Collects MQTT messages and stores them in a Postgres database.
- Runs as Linux service.
- Provides the message payload as standard VARCHAR text and additionally converts the payload into a JSONB column if compatible. (See: trigger.sql and convert.sql)
- Clean up old messages (after x days).
cd /opt
sudo mkdir mqtt-pg-logger
sudo chown <user>:<user> mqtt-pg-logger # type in your user
git clone mqtt-pg-logger
cd mqtt-pg-logger
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
# activate venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
# check python version >= 3.7
python --version
# install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
# cd ... goto project dir
cp ./mqtt-pg-logger.yaml.sample ./mqtt-pg-logger.yaml
# security concerns: make sure, no one can read the stored passwords
chmod 600 ./mqtt-pg-logger.yaml
Edit your mqtt-pg-logger.yaml
. See comments there.
# see command line options
./ --help
# prepare your own config file based on ./mqtt-pg-logger.yaml.sample
# create database schema manually analog to ./scripts/*.sql or let the app do it
./ --create --print-logs --config-file ./mqtt-pg-logger.yaml
# start the logger
./ --print-logs --config-file ./mqtt-pg-logger.yaml
# abort with ctrl+c
# prepare your own service script based on mqtt-pg-logger.service.sample
cp ./mqtt-pg-logger.service.sample ./mqtt-pg-logger.service
# edit/adapt paths and user in mqtt-pg-logger.service
vi ./mqtt-pg-logger.service
# install service
sudo cp ./mqtt-pg-logger.service /etc/systemd/system/
# alternativ: sudo cp ./mqtt-pg-logger.service.sample /etc/systemd/system//mqtt-pg-logger.service
# after changes
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# start service
sudo systemctl start mqtt-pg-logger
# check logs
journalctl -u mqtt-pg-logger
journalctl -u mqtt-pg-logger --no-pager --since "5 minutes ago"
# enable autostart at boot time
sudo systemctl enable mqtt-pg-logger.service
Consider running a VACUUM ANALYZE
on your Postgres database on a periodic base (CRON).
This will reclaim storage occupied by dead tuples.
If no messages get logged check your broker.
sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients
# prepare credentials
SERVER="<your server>"
# start listener
mosquitto_sub -h $SERVER -d -t smarthome/#
# send single message
mosquitto_pub -h $SERVER -d -t smarthome/test -m "test_$(date)"
# just as info: clear retained messages
mosquitto_pub -h $SERVER -d -t smarthome/test -n -r -d
Not that retained messages get logged again after a restart of the service. And especially stale messages of meanwhile unused topic gets logged again and again.
SERVER="<your server>"
BASE_TOPIC="test/#" # or "#"
# clear all retained topics
mosquitto_sub -h "$SERVER" -t "$BASE_TOPIC" -F "%t" --retained-only | while read line; do mosquitto_pub -h "$SERVER" -t "${line% *}" -r -n; done
# or clear a single topic
mosquitto_pub -h "$SERVER" -t the/topic -n -r -d
MIT © Raul Rosenlöcher
The code is available at GitHub.