The Crypto Web App offers a user-friendly interface for accessing real-time data and detailed information about various cryptocurrencies. Its integration with the CoinGecko API ensures up-to-date and accurate data. Coingecko provides data on thousands of cryptocurrencies, including their current price, historical price data, trading volume, market cap, and other important metrics. By using this API, the website can provide users with real-time information about the latest cryptocurrency prices and market trends.
Live Demo : Trade Edge
- React JS
The frontend of the web app is developed using the React JavaScript library.
- Redux
Redux is integrated into the app to manage the global state and facilitate data flow between components. Thunks are used to store API data
- CoinGecko API
The app fetches cryptocurrency data from the CoinGecko API, which offers a wide range of endpoints to access real-time and historical crypto data
- Scss
SCSS is utilized for styling the web app, providing a more organized and maintainable approach to CSS.
To run the Crypto Web App locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository from GitHub.
Navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies using npm install or yarn install.
Run the development server using npm start or yarn start.
The app should now be accessible on your local machine at http://localhost:3000 or a different port if specified.