% gw-aws-audit 8
gw-aws-audit - a collection of tools to audit AWS.
S3 related commands
Add s3-cost-name to all S3 buckets
Idempotent action that will add the `s3-cost-name` tag to ALL S3 buckets for a
given account.
The value will be the Bucket name.
Get usage metrics
Prints out a CSV report to STDOUT to help track usage across all buckets for a
given account.
Metrics per Bucket:
Objects (count)
Size (Bytes)
Size (GB)
Size (TB)
Bytes per Object
MB per Object
Has Cost Tag
Clear all Objects within a given Bucket
Efficiently delete all objects within a bucket.
This process will run multiple paged deletes in parallel. It will handle API
throttling from AWS with an exponential backoff with retry.
--bucket, -b="": Bucket to clear
RDS related commands
Produce report of Enhanced Monitoring enabled instances
Produce report of instances that have public interfaces attached
Produces a report that displays a list RDS servers that are configured as Publicly Accessible.
The report contains:
- Name of the instance
- RDS DB engine
- Security Group ID
- Security Group Name
- Inbound Port
- CIDR rules applied to the Port
EC2 related commands
Produce report of Enhanced Monitoring enabled instances
List detached EBS volumes and snapshot counts
List stopped EC2 hosts and associated EBS volumes
List instances and PEM key used at time of creation
Security Group related commands
generate a report of all Security Groups that are NOT attached to an instance
This command will scan the EC2 NetworkInterfaces to determine what
Security Groups are NOT attached/assigned in AWS.
generate a report of all Security Groups that are attached to an instance
This command will scan the EC2 NetworkInterfaces to determine what
Security Groups are attached/assigned in AWS.
generate a report comparing SG rules with input CIDR blocks
$ gw-aws-audit sg cidr --allowed, --alert,
This command will generate a report detecting the port to CIDR mapping rules
for attached Security Groups.
A list of Approved CIDRs is required. This is typically the CIDR block associated
with your VPC.
--alert, -b="": CIDR blocks that will cause an alert (csv) (default:
--all: Process ALL Security Groups, not just attached
--approved, -a="": CIDR blocks that are approved (csv)
--ignore-ports, -p="": Ports that can be ignored (csv) (default: 80,443,3,4,3-4)
--ignore-protocols="": Protocols to ignore. Can be tcp,udp,icmp (csv)
--warn, -w="": CIDR blocks that will cause a warning (csv) (default:
generate a report comparing SG rules with input CIDR blocks on a specific port
$ gw-aws-audit sg ports --ports 22,3306 --allowed, --alert,
This command will generate a report for a set of PORTS for attached Security Groups.
A list of Approved CIDRs is required. This is typically the CIDR block associated
with your VPC.
--alert, -b="": CIDR blocks that will cause an alert (csv) (default:
--all: Process ALL Security Groups, not just attached
--approved, -a="": CIDR blocks that are approved (csv)
--ignore-protocols="": Protocols to ignore. Can be tcp,udp,icmp (csv)
--ports, -p="": Ports to generate report on (csv) (default: 22)
--warn, -w="": CIDR blocks that will cause a warning (csv) (default:
generate a report of allow SG with rules mapped to known AWS IPs
This method loads the current version of https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json
and compares the CIDR blocks against all Security Groups.
generate report of Security Groups with direct mappings to EC2 instances
This method will generate a report comparing all Security Groups with all
EC2 instances to determine where you have a direct IP mapping.
This will note Internal and External IP usage as well.
IAM related commands
Set of commands to take action on AWS Users
generates report of IAM Users and Access Key Usage
This action will generate a report for all Users within an AWS account with the details
specific user authentication methods.
Interactive mode will allow you to search for an IAM User and take actions once an IAM User is
USER [string]:
- The user name
STATUS [enum]:
- PASS: When a does NOT have Console Access and has NO Access Keys or only INACTIVE Access Keys
- FAIL: When an IAM User has Console Access
- WARN: When an IAM User does NOT have Console Access, but does have at least 1 ACTIVE Access Key
- UNKNOWN: Catch all for cases not handled.
AGE [duration]:
- Time since User was created
CONSOLE [bool]:
- Does the User have Console Access? YES/NO
LAST LOGIN [duration]:
- Time since User was created
- NONE if the User does not have Console Access or if the User has NEVER logged in.
- G: n -> Groups that the User belongs to
- P: n -> Policies that are attached to the User
- I: n -> Inline Policies that are attached to the User
- Primary header row is the number of Access Keys associated with the User
KEY ID [string]:
STATUS [enum]:
- Active/Inactive
LAST USED [duration]:
- Time since the Access Key was last used.
SERVICE [string]:
- The last AWS Service that the Access Key was used to access at the "LAST USED" time.
--interactive, -i: after generating the report, prompt for digging into a user
--show-only="": filter results to show only pass, warn or fail
modify an IAM User within AWS
This action allows you to take actions to modify a user's Permissions (Groups and Policies)
and the state of their Access Keys (Active, Inactive, Delete).
--show-only="": filter results to show only pass, warn or fail
--user, -u="": user name to look for
view permissions that are associated with an IAM User
Produces a table of Groups and Policies that are attached to an IAM User.
Interactive mode allows for you to detach a permission from an IAM User.
--interactive, -i: interactive mode that allows for removal of permissions
--user, -u="": user name to look for
view Access Keys associated with an IAM User
Produces a table of Access Keys that are associated with an IAM User.
Interactive mode allows for you to Activate, Deactivate and Delete Access Keys.
--interactive, -i: interactive mode that allows status changes of keys
--user, -u="": user name to look for
Set of commands to take action on AWS Access Keys
bulk deactivate Access Keys
This action will check ALL Access Keys to determine if they meet the criteria
to be marked as INACTIVE within IAM.
Current rules are:
- If a keys HAS been used, the last usage was not within the last n(threshold) days
- If a key has NEVER been used, that the key was created at least n(threshold) days ago
--threshold="": number of days to pass as check for qualification (default: 180)
--units, -u="": hours, days, weeks, months (default: days)
bulk delete Access Keys
This action will check ALL Access Keys to determine if they meet the criteria
to be DELETED within IAM.
Current rules are:
- The Access Key must be set to INACTIVE
- If a keys HAS been used, the last usage was not within the last n(threshold) days
- If a key has NEVER been used, that the key was created at least n(threshold) days ago
--threshold="": number of days to pass as check for qualification (default: 180)
--units, -u="": hours, days, weeks, months (default: days)
list Access Keys that have been recently used
This action will check ALL Access Keys to determine if they have been used within the threshold time.
--threshold, -t="": number of Units to check for qualification (default: 7)
--units, -u="": hours, days, weeks, months (default: days)
list Access Keys that have NEVER been used
CloudWatch related commands
Produce report of Enhanced Monitoring enabled EC2 & RDS instances
Generate and install man page
NOTE: Windows is not supported
Print version info