Example Envoy WebAssembly plugin using Rust. This example serves two purposes
- How to write an Envoy WASM plugin.
- How to leverage Envoy's WASM support and implement dynamic routing.
For 1. you can also check the references below for more materials. For 2.,
I configured two regions us_east1
and us_central1
. Each cluster has
only single endpoint for the purpose of demonstration. Dynamic routing is implemented
in a way that given a request with HTTP Host, the plugin sends an async
HTTP request to a discovery service (httpbin.org/anything
for this demo) and then
the discovery service returns a JSON response that instructs Envoy to which cluster request should go.
I mocked the discovery service so that for a HTTP Host where its first character's ASCII code
is odd it returns us_central
and when it is even it returns us_east1
Thus, curl -I -H "Host: google.com" localhost:10000
would be routed to us_central1
which means the request would be proxied to the only endpoint in that cluster that is www.elvinefendi.com
On the other hand curl -I -H "Host: doogle.com" localhost:10000
would go to us_east1
or httpbin.org
The examples assumes working Rust and Cargo setup, running Docker daemon and Docker Compose installed. Once you have the prerequisites you can build
make build
and then start the proxy
make run
You can test by sending requests to localhost:10000