diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index cd7e0628..1c2b04d9 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ instead::
$ bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ic-labs/django-icekit/develop/startproject.sh) {project_name} develop
-and change the icekit branch in the generated :code:`requirements-icekit.txt` from :code:`@master` to :code:`@develop`.
+and change the icekit branch in the generated :code:`requirements-icekit.txt` and :code:`Dockerfile` from
+:code:`@master` to :code:`@develop`.
NOTE: Windows users should run this command in Git Bash, which comes
with `Git for Windows `__.
diff --git a/__init__.py b/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/docs/collections/analyzing_data.rst b/docs/collections/analyzing_data.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7a3706f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/collections/analyzing_data.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+GLAMkit comes with tools for analysing and harvesting from large collections of various file types, currently:
+ * JSON files
+ * XML files with unwieldy or undefined schemas (which may also be badly-formed)
+ * MARC files which use an undocumented set of fields (which may also be badly-formed)
+The different data formats (except for JSON) use libraries that may not be installed by default. Alter the optional
+``import_*`` extras in your project's ``requirements-icekit.txt`` to install them, like this::
+ -e git+https://github.com/ic-labs/django-icekit@develop#egg=django-icekit[ ... ,import_xml]
+JSON Analysis
+*(to be documented)*
+XML Analysis
+(Add ``import_xml`` to ``requirements-icekit.txt`` to install dependencies)
+``manage.py analyze_xml`` is a command-line tool that takes a path (or ``./``) and returns a csv file containing an
+analysis of every element in every xml file in the path. It requires the ``lxml`` library.
+Usage examples::
+ manage.py analyze_xml --help # show help
+ manage.py analyze_xml -l # list all xml files to be analyzed
+ manage.py analyze_xml # analyze all xml files in the current path
+ manage.py analyze_xml > analysis.csv # analyze all xml files in the current path and write the results to a csv file.
+ manage.py analyze_xml path/to/xml/ # analyze all xml files in the given path
+ manage.py analyze_xml path/to/file.xml # analyze a single xml file
+ manage.py analyze_xml path/to/xml/ -r # traverse the current path recursively
+The analysis csv contains these fields:
+================= ==============================================================
+Column Description
+================= ==============================================================
+``path`` A dot-separated path to each XML tag.
+``min_cardinality`` The minimum number of these elements that each of its parents has.
+``max_cardinality`` The maximum number of these elements that each of its parents has.
+``samples`` Non-repeating sample values of the text within the XML tag.
+``attributes`` A list of all the attributes found for each tag.
+================= ==============================================================
+Interpreting the analysis
+The path is dot-separated. A path that ``looks.like.this`` represents the tag of a file structured like this::
+``min_cardinality`` and ``max_cardinality`` will tell you the minimum and maximum number of these elements you'll have
+to deal with each time you encounter them. If a ``min_cardinality`` is 0, it means the element is optional. If a
+``max_cardinality`` is 1 it means that it's a singleton value. If ``max_cardinality`` is more than 1, it means that the
+element is repeated to make up a list.
+``samples`` is a particularly useful field. Apart from seeing the values to discern their likely data type, you can
+see the variety of values produced.
+Set the number of samples to track with the ``--samplesize`` option. The default value is 5.
+If you asked for 5 sample values, but only got 1 value, that means the value is constant. If you get 2 values, that
+means there are only 2 values in the entire collection (which means that the value could be boolean). If you got 0
+values, that means the tag is always empty, or only ever contains children (see the next row of the csv file to see
+if an element has any children).
+The number of sample values can be set with the ``-n`` option to ``analyze_xml``, but you should keep it more than 3
+for easily discerning the range of values.
+This field lists out all the attributes found for the tag, and a sample of their values.
+MARC Analysis
+(Add ``import_marc`` to ``requirements-icekit.txt`` to install dependencies)
+``manage.py analyze_marc`` is a command-line tool that takes a path (or ``./``) and returns a csv file containing an
+analysis of every MARC file found in the path. It requires the ``pymarc`` library.
+Usage examples::
+ manage.py analyze_marc --help # show help
+ manage.py analyze_marc -l # list all marc files to be analyzed
+ manage.py analyze_marc # analyze all MARC files in the current path
+ manage.py analyze_marc > analysis.csv # analyze all MARC files in the current path and write the results to a csv file.
+ manage.py analyze_marc path/to/marc/ # analyze all MARC files in the given path
+ manage.py analyze_marc path/to/file.mrc # analyze a single MARC file
+ manage.py analyze_marc path/to/marc/ -r # traverse the current path recursively
+The analysis csv has a row for each tag (with an empty subfield column), and a row for each subfield. Each row contains
+these fields:
+================= ==============================================================
+Column Description
+================= ==============================================================
+``tag`` The 3-digit MARC tag.
+``subfield`` The single-character subfield.
+``tag_meaning`` The English meaning of the tag/subfield, if known.
+``record_count`` The number of records that have at least one of these tags.
+``min_cardinality`` The minimum number of this tag or subfield that each record has.
+``max_cardinality`` The maximum number of this tag or subfield that each record has.
+``samples`` Non-repeating sample values of the values of each tag or subfield.
+================= ==============================================================
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 702af4a4..604fb8fb 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ This documentation covers the technical usage and API of GLAMkit.
