Charity Bridge is a meticulously crafted application, developed with Android Studio, envisioned with the objective of simplifying and promoting charitable actions. The purpose of the application is to establish a reliable and efficient channel between donors and those in need.
In order to use it, you need to download the Android Studio files directly from this repository. After downloading, you can open the project in Android Studio and run the app in the emulator or on your Android device.
Charity Bridge is more than just an app - it's a community. It brings together donors and recipients in a seamless and intuitive environment. The application enables users to contribute towards various types of charitable activities, fulfill the requirements of those in need, and track the status of their donations. Additionally, it offers features to select the city and branch for the donation to be delivered to and collects crucial contact information from both donors and recipients to ensure a smooth process.
- Login and Register: The application incorporates a membership system. You can create an account, log in, and use the "forgot password" feature if required.
- Donate: Users have the ability to select the type of donation, its quantity, and designate the branch and city for delivery. The branches can also be viewed on a map with Google Maps integration.
- Request: Individuals in need can communicate their requirements through a dedicated form in the application. Prospective donors can review these requests and choose to fulfill any that resonate with them.
- Map: This feature allows users to see all branches across various cities, marked clearly on Google Maps.
- Donates: This section provides a record of the donations made and received, offering users transparency and traceability for their charitable actions.
- Receive: Similar to the "Donate" feature, individuals in need can create a request through a form which includes their needs, leading to the creation of a request in the "Donates" section.
- Contact: This feature has been created for users who wish to get in touch with us. An anonymous message sending option is also available.
Below are some screenshots of the Charity Bridge application to give you an overview of its interface: