Releases: AstroNvim/astrocommunity
Releases · AstroNvim/astrocommunity
6.0.0 (2024-03-19)
- editing-support: Add cloak.nvim (#761) (3b88193)
- grapple-nvim: better keymaps + add nvim-web-devicons dependency (#781) (c730a7e)
- harpoon: Update to v2 (#741) (0151343)
- pack: add Templ language pack (#780) (bbd7f7f)
Bug Fixes
- bash: fix duplicate diagnostics in bash pack (#804) (570a524)
- grapple-nvim: better keymaps + add nvim-web-devicons as a lazy dependency (c730a7e)
- grapple-nvim: update to Grapple v0.10.0 (#779) (30e8aae)
- grapple: update after rewrite (30e8aae)
- markdown-preview-nvim: yarn istead of npm (#770) (f6a07ff)
- pack: fix duplicate diagnostics in bash pack (570a524)
5.3.0 (2024-01-12)
- docker: Add filetype handling to pack to make lsp attach (8e964d3)
- docker: Handle docker-compose.yaml filetype to make lsp attach (#715) (8e964d3)
- main: Add type hints to all opts usage for catppuccin/nvim. Catch bug in opts usage for catppuccin (#695) (3c0d274)
Bug Fixes
5.2.0 (2024-01-03)
- dial-nvim: Migrate to new mapping api, and add g<C-x> g mappings (#700) (5ae9eed)
- lsp: add
plugin (#691) (0b5b857) - pack: Add crystal pack (#690) (5812210)
- pack: Add nim pack (#699) (6b8aef2)
- pack: crystal pack (5812210)
- pack: gleam pack (#689) (85781f4)
Bug Fixes
- helm: Swap to correct branch (#704) (d2c7ee3)
- just: Fix buggy just pack (#696) (008194e)
- pack: fix incorrect import (bb32d33)
- todo-comments-nvim: Lazy load todo-comments on command (#694) (2744133)
Performance Improvements
5.1.0 (2023-12-15)
- add thrift (2ffcf86)
- cpp: Remove clang-format due to clang-format also providing formatting (aeff33f)
- cpp: Remove clang-format due to clangd also providing formatting (#619) (aeff33f)
- editing-support: add stickybuf.nvim (#616) (bfd28ec)
- editing-support: add wildfire.nvim (#640) (ea765aa)
- git: Add gist-nvim (#668) (6633200)
- git: Add gitlinker-nvim (#667) (def419e)
- haskell: add neotest-haskell, haskell-snippets, and optional telescope-hoogle to pack (1df076d)
- haskell: add neotest-haskell, haskell-snippets, telescope-hoogle to pack (#658) (1df076d)
- lsp: Add garbage-day.nvim (#632) (86cd4fc)
- note-taking: add support for zettelkasten with zk-nvim (#654) (22b24e7)
- pack: add elm language pack (#653) (2f04d6e)
- pack: Add pack for justfiles (#680) (bdd2f6d)
- pack: Add swift pack (#606) (0ac1d37)
- pack: add thrift pack (#620) (2ffcf86)
- pack: Add typst pack (#684) (43f5a02)
- programming-language-support: Add xbase (#671) (e5ddf96)
- split-and-window: Add mini-map (454a613)
- split-and-window: Add mini-map (#665) (454a613)
- swift: mv to swift only support (no xcode tooling here) (#670) (cfe5e3f)
- typescript: Add .mjs files to Prettier detection helper func (#618) (64b3c17)
- typescript: Add jsdoc syntax highlighting to pack (#646) (3990190)
- typescript: Add jsdoc treesitter ensured_installed table (3990190)
- typescript: Move eslint-lsp to the proper plugin, and add autocmd to format on save (#683) (dffd674)
Bug Fixes
- cmp-cmdline: Improve cmp-cmdline plugin spec (#660) (979a830)
- editing-support: replace auto-save.nvim's url with its original repo (#673) (3c7cbc7)
- helm: Fix helm pack misconfiguration (#624) (2601abe)
- hop-nvim: Change from
(2dca32c) - hop-nvim: Change remote to maintained fork (#644) (2dca32c)
- noice-nvim: Remove conditional, enabling noice on neovide (#623) (c7e809e)
- octo-nvim: adjusted whichkey description mapping (#645) (164c035)
- oil-nvim: ssh support (#614) (d4a5520)
- pack-swift: fix LSP handler error (617bc28)
- peek-nvim: Swap peek.nvim branch to point to origin instead of fork (#637) (6fb9aaf)
- swift: fix LSP handler error (#655) (617bc28)
- transparent-nvim: Made cursor line transparent (#611) (cae8e92)
- ultimate-autopair-nvim: Fix & update ultimate-auto-pair to v0.6 config (8ea7c89)
- ultimate-autopair-nvim: Fix breaking changes in config, and pin plugin version to 0.6 (#638) (8ea7c89)
- xbase: Remove lsp logic from xbase, instead pointing to swift pack (7508715)
- xbase: Remove lsp, and treesitter logic from xbase, instead pointing to swift pack (#679) (7508715)
5.0.0 (2023-10-17)
- pack: Split python pack into python and python-ruff (#603)
- transparent-nvim: Move transparent-nvim to right folder.