+ collections/*
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/management/commands/__init__.py b/glamkit_collections/management/commands/__init__.py
index e69de29b..66a296fd 100644
--- a/glamkit_collections/management/commands/__init__.py
+++ b/glamkit_collections/management/commands/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# −*− coding: UTF−8 −*−
+from optparse import make_option
+from django.core.management import BaseCommand
+from glamkit_collections.utils.files import getfiles
+class AnalysisCommand(BaseCommand):
+ help = "Prints a csv-formatted analysis of paths for all files found at the given paths."
+ file_regex = r"\.xml$"
+ option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
+ make_option('-r', '--recursive',
+ action='store_true',
+ dest='recursive',
+ default=False,
+ help="traverse the given folder recursively"
+ ),
+ make_option("-l", "--list",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="list_only",
+ default=False,
+ help="only list the files that would be analyzed"
+ ),
+ make_option("-s", "--samplesize",
+ action="store",
+ dest="sample_length",
+ default=5,
+ help="provide this many samples of each element's text (default: 5)"
+ ),
+ )
+ def analyze(self, paths, sample_length):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ try:
+ path = args[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ path = "./"
+ paths = getfiles(path=path, regex=self.file_regex, recursive=options['recursive'])
+ if options['list_only']:
+ for p in paths:
+ print p
+ else:
+ self.analyze(paths, sample_length=options['sample_length'])
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/management/commands/analyze_marc.py b/glamkit_collections/management/commands/analyze_marc.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..eed30e21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/management/commands/analyze_marc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# −*− coding: UTF−8 −*−
+from . import AnalysisCommand
+from glamkit_collections.utils.marc.analyze import marcanalyze
+class Command(AnalysisCommand):
+ help = "Prints a csv-formatted analysis of paths for all XML files found at the given paths."
+ file_regex = r"\.mrc$"
+ def analyze(self, paths, sample_length):
+ return marcanalyze(paths, sample_length)
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/management/commands/analyze_xml.py b/glamkit_collections/management/commands/analyze_xml.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..503bc7da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/management/commands/analyze_xml.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# −*− coding: UTF−8 −*−
+from glamkit_collections.utils.xml.lib.analyze import xmlanalyze
+from . import AnalysisCommand
+class Command(AnalysisCommand):
+ help = "Prints a csv-formatted analysis of paths for all MARC files found at the given paths."
+ file_regex = r"\.xml$"
+ def analyze(self, paths, sample_length):
+ return xmlanalyze(paths, sample_length)
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/__init__.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/__init__.py
index e69de29b..6ec9cc2f 100644
--- a/glamkit_collections/utils/__init__.py
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Legacy imports. TODO: deprecate using here
+from measurements import *
+from slugs import *
+from cleaning import *
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/cleaning.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/cleaning.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c108ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/cleaning.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+import re
+import itertools
+def ensure_unique(qs, field_name, value, exclude_id=None):
+ """
+ Makes sure that `value` is unique on model.fieldname. And nonempty.
+ """
+ orig = value
+ if not value:
+ value = "None"
+ for x in itertools.count(1):
+ if not qs.exclude(id=exclude_id).filter(**{field_name: value}).exists():
+ break
+ if orig:
+ value = '%s-%d' % (orig, x)
+ else:
+ value = '%d' % x
+ return value
+def strip_parens(s):
+ result = re.sub(r'^\(', '', s)
+ result = re.sub(r'\)$', '', result)
+ return result
+def ndashify(s):
+ """replace ' - ' with an n-dash character"""
+ return re.sub(r' - ', u'–', unicode(s))
+def fix_line_breaks(s):
+ """
+ Convert \r\n and \r to \n chars. Strip any leading or trailing whitespace
+ on each line. Remove blank lines.
+ """
+ l = s.splitlines()
+ x = [i.strip() for i in l]
+ x = [i for i in x if i] # remove blank lines
+ return "\n".join(x)
+def strip_line_breaks(s):
+ """
+ Remove \r and \n chars, replacing with a space. Strip leading/trailing
+ whitespace on each line. Remove blank lines.
