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A discrete-event blockchain simulator for a P2P cryptocurrency network with attack simulation.

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A discrete-event blockchain simulator for a P2P cryptocurrency network with capability of PoW performance analysis and simulation of Selfish Mining attack.

Project Structure

  • The project is divided into two folders.
  • normal_lib contains the code for running a blockchain simulator with various configurable parameters without attacks.
  • attack_lib contains the code for running a blockchain simulator with multiple clients acting as Selfish Miner.
  • Normal-Report.pdf and Attack-Report.pdf contains a performance analysis of both the simulators with detailed explanation.

How to run Normal Simulator(Ubuntu/Debian)?

  • Setup the Project - bash
  • Activate the Virtual Environment - source venv/bin/activate
  • Run simulator with default parameters - python3 normal_lib/

How to change default parameters?

  • Number of nodes in the P2P network: -n or --num_nodes
  • Percentage of slow nodes: -z0 or --percentage_slow
  • Percentage of nodes having low CPU power: -z1 or --percentage_lowcpu
  • Mean inter-arrival time between transactions: -ttx or --mean_inter_arrival
  • Average time taken to mine a block: -I or --average_block_mining_time
  • Total time for which the P2P network is simulated: -T or --simulation_time
  • Example - python3 -n 10 -z0 0.5 -z1 0.5 -ttx 10 -I 600 -T 6000

How to run Selfish Attack Simulator(Ubuntu/Debian)?

  • Setup the Project - bash
  • Activate the Virtual Environment - source venv/bin/activate
  • Run simulator with default parameters - python3 attack_lib/

How to change default parameters?

  • Number of honest nodes in the P2P network: -n or --num_honest_nodes
  • Hashing Power of first Selfish Node: -z1 or --zeta1
  • Hashing Power of second Selfish Node: -z2 or --zeta2
  • Mean inter-arrival time between transactions: -ttx or --mean_inter_arrival
  • Average time taken to mine a block: -I or --average_block_mining_time
  • total time for which the P2P network is simulated: -T or --simulation_time
  • Example - python3 -n 10 -z1 0.3 -z2 0.3 -ttx 10 -I 300 -T 6000

Where are the simulation outputs saved?

Network graph, Blockchain graph and log for each node is saved inside normal_lib/outputs and attack_lib/outputs folder after the end of simulation.




A discrete-event blockchain simulator for a P2P cryptocurrency network with attack simulation.







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