- transparent-nvim: moved to the
category (#568)
- colorscheme: add nordic (23dc5e5)
- colorscheme: Add nordic.nvim (#595) (23dc5e5)
- pack: java. enable niceities with jdtls and downloading source … (#524) (8284d88)
- pack: java. enable niceities with jdtls and downloading source code from libraries (8284d88)
- pack: Split python pack into python and python-ruff (#603) (e0615a4)
- pack: update Zig url (#564) (877c949)
- typescript: Swap out eslint_d with eslint-lsp (#600) (54a0988)
Bug Fixes
- fix #596; Fix indent-blankline configuration to match the new plugin requirements (7bd974c)
- hardtime-nvim: call enable() explicitly, remove redundant keys (#589) (d79add3)
- haskell: make haskell-tools respect the
table (#571) (c53ccf1) - haskell: remove now redundant
call (#570) (59df499) - indent-blankline-nvim: Fix indent-blankline-nvim configuration to match the new plugin requirements (#597) (7bd974c)
- mini-indentscope: correctly disable indentscope in buftypes and terminals (#566) (c292208)
- neosolarized-nvim: Add missing dependencies (#580) (fdab800)
- peek-nvim: Swap remote of peek-nvim to fork (#602) (a63d983)
- project: initialize projectmgr-nvim (fc631bf)
- projectmgr-nvim: disable lazy loading (#605) (fc631bf)
- rainbow-delimiters-nvim: fix setup function due to breaking change (#610) (5c3ce63)
- smartcolumn-nvim: Add sensible default opts for when not to show colorcolumn (#607) (c624e8a)
- transparent-nvim: Move transparent-nvim to right folder. (6f1a4b5)
- transparent-nvim: moved to the
category (#568) (6f1a4b5) - typescript: Check for deprecated .eslintrc file (#599) (db19103)
- vim-matchup: remove matchup_match_paren_deferred option (#561) (751812a)
4.1.0 (2023-09-06)
Bug Fixes
- hardtime-nvim: disable hardtime-nvim on dressing-nvim fts (#549) (177f8f4)
- haskell: Update
to v2.0.0 (#553) (ffca0d7) - python: Adds Imports Sorting with isort to the Python Pack (#551) (2fe93b3)
- yanky-nvim: Fix yanky.nvim loading when restoring session (#555) (e35186e)
- zen-mode-nvim: disable global winbar upon entering zen mode (#554) (bb52899)
4.0.0 (2023-08-30)
- colorscheme: removed onigiri-nvim colorscheme due to deletion (#536)
- colorscheme: removed onigiri-nvim colorscheme due to deletion (#536) (6ad36ac)
- editing-support: added nvim-devdocs plugin (#547) (f9ef240)
- pack: Add cue language pack (#531) (17feb7e)
Bug Fixes
- dropbar-nvim: all lines move down during startup (d7c7868)
- dropbar-nvim: Fix visual flicking bug caused by loading event trigger (#539) (d7c7868)
- hardtime-nvim: disable hardtime-nvim on neo-tree-popup (#533) (a1206a4)
- mini-indentscope: exclude special buftypes (#546) (f4e981a)
- mini-indentscope: ignore more filetypes (#538) (10c95c8)
- obsidian-nvim: remove annoying notification about "gf" mapping (#541) (e50eef7)