+ """
+ return re.sub(r'[\r\n ]+', ' ', s).strip()
+def remove_url_breaking_chars(s):
+ r = re.sub(r'[\?#&/]', '', s)
+ return r.strip()
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/files.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/files.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00fdc29e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/files.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import os
+import re
+def getfiles(path, regex=r"", recursive=True, followlinks=True):
+ """generates a list of file paths of files in given folder that match a given regex"""
+ rex = re.compile(regex)
+ if os.path.isfile(path):
+ p = os.path.abspath(path)
+ if rex.search(p):
+ yield p
+ else:
+ if recursive:
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, followlinks):
+ for f in files:
+ p = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, f))
+ if rex.search(p):
+ yield p
+ else:
+ for f in os.listdir(path):
+ p = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, f))
+ if os.path.isfile(p):
+ if rex.search(p):
+ yield p
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/marc/__init__.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/marc/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/marc/analyze.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/marc/analyze.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..993a5121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/marc/analyze.py
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+from pymarc import MARCReader
+from unicode_csv import UnicodeWriter
+import sys
+from pprint import pprint
+from tags import meaning
+def _update_analysis(analysis, record_analysis, sample_length):
+ # merge this record analysis into the global analysis dict
+ #first create 'empty' records for all currently known tags
+ for tag, stats in analysis.iteritems():
+ if not record_analysis.has_key(tag):
+ record_analysis[tag] = {
+ 'cardinality': 0,
+ 'samples': set(),
+ 'subfields': {},
+ }
+ for subfield in stats['subfields']:
+ record_analysis[tag]['subfields'][subfield] = {
+ 'cardinality': 0,
+ 'samples': set(),
+ }
+ #now merge proper
+ for tag, stats in record_analysis.iteritems():
+ main_analysis = analysis.get(tag, {
+ 'count': 0,
+ 'min_cardinality': sys.maxint,
+ 'max_cardinality': 0,
+ 'subfields': {},
+ 'samples': set(),
+ })
+ main_analysis['count'] += stats['cardinality']
+ main_analysis['min_cardinality'] = min(main_analysis['min_cardinality'], stats['cardinality'])
+ main_analysis['max_cardinality'] = max(main_analysis['max_cardinality'], stats['cardinality'])
+ if len(main_analysis['samples']) < sample_length:
+ #union the two sets, then clip to the sample length - needs to be a list to do this
+ main_analysis['samples'] = set(list(main_analysis['samples'].union(stats['samples']))[:sample_length])
+ #and now subfields. INCEPTION
+ for subfield, substats in stats['subfields'].iteritems():
+ main_sub_analysis = main_analysis['subfields'].get(subfield, {
+ 'count': 0,
+ 'min_cardinality': sys.maxint,
+ 'max_cardinality': 0,
+ 'subfields': {},
+ 'samples': set(),
+ })
+ main_sub_analysis['count'] += substats['cardinality']
+ main_sub_analysis['min_cardinality'] = min(main_sub_analysis['min_cardinality'], substats['cardinality'])
+ main_sub_analysis['max_cardinality'] = max(main_sub_analysis['max_cardinality'], substats['cardinality'])
+ if len(main_sub_analysis['samples']) < sample_length:
+ #union the two sets, then clip to the sample length - needs to be a list to do this
+ main_sub_analysis['samples'] = set(list(main_sub_analysis['samples'].union(substats['samples']))[:sample_length])
+ main_analysis['subfields'][subfield] = main_sub_analysis
+ analysis[tag] = main_analysis
+ return analysis
+def multifile_iter_records(files, sample_length, analysis={}):
+ n = 0
+ for f in files:
+ if not hasattr(f, 'read'):
+ f = open(f)
+ reader = MARCReader(f, to_unicode=True)
+ for record in reader:
+ n += 1
+ if n % 1000 == 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("processed %s records\n" % n)
+ record_analysis = {}
+ fields = record.get_fields()
+ for field in fields:
+ attrdict = record_analysis.get(field.tag, {
+ 'cardinality': 0,
+ 'samples': set(),
+ 'subfields': {},
+ })
+ attrdict['cardinality'] += 1
+ if field.is_control_field():
+ if len(attrdict['samples']) < sample_length:
+ attrdict['samples'].add(field.data)
+ else:
+ for subfield in field.get_subfield_tuples():
+ key =subfield[0]
+ sub_attrdict = attrdict['subfields'].get(key, {
+ 'cardinality': 0,
+ 'samples': set(),
+ })
+ sub_attrdict['cardinality'] += 1
+ if len(sub_attrdict['samples']) < sample_length:
+ sub_attrdict['samples'].add(subfield[1])
+ attrdict['subfields'][key] = sub_attrdict
+ record_analysis[field.tag] = attrdict
+ analysis = _update_analysis(analysis, record_analysis, sample_length)
+ return analysis
+def marcanalyze(files, sample_length=5):
+ """
+ returns a csv of marc keys and analyzed values, showing, for example, how many records exist.
+ ================= ==============================================================
+ Column Description
+ ================= ==============================================================
+ ``tag`` The 3-digit MARC tag.
+ ``subfield`` The single-character subfield.
+ ``tag_meaning`` The English meaning of the tag/subfield, if known.
+ ``record_count`` The number of records that have at least one of these tags.
+ ``min_cardinality`` The minimum number of this tag or subfield that each record has.
+ ``max_cardinality`` The maximum number of this tag or subfield that each record has.
+ ``samples`` Non-repeating sample values of the values of each tag or subfield.
+ ================= ==============================================================
+ """
+ analysis = multifile_iter_records(files, sample_length = sample_length)
+ csv_header=("tag", "subfield", "tag_meaning", "record_count", "min_cardinality", "max_cardinality","samples")
+ writer = UnicodeWriter(sys.stdout)
+ writer.writerow(csv_header)
+ listanalysis = [x for x in analysis.iteritems()]
+ listanalysis.sort()
+ for key, value in listanalysis:
+ v = []
+ v.append(u'"%s"' % key) #tag
+ v.append(u"") # subfield
+ v.append(meaning(key)) #tag_meaning
+ v.append(unicode(value['count'])) #record_count
+ v.append(unicode(value['min_cardinality']))
+ v.append(unicode(value['max_cardinality']))
+ v.append(u"\r\r".join(value['samples']))
+ writer.writerow(v)
+ listanalysis = [x for x in value['subfields'].iteritems()]
+ listanalysis.sort()
+ for subfield, value in listanalysis:
+ v = []
+ v.append("") #tag
+ v.append(subfield) # subfield
+ v.append(meaning(key, subfield)) #tag_meaning
+ v.append(unicode(value['count'])) #record_count
+ v.append(unicode(value['min_cardinality']))
+ v.append(unicode(value['max_cardinality']))
+ v.append(u"\r\r".join(value['samples']))
+ writer.writerow(v)
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/marc/handler.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/marc/handler.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a9a94b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/marc/handler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import sys
+from pymarc import MARCReader
+def multifile_iter_records(files):
+ for f in files:
+ if not hasattr(f, 'read'):
+ f = open(f)
+ reader = MARCReader(f, to_unicode=True)
+ for record in reader:
+ yield record
+class BaseHandler(object):
+ """
+ In subclasses, define
+ pre_harvest
+ a clean(record), which is called with each marc record and returns a dictionary of parameters that could be sent to a model save().
