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This is the market place project for

Built with Cookiecutter Django Black code style

Basic Commands

Setting Up Your Local Build

To run it locally, please install Docker and Docker-compose then run below command.

Note if you're running on Windows, please run docker and edit code in WSL2 Ubuntu environment.

$ docker-compose -f local.yml up
  • Visit localhost:8000 to see the frontend pages
  • Please use Prettier to format your .json and .js code, use Python to format you .py code


Moved to cookiecutter-django settings.

Type checks

Running type checks with mypy:

$ mypy marketplace

Test coverage

To run the tests, check your test coverage, and generate an HTML coverage report:

$ coverage run -m pytest
$ coverage html
$ open htmlcov/index.html

Running tests with py.test

$ pytest

Live reloading and Sass CSS compilation

Moved to Live reloading and SASS compilation.


The following details how to deploy this application.


See detailed cookiecutter-django Docker documentation.