get things done with plex via api (another one)
- get (your) server settings
- xml output
- get a list of your libraries
- get full ocntent of your libraries
- xml output
- a functional (?) script
- merge mass-film-name-editor-given-a-collection into main script
- get collections of a library
- get collection content by key (after having being shown the collections)
- actually use ssl
- get props (any) of given a film name
- change props (any, as in, any that are possible to chg) of a given film by name
- get collection by name
- create collection by name
- add films to collection by (name,name)
- eg:
- user req: i want all films produced by the Weinstein Company in a collection named “TO AVOID”
- eg:
generic function which ideally should work for every request: For now, it should be able to handle the following requests:
- server_settings:
- get_libraries:
- get_library_content:
- get_collections:
- get_collection_content:
- get_collection_content:
[ # the url parts
[ # the args
files are written to user home. Most files should have stdrdized naming convention, <coll_key>-plex_coll_content.xml is one example for the content of a plex collection identified with coll key.
get_collections (API) has a different output
- browser: static collection only, minimal amount of keys
- script: diff. between smart & static collections, high level of detail, completely different url to actually get the content
- different rating key
- no mention of lib key
if a acquired media item isn’t matched, certain script functions won’t work for now:
- get-data-from-xml functions: extract data from xml based on existence of attributes (metadata properties)
- show functions: needs the above to work
if a media item is removed (from a collection) through the WEB GUI, it isn’t (immediately?) cascaded to the API data.