+ post_harvest
+ """
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_separated_subfields(record, tag, subfields, separator=" "):
+ results = []
+ for field in record.get_fields(tag):
+ parts = []
+ for s in subfields:
+ part = field[s]
+ if part:
+ parts.append(part.strip())
+ results.append(separator.join(parts).replace(" :", ":").replace(" ;", ";"))
+ return results
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_formatted_fields(record, tag):
+ return [field.format_field() for field in record.get_fields(tag)]
+ def __init__(self, model, pk="id"):
+ self.model = model
+ self.pk = pk
+ def process(self, files, post_only=False):
+ if not post_only:
+ self.pre_harvest()
+ #this steps through given files, and calls hadle_elem after the end of each element.
+ fails = 0
+ count = 0
+ for record in multifile_iter_records(files):
+ # try:
+ d = self.clean(record)
+ if d is not None:
+ try: #update (deleting from a RDBMS updates FK)
+ q = { self.pk: d[self.pk] }
+ m = self.model.objects.get(**q)
+ del d[self.pk]
+ for k,v in d.items():
+ setattr(m, k, v)
+ m.save()
+ except self.model.DoesNotExist:
+ m = self.model(**d)
+ m.save()
+ count += 1
+ if count % 100 == 0:
+ print "saved %s items" % count
+ else: #d is none (fail)
+ fails += 1
+ if fails % 10 == 0:
+ print "SKIPPED %s items" % fails
+ # except Exception as e:
+ # from pprint import pprint
+ # pprint(record)
+ # print "Cleaned data:"
+ # pprint(d)
+ # pprint(e)
+ # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ # else:
+ # raise e
+ self.post_harvest()
+ def pre_harvest(self):
+ pass
+ def clean(self, record):
+ return None
+ def post_harvest(self):
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/marc/tags.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/marc/tags.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..054b32ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/marc/tags.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+TAGS = {
+ "001": u"Control Number - REQUIRED",
+ "003": u"Control Number Identifier - REQUIRED",
+ "005": u"Date and Time of Latest Transaction - REQUIRED",
+ "008": u"""Fixed - Length Data Elements - REQUIRED\r\n/00 - 05 Date of creation\r\n/06 Type of publication date\r\n/07 - 10 Date 1\r\n/11 - 14 Date 2\r\n/15 - 17 Country of publication code\r\n/35 - 37 Language of publication code""",
+ "020": u"ISBN",
+ "022": u"ISSN",
+ "028": u"Publisher Number",
+ "040": u"Cataloging Agency - REQUIRED",
+ "041": u"Language Codes",
+ "082": u"DDC Call Number",
+ "100": u"Main Entry - Personal Name",
+ "100 $a": u"Personal name",
+ "100 $b": u"Numeration",
+ "100 $c": u"Words associated with a name",
+ "100 $d": u"Dates associated with a name",
+ "110": u"Main Entry - Corporate Name",
+ "111": u"Main Entry - Meeting Name",
+ "111 $a": u"Meeting name entry element",
+ "111 $n": u"Number of meeting",
+ "111 $d": u"Year of meeting",
+ "111 $c": u"Place of meeting",
+ "242": u"Translation of Title",
+ "245": u"Title Statement",
+ "245 $a": u"Title proper",
+ "245 $h": u"General medium designator",
+ "245 $b": u"Other title information",
+ "245 $c": u"Statement of responsibility",
+ "246": u"Variant Title",
+ "247": u"Former Title",
+ "250": u"Edition Statement",
+ "254": u"Musical Presentation Statement",
+ "255": u"Cartographic Mathematical Data",
+ "260": u"Imprint - REQUIRED",
+ "260 $a": u"Place of publication",
+ "260 $b": u"Publisher/distributor",
+ "260 $c": u"Date(s of publication)",
+ "300": u"Physical Description",
+ "300 $a": u"Extent",
+ "300 $b": u"Other physical details",
+ "300 $c": u"Dimensions",
+ "310": u"Current Publication Frequency",
+ "362": u"Dates of Publication and/or Sequential Designation",
+ "440": u"Series Statement",
+ "440 $a": u"Main series title",
+ "440 $x": u"ISSN",
+ "440 $v": u"Volume/sequential designation",
+ "440 $n": u"and $p Subseries number and title",
+ "500": u"General Note",
+ "505": u"Formatted contents note",
+ "520": u"Summary",
+ "600": u"Subject - Personal Name",
+ "600 $a": u"Personal name",
+ "600 $b": u"Numeration",
+ "600 $c": u"Words associated with a name",
+ "600 $d": u"Dates associated with a name",
+ "600 $x": u"General subdivision",
+ "600 $2": u"Source of name",
+ "610": u"Subject - Corporate Name",
+ "610 $a": u"Corporate name entry element",
+ "610 $b": u"Subordinate unit",
+ "610 $x": u"General subdivision",
+ "610 $2": u"Source of name",
+ "611": u"Subject - Meeting Name",
+ "611 $a": u"Meeting name entry element",
+ "611 $n": u"Number of meeting",
+ "611 $d": u"Year of meeting",
+ "611 $c": u"Place of meeting",
