', sa.Enum('INVITED', 'WONTSHOW', 'ATTENDED', 'DENIED', 'COULDNTMAKEIT', name='contacteventstatus'), nullable=True)


        sa.Column('contact_event_status', postgresql.ENUM('INVITED', 'WONTSHOW', 'ATTENDED', 'DENIED', 'COULDNTMAKEIT', name='contacteventstatus', create_type=False), nullable=True)

    to avoid trying to create an already created enum type in DB