diff --git a/js-core/homeworks/homework-14/index.html b/js-core/homeworks/homework-14/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..152b2ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js-core/homeworks/homework-14/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ Home work 14
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diff --git a/js-core/homeworks/homework-14/src/main.js b/js-core/homeworks/homework-14/src/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b493615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js-core/homeworks/homework-14/src/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+const app = {
+ questions : [
+ {
+ id : 1,
+ question : 'Сколько типов данных в JS',
+ answers: [
+ '5',
+ '6',
+ '7'
+ ],
+ correctAnswer : ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ id : 2,
+ question : 'Методом чего является функция slice',
+ answers: [
+ 'массив',
+ 'число',
+ 'объект'
+ ],
+ correctAnswer : ['массив']
+ },
+ {
+ id : 3,
+ question : 'var y = 1, x = y = typeof x; x;',
+ answers: [
+ '1',
+ 'number',
+ 'undefined'
+ ],
+ correctAnswer : ['undefined']
+ }
+ ],
+ _createButton(){
+ const buttonSubmit = this._makeNode('input');
+ buttonSubmit.type = 'submit';
+ buttonSubmit.name = 'submit';
+ buttonSubmit.value = 'Проверить мои рещультаты';
+ return buttonSubmit;
+ },
+ _makeNode(node){
+ return document.createElement(node);
+ },
+ _createListOfQuestions(){
+ const questionList = this._makeNode('ol');
+ this.questions.forEach((questionObj,questionIndex)=>{
+ const questionBlock = this._makeNode('li');
+ questionBlock.innerHTML = `${questionObj.question} `;
+ const answersBlock = this._makeNode('ul');
+ questionObj.answers.forEach( (answerText,index) => {
+ const inputAnswer = this._makeNode('input');
+ inputAnswer.type = 'checkbox';
+ inputAnswer.name = `question_${questionObj.id}_answer_${index}` ;
+ const labelForAnswer = this._makeNode('label');
+ labelForAnswer.appendChild(inputAnswer);
+ const spanForAnswer = this._makeNode('span');
+ spanForAnswer.textContent = answerText
+ labelForAnswer.appendChild(spanForAnswer);
+ const answerLi = this._makeNode('li');
+ answerLi.appendChild(labelForAnswer);
+ answersBlock.appendChild(answerLi);
+ });
+ questionBlock.appendChild(answersBlock);
+ questionList.appendChild(questionBlock);
+ });
+ return questionList;
+ },
+ _initContainer(){
+ const div = this._makeNode('div');
+ div.setAttribute("class", "test-block");
+ return div;
+ },
+ _createHead(){
+ const head = this._makeNode('p');
+ head.innerText = 'Тест по програмированию'
+ return head
+ },
+ checkAnswer(){
+ const questionsElements = document.body.querySelectorAll('ol ul');
+ questionsElements.forEach( (element, index) => {
+ let haveMistakes = true;
+ const questionNumber = element.querySelector('label > input').name.split('_')[1];
+ const answersCkeckboxes = element.querySelectorAll('li > label > input:checked');
+ const questionWeWork = this.questions.filter( question => {
+ return question.id == questionNumber;
+ })[0];
+ if(answersCkeckboxes.length){
+ haveMistakes = [...answersCkeckboxes].some( answersCkeckbox => {
+ const answerText = answersCkeckbox.nextElementSibling.innerText;
+ return questionWeWork.correctAnswer.indexOf(answerText) === -1;
+ });
+ }
+ const newStatus = 'status' + (haveMistakes ? ' wrong' : ' correct');
+ element.parentElement.querySelector('span.status').className = newStatus
+ });
+ },
+ render(){
+ const container = this._initContainer();
+ const formHeader = this._createHead();
+ const form = this._makeNode('form');
+ const questionList = this._createListOfQuestions();
+ const submitButton = this._createButton();
+ submitButton.onclick = () => {
+ this.checkAnswer();
+ return false;
+ }
+ const buttonBlock = this._makeNode('p');
+ buttonBlock.appendChild(submitButton);
+ form.appendChild(questionList).appendChild(buttonBlock);
+ container.appendChild(formHeader);
+ container.appendChild(form);
+ document.body.appendChild(container);
+ }
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