+ "611 $x": u"General subdivision",
+ "611 $2": u"Source of name",
+ "630": u"Subject - Uniform Title",
+ "630 $a": u"Uniform title",
+ "630 $x": u"General subdivision",
+ "630 $2": u"Source of name",
+ "650": u"Subject - Topical Term",
+ "650 $a": u"Topical term",
+ "650 $x": u"General subdivision",
+ "650 $2": u"Source of name",
+ "651": u"Subject - Geographic Name",
+ "651 $a": u"Geographic name",
+ "651 $x": u"General subdivision",
+ "651 $2": u"Source of name",
+ "700": u"Personal Name",
+ "700 $a": u"Personal name",
+ "700 $b": u"Numeration",
+ "700 $c": u"Words associated with a name",
+ "700 $d": u"Dates associated with a name",
+ "710": u"Corporate Name",
+ "710 $a": u"Corporate name entry element",
+ "710 $b": u"Subordinate unit",
+ "711": u"Meeting Name",
+ "711 $a": u"Meeting name entry element",
+ "711 $n": u"Number of meeting",
+ "711 $d": u"Year of meeting",
+ "711 $c": u"Place of meeting",
+ "856": u"Electronic Location and Access",
+ "923": u"Local Acquisitions Information",
+ "923 $d": u"Invoice date",
+ "923 $n": u"Invoice number",
+ "923 $s": u"Source code",
+def meaning(tag, subfield=""):
+ if subfield:
+ key = "%s $%s" % (tag, subfield)
+ else:
+ key = tag
+ return TAGS.get(key, u"")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/marc/unicode_csv.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/marc/unicode_csv.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5eb62f02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/marc/unicode_csv.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import csv, codecs, cStringIO
+class UnicodeWriter:
+ """
+ A CSV writer which will write rows to CSV file "f",
+ which is encoded in the given encoding.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, f, dialect=csv.excel, encoding="utf-8", **kwds):
+ # Redirect output to a queue
+ self.queue = cStringIO.StringIO()
+ self.writer = csv.writer(self.queue, dialect=dialect, **kwds)
+ self.stream = f
+ self.encoder = codecs.getincrementalencoder(encoding)()
+ def writerow(self, row):
+ self.writer.writerow([s.encode("utf-8") for s in row])
+ # Fetch UTF-8 output from the queue ...
+ data = self.queue.getvalue()
+ data = data.decode("utf-8")
+ # ... and reencode it into the target encoding
+ data = self.encoder.encode(data)
+ # write to the target stream
+ self.stream.write(data)
+ # empty queue
+ self.queue.truncate(0)
+ def writerows(self, rows):
+ for row in rows:
+ self.writerow(row)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/measurements.py
similarity index 54%
rename from glamkit_collections/utils.py
rename to glamkit_collections/utils/measurements.py
index 1f779fc1..8341115e 100644
--- a/glamkit_collections/utils.py
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/measurements.py
@@ -1,93 +1,8 @@
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-import itertools
import unittest
-from django.utils.functional import allow_lazy
-from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
-from django.utils.text import slugify
-import re
from pyparsing import Optional, nums, Word, ParseException, Group
-import six
-from unidecode import unidecode
-def wikipedia_slugify(value, do_unidecode=False):
- """
- Converts to ASCII via unidecode.
- Converts spaces to underscore.
- Removes characters that
- aren't alphanumerics, underscores, or hyphens.
- Preserve case.
- Also strips leading and trailing whitespace.
- """
- if do_unidecode:
- value = unidecode(value)
- value = value.strip()
- return mark_safe(re.sub('[\s/#\?:@]+', '_', value))
-wikipedia_slugify = allow_lazy(wikipedia_slugify, six.text_type)
-def alt_slugify(value):
- if value and value.strip():
- return re.sub('[-_]', '', slugify(unicode(unidecode(value))))
- else:
- return ""
-alt_slugify = allow_lazy(alt_slugify, six.text_type)
-def ensure_unique(qs, field_name, value, exclude_id=None):
- """
- Makes sure that `value` is unique on model.fieldname. And nonempty.
- """
- orig = value
- if not value:
- value = "None"
- for x in itertools.count(1):
- if not qs.exclude(id=exclude_id).filter(**{field_name: value}).exists():
- break
- if orig:
- value = '%s-%d' % (orig, x)
- else:
- value = '%d' % x
- return value
-def strip_parens(s):
- result = re.sub(r'^\(', '', s)
- result = re.sub(r'\)$', '', result)
- return result
-def ndashify(s):
- """replace ' - ' with an n-dash character"""
- return re.sub(r' - ', u'–', unicode(s))
-def fix_line_breaks(s):
- """
- Convert \r\n and \r to \n chars. Strip any leading or trailing whitespace
- on each line. Remove blank lines.
