A Java tool that converts images to 8-bit BMP images compatible with Cortex Command videogame by using the color palette that the game uses.
Use "Releases" tab on the right to download a usable version.
Run the jar file either directly by clicking on it, or via the command line:
java -jar img2bmp.jar [-h] [-o] INPUTFILE OUTPUTFILE
- print help and info and exit.
- allow overwriting existing files.
If no output file is specified, the result is saved alongside input image with .bmp extension.
If the original file has .bmp extension by itself and -o
is not specified, it will give the "file exists" error.
If no parameters are specified, a GUI is opened.
Please note that this is my first GitHub repository, and this code is really old, amateur and possibly quite messy. But it does the job though - the images produced by it seem to work just fine in Cortex Command.