diff --git a/caimira/README.md b/caimira/README.md
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+# CAiMIRA - CERN Airborne Model for Risk Assessment
+CAiMIRA is a risk assessment tool developed to model the concentration of viruses in enclosed spaces, in order to inform space-management decisions.
+CAiMIRA models the concentration profile of potential virions in enclosed spaces , both as background (room) concentration and during close-proximity interactions, with clear and intuitive graphs.
+The user can set a number of parameters, including room volume, exposure time, activity type, mask-wearing and ventilation.
+The report generated indicates how to avoid exceeding critical concentrations and chains of airborne transmission in spaces such as individual offices, meeting rooms and labs.
+The risk assessment tool simulates the airborne spread SARS-CoV-2 virus in a finite volume, assuming a homogenous mixture and a two-stage exhaled jet model, and estimates the risk of COVID-19 infection therein.
+The results DO NOT include the other known modes of SARS-CoV-2 transmission, such as fomite or blood-bound.
+Hence, the output from this model is only valid when the other recommended public health & safety instructions are observed, such as good hand hygiene and other barrier measures.
+The model used is based on scientific publications relating to airborne transmission of infectious diseases, dose-response exposures and aerosol science, as of February 2022.
+It can be used to compare the effectiveness of different airborne-related risk mitigation measures.
+Note that this model applies a deterministic approach, i.e., it is assumed at least one person is infected and shedding viruses into the simulated volume.
+Nonetheless, it is also important to understand that the absolute risk of infection is uncertain, as it will depend on the probability that someone infected attends the event.
+The model is most useful for comparing the impact and effectiveness of different mitigation measures such as ventilation, filtration, exposure time, physical activity, amount and nature of close-range interactions and
+the size of the room, considering both long- and short-range airborne transmission modes of COVID-19 in indoor settings.
+This tool is designed to be informative, allowing the user to adapt different settings and model the relative impact on the estimated infection probabilities.
+The objective is to facilitate targeted decision-making and investment through comparisons, rather than a singular determination of absolute risk.
+While the SARS-CoV-2 virus is in circulation among the population, the notion of 'zero risk' or 'completely safe scenario' does not exist.
+Each event modelled is unique, and the results generated therein are only as accurate as the inputs and assumptions.
+## Calculator
+The CAiMIRA Calculator can be accessed online [here](https://caimira.web.cern.ch/), provided you have CERN SSO (Single Sign-On) credentials. For local usage, please refer to the [documentation](#documentation) on how to install and run the calculator locally.
+## Documentation
+All instructions for installation, deployment, usage, and model assumptions and references can be found in the [official documentation](https://caimira.docs.cern.ch/).
+## Contributing
+Contributions are welcome on our [GitHub repository](https://github.com/CERN/CAiMIRA).
+## Authors & License
+Developed by CERN's HSE, Beams, and IT departments, in collaboration with WHO.
+© Copyright 2020-2021 CERN. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+See the full [license](caimira/LICENSE) for details.
diff --git a/cern_caimira/README.md b/cern_caimira/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8857f87
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+++ b/cern_caimira/README.md
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+# CAiMIRA - CERN Airborne Model for Risk Assessment
+CAiMIRA is a risk assessment tool developed to model the concentration of viruses in enclosed spaces, in order to inform space-management decisions.
+CAiMIRA models the concentration profile of potential virions in enclosed spaces , both as background (room) concentration and during close-proximity interactions, with clear and intuitive graphs.
+The user can set a number of parameters, including room volume, exposure time, activity type, mask-wearing and ventilation.
+The report generated indicates how to avoid exceeding critical concentrations and chains of airborne transmission in spaces such as individual offices, meeting rooms and labs.
+The risk assessment tool simulates the airborne spread SARS-CoV-2 virus in a finite volume, assuming a homogenous mixture and a two-stage exhaled jet model, and estimates the risk of COVID-19 infection therein.
+The results DO NOT include the other known modes of SARS-CoV-2 transmission, such as fomite or blood-bound.
+Hence, the output from this model is only valid when the other recommended public health & safety instructions are observed, such as good hand hygiene and other barrier measures.
+The model used is based on scientific publications relating to airborne transmission of infectious diseases, dose-response exposures and aerosol science, as of February 2022.
+It can be used to compare the effectiveness of different airborne-related risk mitigation measures.
+Note that this model applies a deterministic approach, i.e., it is assumed at least one person is infected and shedding viruses into the simulated volume.
+Nonetheless, it is also important to understand that the absolute risk of infection is uncertain, as it will depend on the probability that someone infected attends the event.
+The model is most useful for comparing the impact and effectiveness of different mitigation measures such as ventilation, filtration, exposure time, physical activity, amount and nature of close-range interactions and
+the size of the room, considering both long- and short-range airborne transmission modes of COVID-19 in indoor settings.
+This tool is designed to be informative, allowing the user to adapt different settings and model the relative impact on the estimated infection probabilities.
+The objective is to facilitate targeted decision-making and investment through comparisons, rather than a singular determination of absolute risk.
+While the SARS-CoV-2 virus is in circulation among the population, the notion of 'zero risk' or 'completely safe scenario' does not exist.
+Each event modelled is unique, and the results generated therein are only as accurate as the inputs and assumptions.
+## Calculator
+The CAiMIRA Calculator can be accessed online [here](https://caimira.web.cern.ch/), provided you have CERN SSO (Single Sign-On) credentials. For local usage, please refer to the [documentation](#documentation) on how to install and run the calculator locally.
+## Documentation
+All instructions for installation, deployment, usage, and model assumptions and references can be found in the [official documentation](https://caimira.docs.cern.ch/).
+## Contributing
+Contributions are welcome on our [GitHub repository](https://github.com/CERN/CAiMIRA).
+## Authors & License
+Developed by CERN's HSE, Beams, and IT departments, in collaboration with WHO.
+© Copyright 2020-2021 CERN. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+See the full [license](caimira/LICENSE) for details.