- """
- l = s.splitlines()
- x = [i.strip() for i in l]
- x = [i for i in x if i] # remove blank lines
- return "\n".join(x)
-def strip_line_breaks(s):
- """
- Remove \r and \n chars, replacing with a space. Strip leading/trailing
- whitespace on each line. Remove blank lines.
- """
- return re.sub(r'[\r\n ]+', ' ', s).strip()
-def remove_url_breaking_chars(s):
- r = re.sub(r'[\?#&/]', '', s)
- return r.strip()
# oh yay we need parsers for imperial units. Thanks Obama.
INTEGER = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda t: [int(t[0])])
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/slugs.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/slugs.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f940a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/slugs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+import itertools
+from django.utils.functional import allow_lazy
+from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
+from django.utils.text import slugify
+import re
+import six
+from unidecode import unidecode
+def wikipedia_slugify(value, do_unidecode=False):
+ """
+ Converts to ASCII via unidecode.
+ Converts spaces to underscore.
+ Removes characters that
+ aren't alphanumerics, underscores, or hyphens.
+ Preserve case.
+ Also strips leading and trailing whitespace.
+ """
+ if do_unidecode:
+ value = unidecode(value)
+ value = value.strip()
+ return mark_safe(re.sub('[\s/#\?:@]+', '_', value))
+wikipedia_slugify = allow_lazy(wikipedia_slugify, six.text_type)
+def alt_slugify(value):
+ """
+ More extreme version of slugify, unidecoding, and removing hyphens.
+ Useful for fallback slug values.
+ """
+ if value and value.strip():
+ return re.sub('[-_]', '', slugify(unicode(unidecode(value))))
+ else:
+ return ""
+alt_slugify = allow_lazy(alt_slugify, six.text_type)
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/__init__.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/handler.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/handler.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a30527c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/handler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+from lxml import etree
+from lxml.cssselect import CSSSelector
+from lib.constants import BREAK, DO_NOT_DISCARD
+import sys
+from lib.iterxml import multifile_iter_elems
+from lib.files import File
+def node(selector, kallable, **kwargs):
+ return {
+ 'selector': selector,
+ 'callable': kallable,
+ 'kwargs': kwargs,
+ }
+class BaseHandler(object):
+ """
+ In subclasses, define nodes, mapping of CSS-style selectors to callables:
+ nodes = (
+ node('topElement > Organisation', org_callable, **kwargs),
+ node('topElement > Person[id="person-345"]', person_345_callable, **kwargs),
+ node('topElement > Work', work_callable, **kwargs),
+ ...
+ )
+ Only the value of the *final* matching callable is returned to the parent, so normally you want to do saving.
+ Define pre_ and post_harvest handlers if you need. The post_harvest handler in particular should operate on as few records as possible, in order to make incremental changes feasible. (pre_ and post_harvest handlers quite often call similarly-named handlers in callable classes).
+ Then call .process(files). Every time a selector is matched (in top-to-bottom order), the elem, and kwargs, will be passed to the corresponding callable.
+ Each callable should:
+ 1) handle the contents of XML elem.
+ 2) Log for itself that the handle has happened (e.g. for post-batch-handle cleaning, etc).
+ 3) Return constants.DO_NOT_DISCARD if the memory taken by this elem is NOT to be freed up after the callable is called - ie another handler should run on the same data.
+ """
+ def _make_handler_list(self):
+ self.HANDLERS = []
+ for node in self.handle_nodes:
+ #CSSSelector() compiles into XPath
+ namespaces = getattr(self, 'namespaces', {})
+ try:
+ self.HANDLERS.append(
+ (
+ CSSSelector(node['selector'], namespaces=namespaces),
+ node['callable'], node['kwargs']
+ )
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ from pprint import pprint as pp; import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._make_handler_list()
+ def handle_elem(self, elem):
+ root = elem.getroottree().getroot()
+ #Do the cleaning
+ for selector, kallable, kwargs in self.HANDLERS:
+ # get the elems that match this selector (as loaded into the root so far)
+ if elem in selector(root):
+ x = kallable(elem, **kwargs)
+ if x is not None and x & BREAK:
+ break
+ return x
+ def process(self, files, post_only=False, encoding=None):
+ if not post_only:
+ self.pre_harvest()
+ #this steps through given files, and calls hadle_elem after the end of each element.
+ multifile_iter_elems(files, callable_start=None, callable_end=self.handle_elem, encoding=encoding)
+ self.post_harvest()
+ def pre_harvest(self):
+ pass
+ def post_harvest(self):
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/__init__.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/analyze.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/analyze.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a374b1b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/analyze.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+from pprint import pprint
+import sys
+import csv
+csv_header=("path", "min_cardinality", "max_cardinality","samples", "attributes")
+from iterxml import multifile_iter_elems
+from utils import remove_ns, get_path
+def _get_children_from_analysis(path, analysis):
+ keys = analysis.keys()
+ for k in keys:
+ if k.startswith(path) and k != path: # k is a decendent, but not necessarily a child.
