A simple console based python application to fetch covid-19 everyday data and feed it into Google BigQuery Dataset Automatically Using Apache Airflow
- In order to successfully work on this project you need to install and setup working environment for these following softwares/technologies:
- Python 3.0 Or above -> Install and setup the environment.
- Apache Airflow 1.0 Or above
- Google Cloud Module for python using pip/pip3
- Docker 19.0 Or above(Optional)
- visit https://console.cloud.google.com/
- In navigation menu, under products, in the BigData category select BigQuery
- create your new project.
- then create new dataset, then new table.
- then after this again go to navigation menu -> IAM & Admin -> Service Accounts -> Create Service Account -> follow the process and choose to add new key.
- after adding the key download the key and set its location into environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
- After Setting Environment for Python and Apache Airflow, search for a folder named dags at the same location of installation of airflow.
- put the dag file into dags Folder: covid19_stats_dag.py
- create your python project and put these files in the main folder at same location: fetchstats.py, uploadstats.py, finalstats.py
note: change the import statement in the dag file (covid19_stats_dag.py) as per your systems file location.
After conecting all files together successfully.
start your terminal and set the environment variables:
export AIRFLOW_HOME='Your_airflow_installation_location(same as dags folder)' airflow_home
follow these commads for google bigQuery Setup:
export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT= "your_project_name"
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project your_project_name
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS= "Your_key_file_location_with_file_name"
after completeing the above steps. start two instances of terminal and navigate to the directory where dags folder is available
in one terminal follow these commands:
airflow initdb
airflow scheduler
in another terminal execute:
airflow webserver
+ airflow webserver will start a localhost server and will give a port on the terminal.
+ type localhot:port in web browser's address bar.
+ a UI will open from where you can turn your dag on and off and monitor and supervise the process.
+ https://airflow.apache.org/docs/stable/ - Apache airflow
+ https://docs.docker.com/develop/ - Docker
+ https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs - Google BigQuery
+ https://docs.python.org/3/ - Python