+ if len(k[len(path):].split('.')) == 2: #it's a child ['', 'child']
+ yield k
+def analyze_start(elem, analysis, sample_length):
+ path = get_path(elem)
+ if not analysis.has_key(path):
+ analysis[path] = {
+ 'cardinality_current': 0,
+ 'cardinality_min': sys.maxint,
+ 'cardinality_max': 0,
+ 'values': set(),
+ 'attributes': {},
+ }
+ analysis[path]['cardinality_current'] += 1
+ #maintain max
+ if analysis[path]['cardinality_current'] > analysis[path]['cardinality_max']:
+ analysis[path]['cardinality_max'] = analysis[path]['cardinality_current']
+ #attributes
+ for attr in elem.keys():
+ av = analysis[path]['attributes'].get(attr, set())
+ if len(av) < sample_length:
+ av.add(elem.get(attr))
+ analysis[path]['attributes'][attr] = av
+def analyze_end(elem, analysis, sample_length):
+ path = get_path(elem)
+ # maintain min
+ for c in _get_children_from_analysis(path, analysis):
+ if analysis[c]['cardinality_current'] < analysis[c]['cardinality_min']:
+ analysis[c]['cardinality_min'] = analysis[c]['cardinality_current']
+ analysis[c]['cardinality_current'] = 0
+ # sample values
+ if len(analysis[path]['values']) < sample_length:
+ try:
+ v = elem.text.strip()
+ if v:
+ analysis[path]['values'].add(v)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+def _attributestring(attrdict):
+ ss = []
+ for key, value in attrdict.iteritems():
+ s = "%s = (\"%s\")" % (remove_ns(key), "\", \"".join(value))
+ ss.append(s)
+ return "\r\n\r\n".join(ss)
+def xmlanalyze(files, sample_length=5):
+ """ returns a csv of xml paths and analyzed values, showing, for example, how many records exist for every path in an xml file """
+ analysis = {}
+ multifile_iter_elems(files, analyze_start, analyze_end, sample_length=sample_length, analysis=analysis)
+ writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
+ writer.writerow(csv_header)
+ listanalysis = [x for x in analysis.iteritems()]
+ listanalysis.sort()
+ for key, value in listanalysis:
+ v = []
+ v.append(key) #path
+ if value['cardinality_min'] == sys.maxint: #top-level nodes do this.
+ value['cardinality_min'] = value['cardinality_max']
+ v.append(value['cardinality_min'])
+ v.append(value['cardinality_max'])
+ v.append("\r\r".join(value['values']))
+ v.append(_attributestring(value['attributes']))
+ writer.writerow(v)
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/constants.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/constants.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..811c2b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/constants.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+DISCARD_AFTER = 1 #None will work too
+BREAK = 4
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/files.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/files.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73ebf652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/files.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# A file-like object that cleans up each line, if necessary.
+# This is useful if your xml file declares utf-8 and yet there are iso values in the actual file
+# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2352840/parsing-broken-xml-with-lxml-etree-iterparse
+class File(object):
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ self.f = open(filename, 'rt')
+ def read(self, size=None):
+ return self.f.next() #.replace('\x1e', '').replace('some other bad character...' ,'')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/iterxml.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/iterxml.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0789c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/iterxml.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+A pattern for iterating through a list of XML files, calling a callable at the start and end of each elem, and freeing up the memory used by that elem endwards.
+If callable returns constants.DO_NOT_DISCARD, then the memory is NOT freed up.
+ iter_elems(path_to_xml, callable_start, callable_end, start_args, start_kwargs, end_args, end_kwargs)
+or, for several XML files:
+ multifile_iter_elems(paths_to_xmls, callable_start, callable_end, start_args, start_kwargs, end_args, end_kwargs)
+from lxml import etree
+from constants import BREAK, DISCARD_AFTER
+import sys
+from files import File
+def _fast_iter(context, callable_start, callable_end, *args, **kwargs):
+ _iter_count = kwargs.pop('_iter_count', 0)
+ for event, elem in context:
+ if _iter_count >= SKIP_UNTIL:
+ if event=="start":
+ status = callable_start(elem, *args, **kwargs)
+ elif event=="end":
+ status = callable_end(elem, *args, **kwargs)
+ if status is not None and status & BREAK:
+ break
+ if event=="end":
+ if status is None or status & DISCARD_AFTER:
+ elem.clear()
+ while elem.getprevious() is not None: #delete parent if I am the last item.
+ del elem.getparent()[0]
+ _iter_count += 1
+ if _iter_count % 10000 == 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("processing %s elements...\n" % _iter_count)
+ # Work around bug #1185701 by bailing out after the end of the document root.
+ if elem.getparent() is None:
+ break
+ del context
+ return _iter_count
+def iter_elems(xml_file, callable_start, callable_end, encoding=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ kwargs['_iter_count'] = kwargs.get('_iter_count', 0)
+ events = []
+ if callable_start is not None:
+ events.append('start')
+ if callable_end is not None:
+ events.append('end')
+ context = etree.iterparse(xml_file, events=events, encoding=encoding)
+ return _fast_iter(context, callable_start, callable_end, *args, **kwargs)
+def multifile_iter_elems(xml_files, callable_start, callable_end, encoding=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ _iter_count = 0
+ for f in xml_files:
+ sys.stderr.write("===\nprocessing file %s\n===\n" % f)
+ kwargs['_iter_count'] = _iter_count
+ _iter_count = iter_elems(f, callable_start, callable_end, encoding, *args, **kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/utils.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8cf31493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import re
+NS_RE = re.compile(r"\{.*?\}")
+def remove_ns(tag):
+ return re.sub(NS_RE, "", tag)
+def get_path(elem, separator="."):
+ an = elem.iterancestors()
+ anlist = [remove_ns(e.tag) for e in an]
+ anlist.reverse()
+ anlist += [remove_ns(elem.tag)]
+ return separator.join(anlist)
+camelcase_to_underscore = lambda str: re.sub('(((?<=[a-z])[A-Z])|([A-Z](?![A-Z]|$)))', '_\\1', str).lower().strip('_')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/xml2dict.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/xml2dict.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b5d2321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/lib/xml2dict.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+from utils import remove_ns, camelcase_to_underscore
+def xml2dict(tag):
+ r = {}
+ #value
+ # tag.text is None, for empty tags.
+ if tag.text is not None:
+ v = tag.text.strip()
+ r['_value'] = v
+ #attributes
+ if tag.keys():
+ r['_attributes'] = {}
+ for k in tag.keys():
+ _k = remove_ns(k)
+ _k = camelcase_to_underscore(_k)
+ r['_attributes'][_k] = tag.get(k)
+ for child in tag.getchildren():
+ ctag = remove_ns(child.tag)
+ ctag = camelcase_to_underscore(ctag)
+ #assuming every child is potentially a list
+ l = r.get(ctag, [])
+ l.append(xml2dict(child))
+ r[ctag] = l
+ return r
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/processors/__init__.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/processors/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0e73fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/processors/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from base import *
+from mongo import *
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/processors/base.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/processors/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6b67330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/processors/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import sys
+__all__ = ['BaseProcessor', 'DebugProcessor']
+class BaseProcessor(object):
+ def __call__(self, tag):
+ raise NotImplemented("Subclasses of BaseSaver need to implement __call__().")
+class DebugProcessor(BaseProcessor):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def __call__(self, tag):
+ sys.stderr.write("Fake saving %s\n" % (tag, ))
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/processors/django.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/processors/django.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d1db1f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/processors/django.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+from base import BaseProcessor
+from ..lib.xml2dict import xml2dict
+import sys
+__all__ = ['DjangoSaver',]
+class DjangoSaver(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Convert XML to dict, clean dict, then put that dict into a django model instance and save it.
+ You'll want to override 'clean', and return the kwargs for the model instance creation.
+ We force the use of 'id' for PK.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, model):
+ self.model = model
+ self.count = 0
+ self.fails = 0
+ def clean(self, attribs):
+ return attribs
+ def __call__(self, tag):
+ u = xml2dict(tag)
+ d = self.clean(u)
+ try:
+ if d is not None:
+ try: #update (deleting from a RDBMS updates FK)
+ m = self.model.objects.get(pk=d['id'])
+ del d['id']
+ for k,v in d.items():
+ setattr(m, k, v)
+ m.save()
+ except self.model.DoesNotExist:
+ m = self.model(**d)
+ m.save()
+ self.count += 1
+ if self.count % 100 == 0:
+ print "saved %s items" % self.count
+ else: #d is none (fail)
+ self.fails += 1
+ if self.fails % 10 == 0:
+ print "SKIPPED %s items" % self.fails
+ except Exception as e:
+ from pprint import pprint
+ pprint(e)
+ pprint(u)
+ pprint(d)
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ else:
+ raise e
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/processors/mongo.py b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/processors/mongo.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e08e264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glamkit_collections/utils/xml/processors/mongo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+from base import BaseProcessor
+from ..lib.xml2dict import xml2dict
+import sys
+__all__ = ['MongoSaver',]
+class MongoSaver(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Convert XML to dict, clean dict, then put that dict into a mongo document instance and save it.
+ You'll want to override 'clean', and return the kwargs for the document instance creation.
+ We force the use of 'id' for PK.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, model):
+ self.model = model
+ self.count = 0
+ self.fails = 0
+ def clean(self, attribs):
+ return attribs
+ def __call__(self, tag):
+ u = xml2dict(tag)
+ d = self.clean(u)
+ try:
+ if d is not None:
+ # try:
+ # self.model.objects.get(id=d['id'])
+ # except self.model.DoesNotExist:
+ # pass
+ m = self.model(**d)
+ m.save()
+ self.count += 1
+ if self.count % 100 == 0:
+ print "saved %s items" % self.count
+ else: #d is none (fail)
+ self.fails += 1
+ if self.fails % 10 == 0:
+ print "SKIPPED %s items" % self.fails
+ except Exception as e:
+ from pprint import pprint
+ print "Exception e"
+ pprint(e)
+ print "XML2Dict u"
+ pprint(u)
+ print "Cleaned dictionary d"
+ pprint(d)
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ else:
+ raise e
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index d83a4012..8d7efbdd 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -169,7 +169,13 @@ def find_packages(*paths):
# Disable as it's devpi-only
# 'colorweave==0.1+0.ce27c83b4e06a8185531538fa11c18c5ea2c1aba.ixc',
- ]
+ ],
+ 'import_marc': [
+ 'pymarc',
+ ],
+ 'import_xml': [
+ 'lxml',
+ ],